jogri Joshua Griffin

הודעות ציטוטים שותפו

Trend over 2406 games.
דירוג 61169 / 331801
מספר משחקים 2406
המשחק הטוב ביותר 108.06
מהירות אחרונה
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
מהירות ישנה
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
מהירות לכל עת 69.89
דיוק אחרון
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
דיוק ישן
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
המהירות מוצגת ב מילים לדקה (מילים לדקה).
הדיוק מציין כמה מדויק אתה במהלך מבחן ההקלדה. 100% משמעו אפס שגיאות.


jogri שנה 1, 6 חודשים לפני
2023-03-24_ I haven't been practicing very much recently, so my progress has definitely stalled. My main issue seems to be with accuracy still. I need to drill that more than anything else.
After a bunch of games today, here are what my figures look like:

Recent speed = 76.55
Recent accuracy = 94.75%
jogri שנה 1, 9 חודשים לפני
2022-12-29_ So my speed seems to have caught up a bit, but my accuracy still needs a bit of work. I also finally achieved a WPM of 100+ here on Typehero. 102.77wpm with 100% accuracy.

Recent speed = 83.50
Recent accuracy = 95.78%
jogri שנה 1, 9 חודשים לפני
2022-12-16_ Ugh. More struggles in improving my speed and accuracy. Really feel like I'm going no where, but I'm sure I will break through again soon. Very nearly hit 100WPM today on monkeytype english 60s. But that was my first test of the day and I only went downhill from there.

Recent speed = 70.59
Recent accuracy = 94.46%
jogri שנה 1, 10 חודשים לפני
2022-12-04_ Ooph, feel like I'm hitting that plateau again. And it's a little more painful because I feel like I've fallen a little backwards compared to my recent high peaks. But I knew they were always going to be a relative outlier until my baseline improved somewhat. And that baseline is looking shit right now.

Recent speed = 72.12
Recent accuracy = 94.19%
jogri שנה 1, 10 חודשים לפני
2022-11-24_ Last week's hard work on numbers and this morning on accuracy has paid off. Today my fingers were possessed and I got not only a new high score, 97.46 (on a long Vonnegut quote); but also achieved my goal in the sidebar, 80+ WPM with >97.50% accuracy. Once I hit those Monkeytype sidegoals I'll have to set new ones. Perhaps 100WPM at >97.50%?

Recent speed = 86.05
Recent accuracy = 97.76%
jogri שנה 1, 10 חודשים לפני
2022-11-18_ Working hard this week on improving my touch typing of numbers. I find that focus also works well to warm up my fingers so I have been drilling more speed and accuracy too. We'll get to those goals SOON!

I also reached a new PB on this website too. 97.33 - and for a long ass quote, too.

Recent speed = 78.85
Recent accuracy = 97.20%
jogri שנה 1, 11 חודשים לפני
2022-11-10_ I feel like I am hitting a little bit of a plateau at the moment, but that's ok. If I keep at it I will break through. It's a little frustrating though because in my last entry I felt SO close to hitting my current goal of 80+ WPM with accuracy > 97.50%

Recent speed = 70.64
Recent accuracy = 94.16%
schlip_ שנה 1, 11 חודשים לפני
Hey! I admire that what you've been doing by keep a log. I think keep a it's a great way to reflect and stay disciplined. May ask how old you are? This is good stuff!
jogri שנה 1, 11 חודשים לפני
2022-11-02_ Hmm, that's interesting to see that my recent average speed is higher than ever before, and at my target speed. Now I just need to get my accuracy to catch up. And that's the bit that makes sense. Just slow down, and focus on each word. And we'll hit 97.5% in no time.

Recent speed = 80.10
Recent accuracy = 96.65%
jogri שנה 1, 11 חודשים לפני
2022-10-26_ Found some decent flow today. But could still be better. More accurate would be awesome.

Recent speed = 74.32
Recent accuracy = 96.71%

מבחני הקלדה אחרונים

Kurzgesagt 41.90 79.7% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Greg Himblebottom 9.91 71.0% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Suzanne Collins 66.96 92.6% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Grainger, Stevenson, Chang 75.41 91.6% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Rupi Kaur 67.98 91.1% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Joseph Fink 81.02 96% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Liam V.T. 75.08 95.9% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Old English Tale 88.33 98.1% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
Doctor Who - Day of the Doctor 69.21 93.7% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
MEEEE 72.81 92.6% 10 חודשים, 4 שבועות לפני
The trend line on my graph tells a story.

I started with bad habits (right index spacebar) and got pretty fast. From 50 > 70 WPM with heights of 100wpm on other 1 min tests.

Then I recalibrated my striking pattern to use my left thumb on spacebar and that was the first dip. I got back to nearly 70 wpm average.

The next dip was when I recalibrated again, to have a right thumb spacebar, and overall update my striking pattern to be true to the home row method. And overcome bad habits from index spacebar striking days (like using right middle for U).

Now I have good typing form at ~70 wpm average, and I'm hoping to reach a consistent 80+ wpm with accuracy >97.5% here.

Side goals on Monkeytype are:
1) 80wpm - english 5k 100 words
2) 100wpm - english 60 seconds
התחברות אחרונה 11 חודשים לפני
תאריך הצטרפות 3 שנים, 7 חודשים לפני
מקלדת / לפטופ N/A
מיפוי מקלדת QWERTY
שימוש-במחשב 4-8 שעות / יום
ציטוטים 1



