gtrreaper43 Patrick Mollohan

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Ранг 244111 / 331718
Кількість ігор 756
Найкраща гра 55.03
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Швидкість за весь час 25.55
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Швидкість виражена в Слів за хвилину (Слів за хвилину).
Точність вказує на те, наскільки точно ви вводите під час тесту на набір тексту. 100% означає 0 помилок.


maxlucetyping 5 років, 7 місяців тому
why can't you type good? Just move your fingers it is not that hard dude.
maxlucetyping 5 років, 7 місяців тому
You're so bad at typing kid.
mollohan_hannah 5 років, 7 місяців тому
cars have nothing to do with anything. tf you'd even bring that up for
weesin 5 років, 7 місяців тому
I think you have some seious mental health issues my young friend

And you say seriously random things....what does it matter if my son knows about cars or not? What does that have to do with the conversation at all?
gtrreaper43 5 років, 7 місяців тому
Yeah I'ma little immature but dammit I'm pretty sure your teenager doesn't know shit when it comes to cars or when it comes to the fact that when people get bullied help them out.
gtrreaper43 5 років, 7 місяців тому
All right fine what I said was immature. The reason why I said it was because I don't like it when people bully others and I just wanna help those who are getting bullied that's all.
weesin 5 років, 7 місяців тому
I noticed your little submission where you whine about people criticizing other people's quotes. Do know that the people who make these comments also post just as many positive and encouraging comments to quotes.....quotes that are thoughtful, properly written or otherwise engaging. Perhaps the problem lies with the morons who post shitty quotes, not with the users who are stuck typing these shitty quotes, become frustrated and feel compelled to post a critical comment. You sound like my teenager...he'll do something stupid and I'll call him on it....he gets all pouty and moody about it....but at least he's mature enough to eventually realize that if he doesn't want his actions questioned or criticized, he should re-examine his actions.

Your sister seems to have been able to mature and grow as a person....maybe you should make a similar effort
gtrreaper43 5 років, 8 місяців тому
And typing is not my strong suit
gtrreaper43 5 років, 8 місяців тому
Okay that was because I was protecting my sister but they forgave each other and it is in the past
maxlucetyping 5 років, 8 місяців тому
dude I would never have even looked at your page if you didn't go on people like Weesins page and write random annoying spam.

Останні тести на набір тексту

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Iroh - Avatar the Last Airbender 25.93 94.8% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
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Unknown 34.32 92.1% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Robin Williams 35.63 95.7% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Patrick Rothfuss 36.89 96.7% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Andy Weir 28.90 94.4% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Duke - Channing Tatum 32.52 90.3% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Adam Sheffield 33.26 94.0% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Emmeline Pankhurst 33.84 93.7% 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Останній вхід 5 років, 3 місяці тому
Дата реєстрації 5 років, 9 місяців тому
Клавіатура / Ноутбук Apple
Відображення клавіатури QWERTY
Використання комп'ютера 0-4 годин / день
Цитати 5



