תגובות אחרונות


mynameiseminem 8 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
If this is an actual person and if this is still going on, I feel your situation, but like rek said, get some sleep, your health comes before work/school.

Taylor Swift

bunholey 8 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני

I am the author ;)

bunholey 8 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
I never ever thought about this.

bunholey 8 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני

Da Baby

bunholey 8 חודשים, שבוע 1 לפני
your school work

Yoshihiro Togashi

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
It is an issue of trust.

Yoshihiro Togashi

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
It is an issue of trust.

Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
I sometimes wish I could hear other people's thoughts since then I would finally have confirmation that everyone does in fact hate me and will stab me with their hidden knives if I look them in the eyes.


feuv 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
Found this text again 2 weeks later and I got a PB this time!

Ben Carson (not the famous one)

reasonablereason 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
me and only me knows what socialism actually is

Jae (Day6)

wanna_be_typist 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני

Charles Brettinger

user474117 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
top 6 and i felt like a god


user474117 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
Boss '

keyhero user

kyle_w 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
Unfortunately for Marx, he was flat wrong on a great deal. Including his simplistic theory of surplus value. The worker is not enslaved. They are free to enter into any arrangement they choose with an employer, or start a business of their own. Or not work at all and live off of social safety nets. Who knew?


bweeta 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
Intrusive thoughts are a sign of depression my friend.

Me Am the Writer

warpigjin 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
This should end with a question mark.


slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
What is the point of anything? The bit that you shouldn't hold when stabbing someone. Which is the point of everything, which is stabbing people (with good vibes and compassion). Doctors and nurses get to do both though.

Ignacio Aravena, Steve Chapin, and Colin Ponce

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
We use big more electric car need electricity and so bigger better more wires OOO AAAA grid of power

Mieko Kawakami

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
wth was I talking about??? I must have been seriously sleep deprived.

Mike Flanagan

slowtyper237 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות לפני
I've never watched the drama so I'm just assuming mr. b. practice is the spurned love interest. RIP