user108579 Prabhu Goud


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One of the two friends, who seeded the idea of writing the History of Telangana Movement in my mind Ashtakale Ram Mohan Rao (Editor, Telangana Patrika). From the very first issue of this Telugu monthly published on behalf of the Government he involved me in writing the history of Telangitis Movement as a colunin titled "Vileenam Nunchi Vibhajana Daka Another friend of mine Ghunta Chakmpan, before asuming the charge as the Chairman of the TSPSC advised me to being the history of Telangana Mevernent in the book form. This history of the movements of Telangana which is in your hands is the outcome of their advise. While this book was being written the TSPSC released the syllabus for conducting the Group I and II Examinations

I was advised by some of my friends in the Teaching faculty to systamatize the history as per the syllabus, so that lakhs of students preparing for the examination would be benefitted. The movements and struggles of the past decade are not recorded in the form of a comprehensive book

Mulki Movement was initiated again in 1968, Since then the issue continued till KCR started hunger strike on 14th February in 2009, meanwhile many struggles continued for about 140 years. The higher courts released contradictory verdicts several times on Mulki Rules. Not a single comprehensive book is available to understand the Mulki Rules issue and its various consequences.

The situation under which the 1969 movement erupted, the historical importance of the separatist movement of that time was also not recorded in the form of a book (Adiraju Venkateshwar Rao provided some information). We were forced to believe that the news published in the news papers published by Andhra Managements as the history. As the papers propagated Dr. Chenna Reddy, veteran Telangana leader as a traitor of Telangana people began to think so. Due to such mis-propaganda the realities were left unexposed.

The foundations for the second phase of the movement were laid in 1985-88. Anumber of organisations came into existence between 1985-87. The MLAs of Telangana reproached the Government on the injustices done to Telangana. All these are not recorded in the history.

Except a few essays published in the journals, no books were released on the movement that took place between 1997-2014, the Civil Societies formed and the activities conducted. Except a small book "TRS Padella Prayanam' written by me no other book is available on the formation of TRS, its activities and later on the emergence of Telangana State.

After the formation of Telangana JAC more than hundred employee, peoples organisations actively participated in the movement but these activities are not recorded and at least the names of the organizations are not recorded in the form of a book (Some information is available in the 42 Rojula Sakala Janula Samme' written by Jlulun Gowri Shankar and "Udyama Diary' written by Pittala Ravinder).

Among the active Telanganites who contributed their spirit of agitation in the movement from 1952
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Дата реєстрації 2 місяці тому
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Використання комп'ютера 0-4 годин / день
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