Останні коментарі

Alexandra Drennan
Good quote, love this game!

Rudy Franciso
Awwwwww that's so sweet! I used to be deathly terrified of spiders until a few …

I think that's partly true, but your innate personality itself also makes up half of …

Carl Sagan
It was a nice content

Amelia Pond
This was a great quote


user86496's цитат

Усі цитат

Thomas Koshy
To learn a language, you have to know its alphabet, grammar, and syntax, and you have to develop a decent vocabulary. Likewise, mathematics is a language with its own symbols, rules, terms, definitions, and theorems. To be successful in mathematics, you must know them and be able to apply them; you must develop a working vocabulary, use it as often as you can, and speak and write in the language of math.