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Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …


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James Joyce - Ulysses
Young shouts of moneyed voices in Clive Kempthorpe's rooms. Palefaces: they hold their ribs with laughter, one clasping another. O, I shall expire! Break the news to her gently, Aubrey! I shall die! With slit ribbons of his shirt whipping the air he hops and hobbles round the table, with trousers down at heels, chased by Ades of Magdalen with the tailor's shears. A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade. I don't want to be debagged! Don't you play the giddy ox with me!

Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.

W. Kamau Bell (Stand-up comic and television host) - The Ezra Klein Show, W. Kamau Bell on the lessons of parenthood...
I can name my friends, Mike and Kate, who don't have kids, and they just talk about going home and watching Netflix, and I'm like, "Do that thing, don't feel like a less productive member of society because you have free time and get lots of sleep." And I think that when people have kids they tend to make people who are sort of enjoying their lives feel guilty about that. And I really feel like: "No!"

Francis R. Conolly - JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
We dedicate this film to all lovers of liberty and justice and to all those who strive to seek truth, wisdom and beauty. The few who do not follow these ideals are on a personal path of self destruction, it is up to each one of us to see they don't take us with them on their course of inevitability.

Nalle Puh
Puh såg på sina två tassar. Han visste, att en av dem var den högra, och han visste, att när man hade beslutat sig för vilken som var den högra, så var den andra den vänstra, men han kunde aldrig komma ihåg, hur man skulle börja.

Nalle Puh
När du trillar ner på någon räcker det inte att säga att du inte kunde hjälpa det, när allt kommer omkring kunde han förmodligen inte heller hjälpa att han hamnade under dig.

Nalle Puh
När man är en björn med en mycket liten hjärna och tänker ut saker, upptäcker man att en idé som verkade vara riktigt idéaktig inne i hjärnan, är annorlunda när den kommer ut i det fria och andra människor ser på.

Anaïs Nin
Väldigt få människor kommer fram till sin sanning genom plötslig insikt. De flesta får den bit för bit, i liten skala, genom utveckling allteftersom, som när man lägger ett svårt pussel.

Anaïs Nin
Livet är en blivande-process, en kombination av de tillstånd vi ska gå igenom. Det folk gör fel är att de vill välja ett tillstånd och blir kvar i det. Detta innebär en slags död.

Anaïs Nin
Oro är den största kärleksdödaren. Den får en att känna som om en man, som håller på att drunkna, klänger sig fast vid en. Du vill rädda honom, men du vet samtidigt att han genom sin panik kommer att dra dig med.

Anaïs Nin
Kärleken dör aldrig en naturlig död. Den dör därför att vi inte vet hur vi ska föra nytt vatten till dess källa, den dör av blindhet och misstag och svek. Den dör av sjukdomar och sår, den dör av trötthet. Den blir sjuk, anlupen, men den dör aldrig en naturlig död. Alla skulle kunna anklagas för mordet på sin egen kärlek.

Steve McConnell - Code Complete
The comparison between the wave theories of sound and light was so productive that scientists spent a great deal of effort looking for a medium that would propagate light the way air propagates sound. They even gave it a name, "ether," but they never found the medium. The analogy that had been so fruitful in some ways proved to be misleading in this case.

Frankie Boyle - Offence and Free Speech
It's a feature of late capitalism that we get a lot of information thrown at us, and we have to make snap decisions and form strong opinions without really knowing anything. Sure, if our football club buys a new centre half we might do a bit of research. But often we're just being asked if we should bomb Syria or not, and we're busy, and we just have to say fuck it, yeah, my mate Gavin's in the army, so yeah.

Malcolm X - Autobiography of Malcolm X
All I remember is that during some party around this time, when nearly everyone but me was up dancing, some girl grabbed me - they often would take the initiative and grab a partner, for no girl at those parties ever would dream that anyone present couldn't dance - and there I was out on the floor. I was up in the jostling crowd - and suddenly, unexpectedly, I got the idea. It was as though somebody had clicked on a light. My long-suppressed African instincts broke through, and loose.

George R. R. Martin
How many children did Scarlett O'Hara have? Three, in the novel. One, in the movie. None, in real life: she was a fictional character, she never existed. The show is the show, the books are the books; two different tellings of the same story.

Gordon D. Logan, Matthew J. C. Crump - The Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Hand Is Doing
A world-famous rock guitarist, legendary for his dazzling speed and virtuosity, was once asked how he played so quickly. He said, "They asked me what I was doing, and I said I don't know. Then I started looking and it got confusing."

Dave Ramsey - The Dave Ramsey Show 20160530
People change their lives when they finally say "I've had it!" That's when you lose weight; not when your wife wants you to; not when your husband wants you to; not when your mother badgers you. You lose weight when you finally say "I've had it." Do you know when you'll become a great husband? Only when you finally go "I'm gonna do what it takes, I've had it." Do you know when your kids will straighten up? When you look at them and say "I've had it," and you mean it.

Moder Theresa
Det finns en stor hunger efter kärlek. Det får vi alla uppleva i livet, smärtan, ensamheten. Då behöver vi modet att känna igen den. Den fattige kan finnas i din egen familj. Hitta dem, älska dem...

Moder Theresa
När en fattig människa dör av hunger är det inte för att Gud inte tog hand om denne. Det hände därför att varken du eller jag gav den personen vad den behövde. Calcutta finns överallt i världen om du kan se med dina ögon...

Moder Theresa
Jag har alltid sagt att vi ska hjälpa en hindu att bli en bättre hindu, en muslim att bli en bättre muslim och en katolik att bli en bättre katolik... Istället för att omvända.