user106417 knox bit


Ранг 332356 / 332359
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Ще немає ігор
In recent years, whether .. have caused numerous controversies and drawn the attention of the public. Some people insist that .., and I approve of this viewpoint for individual and educational reasons.

First and foremost, it has been argued that the individual reason is why I think it is necessary for ...Though the potentially negative impacts of .. must be taken into account, I still reckon that .. can bring many benefits to our daily lives. For instance, a well-known American educationist once said that .. could make our lives more efficient.

Furthermore, the educational reason is another factor that should be considered, which, in other words, ... As far as education institutions are concerned, the ultimate goal is to shape students into responsible individuals in the future. Therefore, .. plays a significant role in our whole society. For example, a recent study published in the Journal of Education revealed that more than half of people think the government should value the importance of education for sustainability and provide more financial support.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that an informed public has more advantages than disadvantages. To address this issue, individuals and society should make a concerted effort.
Останній вхід 11 місяців тому
Дата реєстрації 11 місяців тому
Клавіатура / Ноутбук Microsoft
Відображення клавіатури QWERTY
Використання комп'ютера 0-4 годин / день
Цитати 0



