Dreams of the Future - RowanCAMINODorris

This quote додав(ла) sugarpuff
In the future will there be robotic plants? In the future will there be robotic chairs, robotic pencils? In the future will there be pets that we can love and cherish? In the future will there be a single child born, who does not get everything they want? Is the future really a thing that we want to grow up in?

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jiggalee 149.28 98.1%
hiramisu 124.02 94.5%
marchtoglory 120.84 95.4%
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strikeemblem 116.45 96.3%
jacqueline1234 112.87 95.1%
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user660825 109.79 97.5%
user90997 100.70 94.8%

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shang88 84.04 97.8%
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