aroobachoudary Arooba Choudary


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aroobachoudary 4 år, 11 måneder siden
Was that enough? A speech?? Yes We showed the world that we are peace loving country but is that it? Is that so they take this as our weakness? They aren't listening ? are they? So Now its time to speak Loud and hard? as You said Prime Minster we are Muslims we Believe in Allah and we don't afraid of death. Why are we silent its been to long now. I am not in favor of war all my posts on my ID you can witness but its not a war. Its Jihad for freedom of our brothers and sister in Kashmir. Its time to be a beacon of light for others. Now Mr PM is time to make the history.
aroobachoudary 6 år siden
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I still go with my peek speed for what I want to achieve it is necessary to keep pushing myself hard for what I am trying is very important for me to push hard I a do it for it.
aroobachoudary 6 år, 1 måned siden
I always do think about giving about second chance. We all do make mistakes in our lives some mistakes are small enough to be forgiven but some are not. But what if we have done something very wrong like no way back kind of point. All of us want a second chance to move on. So if you can someone a second chance do it. May be it would change there lives.
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