kiriiya noname

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Ранг 5254 / 331689
Кількість ігор 4406
Найкраща гра 130.85
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Стара швидкість
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Швидкість за весь час 95.07
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Швидкість виражена в Слів за хвилину (Слів за хвилину).
Точність вказує на те, наскільки точно ви вводите під час тесту на набір тексту. 100% означає 0 помилок.


left-over 3 роки тому
For the short time that I've been here, I have only stumbled upon contemptuous comments from you. Maybe it's just out of chance or something but it's understandable that some people may take offense to those comments especially if it's directed towards them. Other than that I honestly quite like this website and I'm interested to hear what people have to say. How about maybe forgetting about all the toxicity and raise the wholesomeness a little since after all it's only a typing website even though it's more like a stress relief/meditative hobby for me :)
kiriiya 3 роки тому
It seems that there are just so many angy little men that need an authority figure in life...

zhang 3 роки тому
why is this message wall so dramatic
azboy11 3 роки тому
how did you find my profile lol
kiriiya 3 роки тому
It seems that you're clearly not "done" being butthurt :)

Also, who on Earth says "You're done" to someone?? 3 роки, 1 місяць тому
I'm not gonna reply to any of your cancer but the only thing is that I hope that I meet you someday. You're trying so hard to act tough and to be condescending but at least when I see you I'd be able to see if you can maintain this facade. You're the most hypocritical, egotistical and self-absorbed person I've ever unfortunately had the chance of talking to. Shame on you. You're done.
kiriiya 3 роки, 1 місяць тому
No, the secret is flipping your spacebar! 3 роки, 1 місяць тому
Mechanical keyboards aren't necessarily what make your speed fast. Like I'm just using a simple cheap knock off "surface" keyboard and I'm feeling much more comfortable with it than mechanical keyboards. Your speed and progress depends on your methods of practice and comfort. I think I might've written some things in my profile which you might find helpful.
kyledes 3 роки, 1 місяць тому
That's an impression... ... Anyhow, I think I figured out what "black" means. Among mechanical keyboards, there are black, blue, brown, clear, and red switches. "Black" is probably preferable, in terms of feel, which could be good for touch typing, for acquiring muscle memory. Me, I am using the blue switch. It is too light! And I am probably using it the wrong way because I don't depend on the built-in "click" for the touch feel, but I still depend on the cap hitting the bottom heavily as feedback, as if black. That's why my progress is so poor. The keyboard is to be blamed! Meanwhile, mechanical keyboards are Axpensive. And that's why I stick to what I bought, and do not switch the switches...
kyledes 3 роки, 1 місяць тому
sit down butthurt little man!

Останні тести на набір тексту

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (The English dubbed version) 106.94 98.7% 1 тиждень, 6 днів тому
Chris Cleave 106.49 97.9% 4 тижні тому
Slipknot 97.65 96.4% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
michael schur probably 108.45 98.6% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Me to You 102.98 96.0% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
GROMACS 91.03 95.0% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Anonymous 114.53 98.2% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Unknown Quote 97.64 94.9% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Ashley 120.95 100% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Michael Westen, Burn Notice 103.98 96.6% 1 місяць, 1 тиждень тому
Останній вхід 4 місяці, 1 тиждень тому
Дата реєстрації 5 років, 4 місяці тому
Клавіатура / Ноутбук N/A
Відображення клавіатури QWERTY
Використання комп'ютера Too many годин / день
Цитати 1



