Excerpt from "Is Race Plastic?" - NYMag.com

This quote נוסף על ידי shirk_boomhound
When Japan sent a delegation of samurai to the United States in 1860 after centuries of isolation, Survival of the Prettiest author Nancy Etcoff reports that the warriors said it was "disheartening" to discover American women had "dogs' eyes."

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typin_ 144.61 97.2%
peggyrwa 104.82 100%
localbisexual 96.67 93.8%
user274405 91.24 96.4%
ajemmings 87.37 99.2%
user63626 85.46 99.6%
user50787 85.20 97.6%
brokenwillow 85.15 99.2%
spoomer 84.90 95.7%
anuvrat 80.49 99.2%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
kicko 74.95 93.8%
methmud 72.62 92.4%
user274405 91.24 96.4%
user468593 64.66 94.2%
user90997 72.42 93.1%
shang88 60.42 98.0%
user107563 67.50 97.2%
cristalyn 23.58 94.2%