user106983 Ahmad Ahmad


דירוג 332024 / 332027
מספר משחקים 0
המשחק הטוב ביותר
מהירות אחרונה
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
מהירות ישנה
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
מהירות לכל עת
דיוק אחרון
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
דיוק ישן
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
המהירות מוצגת ב מילים לדקה (מילים לדקה).
הדיוק מציין כמה מדויק אתה במהלך מבחן ההקלדה. 100% משמעו אפס שגיאות.


מבחני הקלדה אחרונים

אין עדיין משחקים
As a company, we constantly strive to improve our products, as well as our customer satisfaction. In that spirit, we are looking to implement one of two possible plans to ensure that these objectives being met. One plan is to form a company review committee consisting of production managers, product-line workers, inspectors, and a consultant in quality control. This council would brainstorm ways to increase the quality of production and inspection methods. The committee could also make suggestions on the steps necessary to achieve the desired results through new training methods and the purchase of additional equipment. A possible timeline would begin with the committee convening early in September to draft ideas for accomplishing the plans. The committee could meet again in October to report back to their findings and decide upon new procedures for our manufacturing and inspection. Their recommended changes could be implemented in November. Once the changes are made, a future meeting could be scheduled to determine whether or not the changes are effective. At that time, we might want to establish the committee as part of our company. They could meet every month or so to ensure that we are maintaining the highest standard in the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers. If necessary, we could maintain the consultant or hire a full-time quality-control person to see that the recommendations of the committee are implemented promptly and effectively. An alternative plan calls for a select committee of executives to survey methods for quality control at companies most similar to our own. Such companies could included Ajax Manufacturing, the Leviathan Corporation and Olympus Industries. Under this plan, the
התחברות אחרונה 7 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
תאריך הצטרפות 7 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
מקלדת / לפטופ N/A
מיפוי מקלדת QWERTY
שימוש-במחשב 0-4 שעות / יום
ציטוטים 0



