Typing tips, how to make type faster and master the keyboard

1) Accuracy

I had been trying to improve my speed for months and I was not seeing much improvement. Once I slowed down and started being more accurate instead of trying to type faster I started seeing an increase in my typing speed. I feel more in control as well. I still have a way to go for my personal goal but am pleased to see that I am now improving and relaxing more.
Learn to be accurate first then improve speed. Because if you make mistakes all the time the longer it will take you to type. Every time you backspace takes longer than if you slow down just a tad so you can type accurately. I still makes a lot of mistakes but I realize when I slow down to be accurate I actually tend to type slightly faster.

2) Practice

For new typists: Practice. Get used to the home keys work to the point where you do not need to look at both what you are typing, or your fingers on the keyboard.

For advanced typists: Practice. Develop muscle memory for typing certain types of commonly used letter parings. Identify the combinations of letters for certain words that give you trouble and practice typing them in particular to the point where you no longer need to think when doing so.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to not only practice often, but practice correctly. Try to get rid of bad typing habits and replace them with good ones. For example, you should use every single finger when typing instead of relying on the use of fingers with which you're most comfortable. Full utilization of both hands is necessary to achieve your highest typing potential.

3) Stretching

When my wrists get stiff from typing, I grab my fingers with one hand and stretch out my arm to full length and pull on my fingers back slowly. I then, stretch my fingers by opening and closing them, bend my hands back and forth, and rotate my wrists.
if you feel a little sore on the fingers or knuckles, just put your arms up high, and wriggle your fingers (only do this if your fingers feel sore. ) and if your knuckles hurt just put your left hand into a fist and do the same with the right. With the bottom of your left fist, tap the knuckles on your right hand and vice versa.

4) Know your keyboard

My tip to improve your typing speed is to feel for the "F" and the "J". As most know, those are the letters you feel for first on the keyboard. As time goes by, and you learn how to type without looking, you will not even really have to "feel" for the "F" and the "J" you will just learn the keyboard.
It is also important to familiarize yourself with the keyboard you are using. - This is essential as, if you can map the keyboard out in your mind, you wont need to look away from the screen to locate the key you need. This would also minimize time spent between getting your many thoughts onto the screen before loosing them (again).
If you are typing 60 wpm or higher, and want to get better, and not get carpal tunnel: buy a mechanical keyboard. I use red switch that I bought for both gaming/typing, and after an hour of typing, my fingers still feel fine. I wouldn't recommend red for most typists--It doesn't have the feedback that other switch types have, and takes a while to get used to not bottoming out the keys all the time.

5) Rhythm

What is important is developing a rhythm, not to hurry, but to be accurate, first-priority. Speed comes naturally with practice and time. Further, one must push one's self to perform better, but acknowledging that efficiency only is established, along with effectiveness. In closing, one must learn to type only what one sees/reads; never change the words, unless, of course, it is an editing ... exercise/test. One only types what one sees or reads!

Start training

Touch typing

Touch typing is typing without looking at the keyboard. The idea is to teach your fingers the location of each keys. The F and J keys have a raised bar or a dot allowing your finger to identify them. Once you have placed your two indexes on those keys, the other fingers are placed on the keys next to them.

In order to type fast you have to be careful about which finger to use to press a key. Take a look at the drawing below. Each color match a finger. For example the left index is light green and has to type only the light green keys.

typing test tips

Certain keys are special. ASDF and JKL; are the base positions for your fingers.Your fingers go from the base position to the key that you want to press.

A good first thing to do when your learn touch typing is to memorize the keyboard and create a mental map of the associated fingers. You have to be able to press any key without even thinking. For example if I say C you have to think move the middle finger down and press C instantly. You can only achieve this through practice. You have to build up the muscle memory of each fingers.

Key ideas

* Place your indexes on F and J
* A key has to pressed by the same finger all the time
* Don't look at the keyboard, your eyes should always look at the screen
* Go practice!

Take a typing test

User tips

cpgparm 2 years ago
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...take 20 mins of break. and I look at the object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

gabrielleferia1 2 years, 1 month ago
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
typing whole words instead of thinking of the letters individually. And also, patience and practice.

demma 2 years, 1 month ago
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... relax. Try not to think to hard about where the specific letters are. Let it come to you through muscle memory.

yosafatyeo 2 years, 1 month ago
What really helped me improve my typing speed is the many quotes, and emphasis on accuracy otherwise, your speed will dramatically decrease. It really makes you want to achieve a high score with high accuracy too.

jogri 2 years, 1 month ago
2022-08-23_ More practice, just getting slowly better. Quite linearly actually which is strange. Interestingly, most times when I casually type on the keyboard while going about my day, I'm still defaulting to index finger on spacebar duty. Let's see if I can't change that.

Recent speed = 68.60
Recent accuracy = 95.20%

jogri 2 years, 1 month ago
2022-08-17_ We still climbing. Recently been practicing a bit on my normal keyboard and my laptop keyboard. Split keyboard can go live in a hole for now.

Recent speed = 60.78
Recent accuracy = 94.56%

jogri 2 years, 1 month ago
2022-08-14_ Still progressing with my new typing style. Using more of my pinky fingers and left thumb spacebar. Still doesn't feel as natural as pressing space with my right index but we're getting there. Giving up on the split keyboard but keeping the good habits.

Recent speed = 59.14
Recent accuracy = 93.20%

user821553 2 years, 1 month ago
What really helped me improve my typing speed is focusing more on accuracy. The more I type correctly, it builds up my "muscle memory" to the point that I don't have to look at my fingers to make sure they are properly placed! That in turn helps my SPEED!

appa_ji_ 2 years, 1 month ago
Very big Thank you from my side …..
i don’t even come to know how i improve my typing speed from average of about 20 to nowadays i able to struck about 45 (mostly i type between 35-45)..i know its not superfast its kind of slow but i never imagined myself i could type without looking at keyboard…but now i am typing with a speed of about 35-45 wpm…thanks once again…

jogri 2 years, 1 month ago
2022-08-05_ So another day of me modifying my typing. I'm slowly folding in better habits. Left thumb spacebar is making sense, so now I'm including my left pinky in typing a's and q's. Apostrophes are still a bit of an issue though. But I'm getting there.

Recent speed = 50.69
Recent accuracy = 90.76%

jogri 2 years, 2 months ago
2022-07-31_ After going back to the old keyboard, and using my right index finger to press the spacebar again. I feel SO much more comfortable typing again. It kinda makes me dread trying to learn the split keyboard again. Though arguably I'm just on the hump of learning. I HAVE felt the niceness of the thumb spacebar just happening for me sometimes. But for the most part it is just uncomfortable. All the fingers feel lost. It's gross when compared to the old way.

jogri 2 years, 2 months ago
2022-07-29_ After doing enough games to register a changed average, let's update things to see where I am at. I feel like the main difference is not the keyboard as much as it is changing from pressing the spacebar with my right index to my left thumb that accounts for the big discrepancy in speed.

Left thumb is just in need of practice and drills to keep improving.

Recent speed = 53.54
Recent accuracy = 92.14
Recent PB
Monkeytype = 70wpm

jogri 2 years, 2 months ago
2022-07-27_ So 2 weeks ago I started typing on a new keyboard. I was doing dreadfully. It's the split keyboard that Geoff had and has revealed a lot of poor habits in my typing, e.g. not pressing space with left thumb, reaching for B with my right hand, reaching for Y with my left.

Now I'm kinda back to where I started, typing at max 60-65 wpm on monkeytype. But it should be onwards and upwards from there.

sababa_chu 2 years, 2 months ago
This website just changed its profile average typing speed history. My graph is so much less accurate and makes me look bad. I have hit 90 wpm average many times consistently before and now it only shows that I have done that once.

furamex 2 years, 2 months ago
My tip to improve your typing speed is to practice everyday. Even on days that you're not feeling it. After all random burst of practice are not going to make you better, constant and consistent practice will. Also be patient with yourself! You're not going to be great at first, but eventually you will!

user295615 2 years, 2 months ago
what should be the correct palm posture while typing? I have been practicing for quite sometime now but I am not satisfied with performance. Actually I have developed the habit of lifting my palm over the keyboard and because of that I think I make lot of errors. I have tried to type by resting my palms but because of my habit of raising my palms, I find if very difficult to type. Please help me.
