תגובות אחרונות

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


catrice's ציטוטים

הכול ציטוטים

Carl Bernstein
It is not a sin to be kind in the face of cruelty, to refuse to seek revenge when one is mistreated. Some, in the name of justice, claim that it is wrong to be kind to those who do not deserve it. It is not so. What others deserve is not our concern.

Charles Brettinger
Some people are under the impression that chocolate flavored American cheese would taste disgusting because chocolate does not go with American cheese. They are wrong. It would taste disgusting because American cheese is disgusting.

Dr. Jenna Bolner
Though it may seem strange, many people with depression find suicidal thoughts comforting. When they are told that suicide is selfish or convinced that people who commit suicide go to hell, they lose their one hope for escape. This can actually make depression worse.

Peter Rand
Animals are no different from human beings. They have minds and consciousness, and eating them is murder. Necessity is not a defense for murder. Therefore, all carnivorous animals should be tried for murder and sentenced to death.

Charles Brettinger - Birthday Greetings to a Stranger
Next time you meet a stranger, wish him a belated happy birthday. If he tells you that it is his birthday, apologize for getting the dates mixed up. If he tells you that his birthday is a long time off, scream "I said belated!" and walk away.

Anmol k
Pleasure is fleeting, but pain is constant. If only consciousness had never existed! Alas, we are doomed to feel every single moment of our useless lives.

The Manager
Of course the customer is always right. However, you are no longer a customer. This establishment must uphold its standards, and you have spoken rudely to our staff.

Wikipedia.org - Psychomotor Retardation
Psychomotor retardation involves a slowing-down of thought and a reduction of physical movements in an individual. Psychomotor retardation can cause a visible slowing of physical and emotional reactions, including speech and affect.

Pro-life people see fetuses as living babies. To them, letting people abort them is equivalent to letting parents strangle their kids if they decide they don't want to take care of them anymore, in other words, all kinds of messed up. There are many valid pro-choice arguments, but "it's not your business what other people do!" is really not one of them. Saying that kind of crap demonstrates absolute ignorance of what the other side is even saying.

Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me, and together, we can block all the people behind us so they can't pass by.

Dr. Jenna Bolner
People who suffer from non-clinical depression or anxiety have every right to refer to their condition as depression or anxiety. This usage predates the clinical usage and is no less correct.

Carl Bernstein
The United States does not have a capitalist system, and it hasn't for a while, if ever. A capitalist system does not bail out large corporations, nor does it allow monopolies to remain for long.

Jenna Vernol
Short hair is better than long hair because it is cooler and more comfortable. People with short hair can always put on a wig, but long hair cannot be taken off for comfort.

Carl Bernstein
I fear that the measures the Founding Fathers put in place to prevent the pitfalls of democracy, the so-called tyranny of the majority, are no longer helping. We are now facing the tyranny of the slight majority and the near majority.

Charles Brettinger
It should be "first lord," not "first gentleman." "Gentleman" is the male equivalent of "gentlewoman," not "lady." Also, the word "lord" starts with the same letter as "lady" and preserves the acronym used.

Carl Bernstein
The robot that stole my job doesn't pay its income taxes. As we move toward a more automated society, we need to consider new concepts, such as universal basic income and updated forms of taxation.

Alex Russo
What's that? A hat! Crazy, funky, chunky hat. Overslept, hair unsightly. Trying to look like Keira Knightly. We've been there, we've done that, we see right through your funky hat!

Alex Russo
Every day I show up late so he'll definitely notice me; then, I forget my textbook so we have to share one, and finally I let the teacher catch us passing notes so she keeps us both after class.

Alex Russo
I used a spell to get you guys to go out when you asked me not to meddle, and I'm sorry. And now I see that I used magic when I didn't have to. The real magic is you two working together.

Charles Brettinger
It is always important to protect yourself from being eaten by tigers. The best way to accomplish this, of course, is by living in a place where there is never such a threat. I am very proud to live in a boring city.