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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

college student
Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

Office Lady
I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


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Napoleon Bonaparte - Time
He who is unmoved by tears has no heart. Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. In politics stupidity is not a handicap. The act of policing is, in order to punish less often, to punish more severely. The best cure for the body, is a quiet mind. There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: Time.