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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


space_cadet's цитат

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Actor|Observer - "Pareidolia"
"Do you wanna see the house?" my mother asked me. Just a quarter mile before the turn off 118. She didn't say "old" because it hadn't been sold yet, but I noticed that she didn't say "our house" - just "the" - as if to imply some greater, unspeakable meaning, like a place in history, or the scene of a crime, or a haunted estate where people only visit to feel some brief presence of a past life or the hope of a life past this one.

Trevin Moulton - Sleepsculpture, pt. 3
Maybe even Kenneth himself? I don't think I'll ever know. It could have been any of them, considering the grasp that Oasis has on all of us. That alone chills my blood, and yet, at the same time, gives me immense, almost perverse comfort. It is a reminder. I have found the Oasis, and It has found me. And It will never release me.

Trevin Moulton - Sleepsculpture, pt. 2
I believe that to be a testament to the craftsmanship - these relics can stand the test of time. Above the logo, on what would typically be the shipping label, there is no address - delivery nor return. I'm not sure how it found its way to me. Instead, I've had to scribble out what I discovered to be my darkest secrets, scrawled in near-illegible chicken scratch. I'm unsure who wrote, or, especially, who knew these secrets of mine. Was it Hunter? Ben? Jake? Kuyler? Travis? James?

Trevin Moulton - Sleepsculpture, pt. 1
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - Upon arriving home from work on Monday, I opened my mailbox to find this bizarre obelisk. With the logo emblazoned on one of its faces, I can only assume that it is an actual Sleepsculpture. I've never seen one in the flesh; only read about them in old, obscure field journals that I've found in the dark, dusty corners of small, local bookstores. It looks pristine - like it was sculpted just last week.

Dan Carlin - Hardcore History - "50. Blueprint for Armageddon I"
Gavrilo Princip just became the latest example of someone pulling the trigger in a giant, historical game of Russian roulette; a trigger that had been pulled several times already with nothing happening. Who would have thought that the time that Princip pulled it, that would be the time that the metaphorical revolver pointed at the skull of the Old World shot a bullet into its brain?

Sleepsculptor - "Water Under the Bridge" (part 3)
Left foot planted firmly on the ledge; stagnant air with no time left. Quietly spoken to no one under his breath: "They won't miss me and I won't miss this." And as if from nowhere, a gesture unveiled. Purpose promised, power granted, and knowledge prescribed. "I can take you somewhere much better than here." Almost familiar, but the eyes tell of a warning sign. "I give you my word - keep talking to yourself and you'll never be heard. It'll change your life for the better."

Sleepsculptor - "Water Under the Bridge" (part 2)
Motion sickness has me spinning; vertigo, and it's dizzying. As if You could decide anyway. What if I decided I don't want to say anything? Thinking of the solace in my head's like a home to me; cycling through the phases keeps me wondering endlessly. I don't know if I can bear with it. Dejection seizes comfort. Guess it doesn't matter; I'm already exposed to this evil phenomenon. Rescind my life.

Sleepsculptor - "Water Under the Bridge" (part 1)
My past reflecting through my eyes, I'm about to jump this bridge, so tell me as to why I shouldn't. This life is static; robotic; going nowhere; abeyant; in my head, going nowhere, and it's driving me mad. Lights flash by my eyes, but I won't sympathize with myself anymore. I'm sick with a skewed view; I can't handle it consuming what's left of my time. Calcified over time into something valueless; anchored by this burden I keep - take it from me; take it all.

John Leyton - "Johnny Remember Me"
When the mist's a-rising and the rain is falling and the wind is blowing cold across the moor, I hear the voice of my darling - the girl I loved and lost a year ago - "Johnny, remember me..." Well, it's hard to believe, I know, but I hear her singing in the sighing of the wind blowing in the tree tops way above me - "Johnny, remember me..." Yes, I'll always remember; 'til the day I die, I'll hear her cry, "Oh, Johnny, remember me..."

Jon Chang - Frontman on the history of Discordance Axis
Steve Procopio played live a lot with us and recorded the guitar tracks on the Necropolitan EP. Rob Marton plays guitar on every other recording we produced. Steve and Rob were two really gifted people and I feel fortunate to have played with both them and Dave. There's a much more detailed band history in the Original Sound Version and Jouhou reissue CD's that Hydrahead released, but in brief, Discordance Axis started in 1992 and broke up in 2001.

Jon Chang - Frontman on the history of Discordance Axis
We never really played live much because, well, we couldn't manage to sell more than 500 copies of any of our records and we all had conflicting schedules. We get asked why we only toured Japan. That's easy - that's where all our records sold. And most of the bands we liked were from over there.

Jon Chang - Frontman on the history of Discordance Axis
Discordance Axis was a three-piece grindcore band that started in New Jersey around 1992. The band started after myself and Rob's previous band disintegrated and we found Dave at a Human Remains show. We asked him to play a split 7-inch with us and it snowballed from there. The pattern was, we got together and wrote and recorded some material, then would part ways.

Gus Johnson - "Dr. Phil's Hilariously Terrible Interview"
Dr. Phil. Yes, Mr. Dr. Phil, who I forget exists for every couple years, and then we check back in on him, and he looks the same! It's a testament to the man's aging because he has looked 48 years old for the last 73 years. In fact, I think Dr. Phil just sorta squeeshed out of his mom's uterus, bald and sweaty with placenta drippin' from his 'stache, wanting to help America's youth.

Forrest Burgess - Astonishing Legends - "Shadow People"
The most frightening thing to me about shadow people is that they don't care whether you believe in them or not; shadow people come looking for you, and all they want is for you to be afraid.

Marcus Parks - Last Podcast on the Left, Episode 360: "The Devils of Loudun Part I - Dr. Silly"
Since the Church was extremely powerful during this time, the bishop won, and immorality charges were brought against Grandier; and Grandier had reason to be nervous, because what he was doing could be a capital crime in France at the time, based on the judge. Six years earlier, a country parson had been burned alive for "spiritual incest and sacrilegious impudicities."

So Much for Best Friends - "Mom, I'm a Space Cadet"
Sometimes you can't sit alone; sometimes you need to listen to old problems loudly in your car, and then play 'Mortal Kombat' with one of your closest friends and make everything as okay as it can be. I've spent more Saturday nights alone thinking than you could imagine. I can deal with it if you really don't want to.

So Much for Best Friends - "Mom, I'm a Space Cadet"
I don't know how to help. Nobody's ever helped me. I always just dealt with it on my own. You're the only person I really trust anymore, and with those intentions, I really can't handle it. It helps nothing; changes nothing. Certain people will feel bad for you and certain people will look down on you. Life is bad; sometimes you need to sit alone.

So Much for Best Friends - "Mom, I'm a Space Cadet"
You have no idea how it feels to make literally no one happy, and have nothing going on in your life. But I can't make your choices for you. You can't let it keep you from your closest friends; I've learned that from experience.

Detective Rust Cohle (as portrayed by Matthew McConaughey) - 'True Detective' S1E3 - "The Locked Room" [Part 3]
To finally know that you didn't have to hold on so tight; to realize that all your life, and all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain; it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream; a dream that you had inside a locked room; a dream about being a person. And like a lot of dreams, there's a monster at the end of it.

Detective Rust Cohle (as portrayed by Matthew McConaughey) - 'True Detective' S1E3 - "The Locked Room" [Part 2]
In that last nanosecond, they saw what they were. You, yourself, this whole big drama; it was never more than a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go.