user107756 Khosa 01


Ранг 331805 / 331808
Кількість ігор 0
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Швидкість виражена в Слів за хвилину (Слів за хвилину).
Точність вказує на те, наскільки точно ви вводите під час тесту на набір тексту. 100% означає 0 помилок.


Останні тести на набір тексту

Ще немає ігор
In an age of fierce competition among computer companies for consumer dollars, a company's success often comes down to how well they treat their clients. Creating a great product and getting it into the hands of clients is only one part of the picture. A real measure of a company is how well they take care of the client after the product is purchased. If something were to go wrong with that product, to where should the consumer turn? While client service methods vary between companies, a successful company answers this question by creating a technical support team. Over a number of years, technical support has grown with the business community, becoming the backbone of many companies. With the advent of the internet, good, fast technical support has become a necessity. To that end, clients are often able to contact live online help twenty-four hours a day to get answers online at the Frequently Asked Questions resource page found on many companies' websites. By treating the client well, asking the right questions, and solving problems for the client, the technician is the first line of defense against an unhappy client. Without these devoted men and women, it would be hard to give clients the attention they need and the care they deserve. Investing in a good support team will enrich your relationships with your clients as well as provide you with a resource for product upgrades, placing your company head and shoulders above the rest.
Останній вхід 3 місяці, 3 тижні тому
Дата реєстрації 3 місяці, 4 тижні тому
Клавіатура / Ноутбук HP
Відображення клавіатури QWERTY
Використання комп'ютера 0-4 годин / день
Цитати 0



