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EE Olympics Event 1 by craigdmohan

WiFi 7 is the latest in-home broadband technology and EE will be the first major Internet Service Provider to bring it to market. Enabling EE to bring our customers on our journey and allowing them to experience the best connectivity possible and allowing you to shout about EE being superior. As smart homes grow, intentionally or not, the Smart Hub Plus and Smart WiFi Pro will help future-proof our customers as technology advances and more devices and services have WiFI7 technology. With Tri-Band allowing better speeds, the 6GHz band, is built for the newest devices that use WiFi6e/7 and applications. Our new Smart WiFi Pro takes the power of WiFi 7 and creates a seamless connection throughout the home. No more 'not spots' for the WiFi. We’ll be offering the Smart WiFi guarantee with this, which offers customers £100 refund if they cannot achieve 100Mbps on WiFi 7 throughout the house. Customers taking a new package with WiFi 7, will help future-proof themselves. When customers upgrade to the latest mobile devices, these will more than likely have WiFi 7 compatibility. The next level of gaming consoles will also be using WiFi 7, you’ll be able to sell them on Tech from EE when they're released. Bring the customer on the journey, by being curious you can offer the relevant products and services to meet their needs. Unlocking WiFi 7 for everyone. Taking a package that’s WiFi 7 enabled now, will help customers when WiFi 7 becomes more mainstream, they’ll not have to worry about upgrading their broadband as well. This is just the start of what's coming with WiFi and the Smart Hub Pro, there's a host more features launching in the future so keep your eyes peeled for comms.

LAW_3__14 by user654824

Observance Of The Law
In 1850 the young Otto von Bismarck, then a thirty-five-year-old deputy in the Prussian parliament, was at a turning point in his career. The issues of the day were the unification of the many states (including Prussia) into which Germany was then divided, and a war against Austria, the powerful neighbor to the south that hoped to keep the Germans weak and at odds, even threatening to intervene if they tried to unite. Prince William, next in line to be Prussia's king, was in favor of going to war, and the parliament rallied to the cause, prepared to back any mobilization of troops. The only ones to oppose war were the present king, Frederick William IV, and his ministers, who preferred to appease the powerful Austrians.

LAW_3__13 by user654824

Do not be held a cheat, even though it is impossible to live today without being one. Let your greatest cunning lie in covering up what looks like cunning.

LAW_3__12 by user654824

The moment the marquis uttered that fatal word "love," however, all was changed. This was no longer a game with moves, it was an artless show of passion. His intention was revealed: He was seducing her. This put everything he had done in a new light. All that before had been charming now seemed ugly and conniving; the countess felt embarrassed and used. A door closed that would never open again.

LAW_3__11 by user654824

Imagine this story from the countess's perspective: After a few of the marquis's moves, she sensed the marquis was playing some sort of game, but the game delighted her. She did not know where he was leading her, but so much the better. His moves intrigued her, each of them keeping her waiting for the next one she even enjoyed her jealousy and confusion, for sometimes any emotion is better than the boredom of security. Perhaps the marquis had ulterior motives; most men do. But she was willing to wait and see, and probably if she had been made to wait long enough, what he was up to would not have mattered.

LAW_3__10 by user654824

Ninon knew that men and women are very different, but when it comes to seduction they feel the same: Deep down inside, they often sense when they are being seduced, but they give in because they enjoy the feeling of being led along. It is a pleasure to let go, and to allow the other person to detour you into a strange country. Everything in seduction, however, depends on suggestion. You cannot announce your intentions or reveal them directly in words. Instead you must throw your targets off the scent. To surrender to your guidance they must be appropriately confused. You have to scramble your signals appear interested in another man or woman (the decoy), then hint at being interested in the target, then feign indifference, on and on. Such patterns not only confuse, they excite.

LAW_3__9 by user654824

Ninon de Lenclos knew everything about the art of love. The greatest writers, thinkers, and politicians of the time had been her lovers men like LaRochefoucauld, Moliere, and Richelieu. Seduction was a game to her, to be practiced with skill. As she got older, and her reputation grew, the most important families in France would send their sons to her to be instructed in matters of love.

LAW_3__8 by user654824

A few days later the marquis was at the countess's home. They were alone. Suddenly he was a different man: This time acting on his own impulse, rather than following Ninon's instructions, he took the countess's hands and told her he was in love with her. The young woman seemed confused, a reaction he did not expect. She became polite, then excused herself. For the rest of the evening she avoided his eyes, was not there to say good-night to him. The next few times he visited he was told she was not at home. When she finally admitted him again, the two felt awkward and uncomfortable with each other. The spell was broken.

Post #16 PROSECUTION by plthroughlegal1


‘Innocent until proven guilty’

That is the universal presumption of innocence that is accepted globally as those who are suspected with an offence must be investigated, in which if found guilty may be imposed punishment as the court seems fit.

The situation is reversed to Palestinians where detainees through administrative detention are punished without even being found guilty.

We find this act similar to the Japanese military police, ‘Kempeitai’ who imposes the reversed doctrine, ‘guilty until proven innocent’ by capturing and torturing civilians without even being charged, tried or found guilty of an offence.

In sum, Palestinians

1) are not informed of the reason of detention - habeas corpus
2) are not even aware of the details of the alleged offence committed ie time, place, witness, etc
3) are not even allowed info on the alleged evidence or witness that leads to their detention
4) are held in detention centres/prison before trial or even sentenced to an offence

We find this law similar to other occupying powers that has exercised a degree of detention, cruelty and punishment to civilians that are yet to be found guilty such as the Rowlatt Act imposed by the British in India and the Kempeitai Japanese police imposed on occupied territories ie Singapore, Manchuria.

If Israel wishes to continue parading itself as a nation that is in compliance with laws and international humanitarian laws in general, it must rid itself of this horrendous legislation.

This practice is not only imposing injustice towards Palestinians, but it also deprives them the rights to be heard and defended at a competent court of law on strong evidence.

LAW_3__7 by user654824

These moves were executed, and took several weeks. Ninon monitored the marquis's progress: Through her network of spies, she heard how the countess would laugh a little harder at his witticisms, listen more closely to his stories. She heard that the countess was suddenly asking questions about him. Her friends told her that at social affairs the countess would often look up at the marquis, following his steps. Ninon felt certain that the young woman was falling under his spell. It was a matter of weeks now, maybe a month or two, but if all went smoothly, the citadel would fall.

LAW_3__6 by user654824

Once the countess was jealous but intrigued, it would be time to beguile her. On Ninon's instructions, the marquis would fail to show up at affairs where the countess expected to see him. Then, suddenly, he would appear at salons he had never frequented before, but that the countess attended often. She would be unable to predict his moves. All of this would push her into the state of emotional confusion that is a prerequisite for successful seduction.

korean by wishpath

Korean by Sejong the Great Joseon 1443, and Korea and North Korea are 14 and 10 shapes.

LAW_3__5 by user654824

Ninon planned ahead. Once the countess was confused, it would be time to make her jealous. At the next encounter, at a major fete in Paris, the marquis would show up with a beautiful young woman at his side. This beautiful young woman had equally beautiful friends, so that wherever the countess would now see the marquis, he would be surrounded by the most stunning young women in Paris. Not only would the countess be seething with jealousy, she would come to see the marquis as someone who was desired by others. It was hard for Ninon to make the marquis understand, but she patiently explained that a woman who is interested in a man wants to see that other women are interested in him, too. Not only does that give him instant value, it makes it all the more satisfying to snatch him from their clutches.

LAW_3__4 by user654824

Instructing the marquis to start over, Ninon told him to approach the countess with a bit of distance, an air of nonchalance. The next time the two were alone together, she said, he would confide in the countess as would a friend but not a potential lover. This was to throw her off the scent. The countess was no longer to take his interest in her for granted perhaps he was only interested in friendship.

LAW_3__3 by user654824

Transgression Of The Law
Over several weeks, Ninon de Lenclos, the most infamous courtesan of seventeenth-century France, listened patiently as the Marquis de Sevigne explained his struggles in pursuing a beautiful but difficult young countess. Ninon was sixty-two at the time, and more than experienced in matters of love; the marquis was a lad of twenty-two, handsome, dashing, but hopelessly inexperienced in romance. At first Ninon was amused to hear the marquis talk about his mistakes, but finally she had had enough. Unable to bear ineptitude in any realm, least of all in seducing a woman, she decided to take the young man under her wing. First, he had to understand that this was war, and that the beautiful countess was a citadel to which he had to lay siege as carefully as any general. Every step had to be planned and executed with the utmost attention to detail and nuance.

LAW_3__2 by user654824

If at any point in the deception you practice people have the slightest suspicion as to your intentions, all is lost. Do not give them the chance to sense what you are up to: Throw them off the scent by dragging red herrings across the path. Use false sincerity, send ambiguous signals, set up misleading objects of desire. Unable to distinguish the genuine from the false, they cannot pick out your real goal.

LAW_3__1 by user654824

Conceal Your Intentions
Part 1: Use Decoyed Objects Of Desire And Red Herrings To Throw People Off The Scent

LAW_2__36 by user654824

Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the dangers involved, a friend often can be employed to great effect. You must never let your guard down in such a venture, however; always be on the lookout for any signs of emotional disturbance such as envy and ingratitude. Nothing is stable in the realm of power, and even the closest of friends can be transformed into the worst of enemies.

LAW_2__35 by user654824

Although it is generally best not to mix work with friendship, there are times when a friend can be used to greater effect than an enemy. A man of power, for example, often has dirty work that has to be done, but for the sake of appearances it is generally preferable to have other people do it for him; friends often do this the best, since their affection for him makes them willing to take chances. Also, if your plans go awry for some reason, you can use a friend as a convenient scapegoat. This "fall of the favorite" was a trick often used by kings and sovereigns: They would let their closest friend at court take the fall for a mistake, since the public would not believe that they would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose. Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close.

LAW_2__34 by user654824

Authority: Know how to use enemies for your own profit. You must learn to grab a sword not by its blade, which would cut you, but by the handle, which allows you to defend yourself. The wise man profits more from his enemies, than a fool from his friends.