skeppy HeyItsRyan

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gevids 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
I agree 100%
skeppy 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
Also notice how she (not using that word in a "negative" way) said that this was boring, that proves she was doing this for entertainment purposes, which just annoys me.
skeppy 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
Gevids, you have it all correct. I simply was not the first person to throw a punch at Ivana. Ivana, if you want there are dates and times on the messages, and I can prove that you were the first one to throw random unnecessary toxic comments on a typing website. It's quite ridiculous, isn't it? and I have a feeling that you are going to come up with some odd response not relating to anything we have talked about responding to the three of us (Goddess, gevids and myself) But can we just end this, for lack of better words, stupid, argument? It's a typing website, and I am tired of opening up to type, and seeing a bunch of people ranting on about stupid things that should not be fought
goddess 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
Excuse me? Did @gevids imply that females are bad in any way? If you are male, then you should just accept that he made a mistake in identifying your gender. You're jumping to conclusions, which is a bad habit to get into. I'm sure that he didn't mean, in any way, to somehow insult you by calling you a female.
gevids 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
First of all, How did you assume that I was being sexist? I have nothing wrong with female people... Also, I assumed that you were a she because "Ivana" IS LITERALLY A FEMALE NAME! If you don't believe me, go google it lmao
Second, I'm saying toxicity as something like:
The action of somebody being rude, saying insults, being toxic, etc.
Third, Skeppy IS a Minecraft channel, I'm guessing the skeppy on keyhero is a fan of the actual skeppy channel, which is how I thought he played Minecraft.
Last, whats so wrong with having a Minecraft channel? I genuinely enjoy the game, and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share my joy with others. That's it. xD

ivana. 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
Also don't refer to me as "she" because i see nothing wrong with females and by you calling me a "she" i could assume you mean it as a insult which is very stupid.
ivana. 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
And Leof to answer your question i think the mod. would have to take some time to prove each side because i was commenting on quotes and skeppy came out of no where and RKOed me with an insult... soooo i went to his acount and i insulted him back leaving us with this
ivana. 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
Well i never knew toxicity means "a 12 year old that complains alot" but thanks! I will add that to my vocab. And having people ride on you because you have a Minecraft Yt is pretty sad... but he does not so you all can leave now! :)
gevids 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
"well you only proved yourself wrong because he said he does not play that game"
I said that there was a BIG CHANCE! WOW! WHAT A SURPRISE! Big chance doesn't mean he DOES! I'm just taking a guess! Jeez :P

Also, the word Toxicity is very weird to use in a sentence, but he did use the word right, there are many definitions of the word, maybe more phrased on the internet.

It is pretty weird to have all of this drama on a typing website, I just hope this will end soon lol @skeppy
gevids 6 שנים, 10 חודשים לפני
"well you only proved yourself wrong because he said he does not play that game"
I said that there was a BIG CHANCE! WOW! WHAT A SURPRISE! Big chance doesn't mean he DOES! I'm just taking a guess! Jeez :P

Also, the word Toxicity is very weird to use in a sentence, but he did use the word right, there are many definitions of the word, maybe more phrased on the internet.

It is pretty weird to have all of this drama on a typing website, I just hope this will end soon lol @skeppy

מבחני הקלדה אחרונים

Your Mother 137.16 99.2% 2 ימים, 21 שעות לפני
@loresjoberg 148.44 98.8% 11 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
Susanna Kaysen 149.26 100% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Steve Maraboli 162.63 100% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Ken Kaneki 137.87 97.1% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Mahatma Gandhi 140.66 98.7% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Damon Salvatore 142.32 98.2% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Sora~ 139.69 99.4% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Anonymous 141.61 100% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Johan Liebert 145.66 100% 11 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
התחברות אחרונה 2 ימים, 21 שעות לפני
תאריך הצטרפות 6 שנים, 11 חודשים לפני
מקלדת / לפטופ Lenovo
מיפוי מקלדת QWERTY
שימוש-במחשב 0-4 שעות / יום
ציטוטים 2



