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Curtis Baldwin
heh heh

A chick that works in a cubicle
Yeah, why don't you find a job you enjoy?? Like, what's stopping you from becoming …

Sure, but this works both ways. Same as you can have a terrible first half …

Dakota Allen
Something is preventing me from finishing this quote.



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Ellie - We're Falling Apart
Visits bring us closer, but the pain is never far, because every kiss and every whisper show the cracks in my heart. Three months feel like forever, and the nights are cold and dark. When I see you, it's like heaven, but we're falling apart. Every goodbye is a promise of return, but each farewell leaves a deeper burn. No distance too far, no time too long, but here we are, struggling to stay strong.

Ellie - First summer
Being back at "home" for a long period is weird. Of course, I came home for a few weekends during the school year, but I was always living out of a suitcase. Now all of my clothes and belongings are back to their spots from when I was in high school, and it doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel right to see old friends. It doesn't feel right to drive past my school. It doesn't feel right to drive past all the places that made me who I was. I am not that person anymore. I don't belong here.

Taylor Swift - The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Was any of it true? Gazing at me starry-eyed in your Jehovah's Witness suit, who the fuck was that guy? You tried to buy some pills, from a friend of friends of mine. They just ghosted you. Now you know what it feels like. And I don't even want you back, I just want to know... if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give... A message to the smallest man who ever lived.