pearl2 Pearl Davis


דירוג 331958 / 331961
מספר משחקים 0
המשחק הטוב ביותר
מהירות אחרונה
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
מהירות ישנה
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
מהירות לכל עת
דיוק אחרון
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
דיוק ישן
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
המהירות מוצגת ב מילים לדקה (מילים לדקה).
הדיוק מציין כמה מדויק אתה במהלך מבחן ההקלדה. 100% משמעו אפס שגיאות.


מבחני הקלדה אחרונים

אין עדיין משחקים
Over the next one or two weeks, the company will be introducing a new internal mail system that will affect each of our 36 offices. The new system is designed to ensure that letters and packages mailed from one office to another arrives within three days. As was reported last week in the Quarterly Newline, there have been several instances where deliverers have taken two weeks or more. This was especially true for packages sent from the Vancouver the Seattle offices to the 23 offices in the Southwest region. In order to correct these problems, the Mail Department has completely automated its procedures in an effort to improve handling time by at least 50 percent. In addition, the Computer Operations Department is working on a computerized tracking system to ensure that pickup and delivery schedules are as efficient as possible. Each office will now receive a morning delivery and pickup late in the afternoon. In order to guarantee delivery within three days, it is essential that all addresses include the new Mail Stop numbers. Books containing these numbers for all 36 offices will be delivered to each department by late October or early November. Please be sure that all sections managers receive copies and inform their subordinates of the changes. Anyone who wishes more information is requested to attend a meeting in Room 683 at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26. At that time, a representative from the Planning Department will give a more complete explanation of the new system. All managers are encouraged to attend this information session so they will be prepared to answer any questions posed by the employees in their department .
התחברות אחרונה 6 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
תאריך הצטרפות 6 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
מקלדת / לפטופ Dell
מיפוי מקלדת QWERTY
שימוש-במחשב 0-4 שעות / יום
ציטוטים 0



