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it was good

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Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …


kaylaym420's ציטוטים

הכול ציטוטים

Derek Sheperd - Spend the rest of my life - Grey's Anatomy - Part1
It was the first surgery we ever scrubbed in together on right? Our first save. Right here is a cerebral cyst. Tough save, but we did it. I kissed you in the stairwell after the surgery. And this right here is where Dr. Bailey kicked you out of the surgery because she caught us in your driveway in my car. And right here, this was a 7 hour craniotomy and you held the clamp the entire time, never flinched. That's when I knew you were going to be an incredible surgeon.

Alex Karev - Messed Up - Grey's Anatomy
Surgeons are all messed up. We're butchers, messed up knife happy butchers. We cut people, we move on. Patients die on our watch, we move on. We cause trauma. We don't have time to worry about all the blood and death and crap really makes us feel.

Meredith Grey - Borrowed Time - Grey's Anatomy
Practicing medicine doesn't lend itself well to the making of friends. Maybe because life and mortality are in our faces all the time. Maybe because in staring down death everyday, we're forced to know that life, every minute is borrowed time. And each person we let ourselves care about is just one more loss somewhere down the line. For this reason, I know some doctors who just don't bother making friends at all. But the rest of us, we make it our jobs to move that line.

Callie Torres - I was wrong - Grey's Anatomy - Part 2
That I was wrong. That it wasn't a PE, he was bleeding internally. It wouldn't have been fatal, but the blood thinners. God, I will never forget the look on his wife's face. When she came back with that sandwich in her hand, asking me why her husband wasn't in his room anymore.

Callie Torres - I was wrong - Grey's Anatomy - Part 1
Look, I'm sorry about your patient. I know how hard it can be. I, I had a patient a couple of years ago, a young guy, 50 maybe. Simple knee replacement. he was post op, he was fine. I even told his wife she could go get him lunch. I mean, it was a simple knee replacement, it was nothing. But, ah, it wasn't until he was vomiting up dark red blood, looking me in the eye, telling me that he was dying... that I figured it out.

Richard Webber - Not accepting - Grey's Anatomy - Part2
Because, I'm older than you, and I've been where you are. You've been drunk for a few days, I was drunk for years. And I know you're gonna need at least one friend when you decide to come out of that hole you're digging. I hope you come out of it soon, and I'll be here when you do.

Richard Webber - Not accepting - Grey's Anatomy - Part1
Look, I've destroyed lives before. Several in fact, and yours is not one of them. Now, I sent the woman you love out here to help you. I sent the woman who loves you, out here, to bring you back to life. If you ruin it with her, that's on you. I don't accept it. You're scared, you're drunk. You don't know which way is up. You threw a punch at your best friend, and you threw a ring at Meredith, and now you wanna throw me out. I'm not accepting it.

Meredith Grey - Surgeons - Grey's Anatomy
Surgeons aren't known for being warm and cuddly. They're arrogant, impatient, mean as often as not. You'd think they wouldn't have friends 'cuz who could stand them? But surgeons, are like a bad cold. Nasty, but persistent. Surgeons: nasty, aggressive, unstoppable, just the kind of people you want on your side when you're really screwed.

Meredith Grey - Shadow - Grey's Anatomy
Every surgeon I know has a shadow. A dark cloud of fear and doubt that follows even the best of us into the OR. We pretend the shadow isn't there, hoping that, if we save more lives, master harder techniques, run faster and farther, it will get tired and give up the chase. But, like they say... you can't outrun your shadow.

Meredith gray - Just people - Grey's Anatomy
Patients see us as gods or they see us as monsters. But the fact is, we're just people. We screw up, we lose our way. Even the best of us, have our off days. Still we move forward. We don't rest on our laurels or celebrate the lives we've saved in the past. Because there's always some other patient that needs our help. So we force ourselves to keep trying, to keep learning. In the hope that, maybe, someday we'll come just a little bit closer to the gods our patients need us to be.

Meredith Grey - No control - Grey's Anatomy
It seems we have no control whatsoever over our own hearts. Condition can change without warning. Romance can make the heart pound just like panic can. And panic can make it stop cold in your chest. It's no wonder doctors spend so much time trying to keep the heart stable, to keep it slow, steady, regular to stop the heart from pounding out of your chest from the dread of something terrible or the anticipation of something else entirely.

Meredith Grey - Just Say So - Grey's Anatomy
Ok, listen. You have been acting like a basket case ever since I dropped that stupid little comment about babies. And I'm glad I dropped it, because if you don't want babies, or you don't want babies with me and my crappy DNA... just say so! You don't have to avoid me. You don't have to make up lame excuses about work.

Lillian Willer - Where do we go?
Heaven, hell, no one really knows where we're going or what's waiting for them when they get there. But the one thing we can say for sure is that there are moments that take us to another place, moments of heaven on earth. And maybe for now, that's all we need to know.

Meredith Grey - Human - Grey's Anatomy
We're human. We make mistakes. We mis-estimate. We call it wrong. But when a surgeon makes a bad judgment call, it's not as simple. People get hurt. They bleed. So we struggle over every stitch. We agonize over every suture because the snap judgments, the ones that come to us quickly and easily without hesitation, they're the ones that haunt us forever.

Arizona Robbins - Tiny coffins - Grey's Anatomy - Part 2
So if you don't mind, I'm going to keep talking relationships and rainbows and crap. And I'm going to make plans for tomorrow. Because that's what you do, Karev, you make plans. You have to. You turn your back on the tiny coffins and you face forward, until the next kid.

Arizona Robbins - Tiny coffins - Grey's Anatomy - Part 1
You don't think that I know that they just pulled the plug on the kid? You don't think that I get that? You don't think I know about the tiny, tiny coffin that they're going to stick him in? I know about the tiny coffins. I see them all the time. In my sleep.

Meredith Grey - Toddlers - Grey's Anatomy
My mother used to say this about residency, "It takes a year to learn how to cut. It takes a lifetime to learn not to." Of all the tools on the surgical tray, sound judgement is the trickiest one to master. And without it, we're all just toddlers running around with ten blades.

Richard Webber - Twelve - Grey's Anatomy
I'm worried about my hospital getting out of business. I made some calls to replace Kidney. No one wants to come here. I can't keep a cardiac surgeon on staff. Burke quit. Hahn quit. Dixon's autistic. My OR roof collapsed, the whole place flooded. The interns are literally chopping each other into little pieces. No wonder we're number 12. Twelve!

Meredith Grey - Sometimes - Grey's Anatomy
We don't wish for the easy stuff. We wish for the big things. Things that are ambitious, out of reach. We wish because we need help and we're scared and we know we may be asking too much. We still wished though because sometimes they come true.

Meredith Grey - Alone - Grey's Anatomy
We enter the world alone and we leave it alone. And everything that happens in between, we owe it to ourselves to find a little company. We need help. We need support. Otherwise we're in it by ourselves. Strangers, cut off from each other and we forget just how connected we all are. So instead we choose love. We choose life and for a moment we feel just a little bit less alone.