תגובות אחרונות

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


catrice's ציטוטים

הכול ציטוטים

Charles Brettinger
Every complex question has a short, simple answer that can be said in one sentence and can be understood by anyone. However, this answer is not the correct one.

Melania Reagan
It's not an accident. Men arranged culture this way for their benefit at our expense. Our pain, their pleasure. Our labor, their leisure. They can end it at any time, but they won't.

Charles Brettinger
It is usually people in the oppressed class, but who are not the most oppressed of their class, who successfully effect change. This is because they are the ones who are oppressed but not dead.

Losing weight is easy. All you have to do is not eat. It's surviving, functioning, retaining your will to live, and maintaining your health that are difficult.

Cassia is a type of cinnamon, but it is not the same as Ceylon cinnamon (also known as true cinnamon). Ceylon cinnamon has a softer and more complex flavor profile. A cinnamon bun made of cassia is called a synonym bun.

Charles B.
Don't compare inconvenience to genocide. Seriously. Why would you even do that? What is wrong with you that makes you see a dress code as the murder of millions of people?

A rando who never sold an album but isn't lying
I don't mean to brag, but between me and Taylor Swift, we've sold over a hundred thousand albums. She and I can both sing and play guitar. But some people like my music better than hers.

Asking a random stranger to watch your stuff is safer than leaving your stuff unattended. Firstly, there are risks other than theft. Someone might throw your stuff out in an effort to keep the place safe and clean. Secondly, though thieves do not wear signs around their necks reading "thief," your intuition might help you find someone trustworthy. Thirdly, if you do have terrible luck and intuition and you trust a thief, if you find your stuff missing, you know who took it.

Lexa Brenton
I don't like the use of the word "survivor" instead of "victim". I understand that many find it empowering, but still, not everyone survives, and that's not their fault.

Carl Bernstein
An omniscient being cannot roll dice, for it will always know what the result will be. But creating beings with free will is like rolling dice. And I am nothing but a random number.

They say that life is a subscription, and childhood is the free trial. That may be so. But if it is so, they should really make it easier to cancel after the trial period ends.

Anonymous if he would be able to talk to ghosts
I have sought the power to communicate with ghosts just to ask this question. Tell me, Jane Austen, why does Elinor end up with that total jerk Edward Ferrars, the boring guy who courted her without telling her he was engaged? Most people ask why her teenage sister ended up with thirty-five year old Colonel Brandon. But at least Colonel Brandon is a nice person.

In the context of "This country was built on Judeo-Christian values," the term "Judeo-Christian" means "Christian, but I'm not an antisemite. Some of my best friends are Jewish."

Jason Vimm
Sometimes markets require intervention. And sometimes this intervention does not stop the market from functioning. Insisting that it is impossible because of free market economics is similar to looking up at an airplane and insisting that its flight is impossible because of gravity.

Jason Vimm
The free market is not a moral standard. It is a scientific phenomenon that occurs under certain circumstances. An economic system can be structured to take advantage of this phenomenon without worshipping it.

I shouldn't be responsible for my life. It wasn't my idea in the first place, and I've made it quite clear from the beginning that I would like to quit. Y'all are the ones who seem to have a problem with that, so it's on you.

People are allowed to lightheartedly joke about how ice cream and chocolate are synonymous with happiness, but when I suggest that I should kill myself because the doctors said I can't eat those foods, suddenly it's "insensitive to people with mental health issues" and "way too dark a subject to joke about" and "are you okay, Susan?"

If someone tells you that lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep, and in their view, they are the lion and others are the sheep, run. That person is a cannibal.

Jake Brynham
I know this is considered an indelicate matter, but you and I both know that I did not take this interview because I have a deeply rooted passion for pushing paper. Like most applicants, I am actually seeking to financially support myself. Therefore, I must ask: how much does this position pay?

Money can't buy happiness, but poverty can only buy pain. If this pain is the only thing blocking you from being happy, money will make you happy. A person can be rich and miserable, but being poor and happy is much harder.