
Ранг 331819 / 331822
Кількість ігор 0
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Швидкість виражена в Слів за хвилину (Слів за хвилину).
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Останні тести на набір тексту

Ще немає ігор
Manpower Mobilization Status - Trade wise & Location wise Equipment Mobilization - Detail (Night- Shift) Progress Report Overall Cumulative Progress Summary Progress Report of Modular Workshops - Camp & GAC office EHSS - Site Readiness Samsung Engineering (Mr. Ukjoo Lee / Field Control Manager) Gulf Asia (GAC) (Mr. Prasanth Selvarajan / Project Control Manager) Report Issue Date BUILDING SITE PROGRESS Productivity Pkg. Forklift Street light pole Installation Site Survey Work Firefighting Work at above ground Offloading Works at Store UG line Excavation -Sewage, Electrical Line Piping work at Potable and fire Water Tank Temporary Storage tank plastering Work Welfare Facilities Warehouse Fire water tank installation work Mess Hall tent MEP & AC installation works Pipe fab shop foundation concrete Paving, Structural work & UG Cable laying & Scaffolding reaction work Pipe support fab Shop DB installation Work Process area main pipe rack West side UG Piping fabrication fitup & welding Utility area Equipment Foundation Concrete pouring work Occupation Building Foundation Work PROGRESS REPORT - RLP ETHYLENE PLANT PROJECT DAILY PRODUCTION REPORT - CAMP MODULAR WORKSHOP (KOYEE) Training – Site EHSS orientation, In house Training, craft skill Training, Defensive Driving Training, Confined space training, Hydro/Pneumatic Training Chemical Handling ,CEMP Training awareness TBM Formats – Pre job meetings, Critical Checklist (CCL), Weekly Tool Box Meeting, Small Pre-Construction Meeting (SPCM) All work-related sign boards, EHSS Safety awareness bulletin boards (IIF Bords), SAY Awareness Sign boards To perform de watering of ground water to existing RLIC ditch from evaporation pond located at west side of E3 LOT modification of existing fence for dewatering setup arrengement . As per attachede -RLPP -E3 -LOT area -24 hr pipe cutting grinding , fitup and welding,NDE piping activity,scaffolding erection , dismantling and modification,manual material shifting,house keeping,holiday testing,using holiday detector,pipe cutting using gas cutting set,field join wrapping,all activity inside the trench Electrical work -conduting ,cable laying,wiring,light fixing,db fixing ,glanding and termination,DG energisation , DG instalation,sevrvicing of DG ,panel instalation,trouble shooting of DG and panel,electrical material loading and unloading ,tower light repairing excavation of sumpit ,excavation of pipe rack,excavation of equipment foundation,soil loading,back filling,compaction,rock breaking,form work,rebar fixing,concrete pouring,concrete curing,wood cutting ,rebar cuttig,pipe cutting,embedded work,bituminos coating ,chipping , FDT chipping,water transfer ,house keeping To carried out fire water line cathodic anodic excavation work for mechanical excavation, earth cable laying and manual excavation work and pvc conduit pipe install work cable drum loading, unloading work
Останній вхід 4 місяці, 1 тиждень тому
Дата реєстрації 4 місяці, 1 тиждень тому
Клавіатура / Ноутбук HP
Відображення клавіатури QWERTY
Використання комп'ютера 0-4 годин / день
Цитати 0



