Clarence Moores Weed
- Butterflies Worth Knowing
From the fact that this chrysalis skin shows many of the characteristic features of the future butterfly it is evident that the change from the caterpillar to the butterfly really began during the life of the larva. The nature of the process by which this change takes place has long been a puzzle to scientists. For the making of a butterfly is one of the most wonderful phenomena in the outer world.
- The Weight of Silence
Sometimes, the hardest part of life is realizing how much goes unsaid. People you care about drift away, and you're left thinking about all the things you should have said but didn't. The quiet moments can feel the heaviest, filled with regret and missed chances.
Walter J Ong
- The Original Mistake (Orality and Literacy)
Through this gate duality rises out of unity. The primal moment in which two things are first distinguished (like the separation of heaven and earth in traditional cosmogonic myth) is, according to Parmenides, the birth of a language. From an original or first moment of "naming," two things rather than one only, the world of the Many flows out as a complexly ramified mistake. This mistake is enshrined in and subsequently maintained in place by linguistic reification.
Karl Marx
- Capital Volume I
There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
Stephen Lawrence Schwartz
- Popular
Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I, and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I? My tender heart tends to start to bleed. And when someone needs a makeover, I simply have to take over. I know, I know exactly what they need. And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face; don't worry, I'm determined to succeed. Follow my lead, and yes, indeed, you will be popular!
Noah Kahan / Todd Clark
- The View Between Villages
Feel the rush of my blood, I'm seventeen again. I am not scared of death, I've got dreams again. It's just me and the curve of the valley, and there is meaning on Earth... I am happy.
discoveryuk dot com
- Mysteries of the East
There isn't a single photograph confirming their existence, nor a single person alive who can confirm they are real or claiming to have seen them, but that doesn't stop the legend of the Dropa discs captivating the minds of archeologists, historians, and extraterrestrial enthusiasts alike.
- Once Upon a Time in Wonderland
I would give up my crown. I would give up anything. Everything, just to go back to a time when you loved me. Please, Will. I want you back. Listen, you don't have to accept my apologies, but you do have to accept my warning. The genie's here. The bottle's here. The wish is here. What do you think Jafar is going to do when he arrives, eh?
- You will hate this quote
Hello typer, you might be thinking that this quote is easy. Well, it is until I will show you the quote which I typed, and hated. NEVER mess with someone when they are down, because as soon as, and when they get back up..... YOU ARE SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Quote by Rosetta Ross. This is the quote written by someone! for the dots and exclamations marks, just hail mary them, well now you cannot, as you have done it already. Anyways, we will bid goodbyes in 3, 2, 1.
- The Silent Fade of Time
We think we have all the time in the world, but suddenly, the moments we cherished are gone. Time slips away, and the people we love fade into the past, leaving us with nothing but memories and the haunting question: Did we make the most of it?
Freaky Cuh!
- Time
It is interesting to think that everything we know about ourselves and about others is in the form of memories. Going about life knowing that all that life really is is, well, memories is a good way to make the most out of every interaction you find yourself in. This is also a good way to begin to realize that maybe even those most minute interactions you find yourself having everyday could lead to the most meaningful memory you have ever had. Think about that!
Thomas Ligotti
- The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
If truth is what you seek, then the examined life will only take you on a long ride to the limits of solitude and leave you by the side of the road with your truth and nothing else.
Max Pham
- In the next four years...
I will educate others when I can. I will engage people with conversations, not lectures. I will correct misinformation with facts and sources. I will be patient with people who are still learning. Because we are all victims to propaganda.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- Old Verse 10
'Twas long ago he earned the name "hero.".. He led his retinue, ten Pokemon, against the almighty unknowable. In battle did his valiance proclaim at last the strength of humble humankind. The great unknowable approved this feat, and to its domain of no place returned.
Deleuze & Guattari
- Anti-Oedipus
Desiring-machines are binary machines, obeying a binary law or set of rules governing associations: one machine is always coupled with another. The productive synthesis, the production of production, is inherently connective in nature. This is because there is always a flow-producing machine, and another machine connected to it that interrupts or draws off part of this flow.
Atul Gawande
- Being Mortal -- The Ganges
The Ganges may have been sacred to one of the world's largest religions, but to me, the doctor, it was notable as one of the world's most polluted rivers, thanks in part to all the incompletely cremated bodies that had been thrown into it. Knowing I'd be taking those little sips of river water, I looked up the bacterial counts on a website beforehand and premedicated with appropriate antibiotics. Even so, I developed a Giardia infection, having forgotten to consider the possibility of parasites.
- I survived?
"I survived the Hurst fire" is something that I will say for years to come, even though I technically didn't "survive" in the sense that the fire actually came into the neighborhood. It was more like it was near, but they still evacuated us just to be on the safe side. And I don't want to be one of those people, because I know that the other fires were actually very dangerous and people's homes and cities were destroyed. But still. I survived the Hurst fire (technically).
2020 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70)
- Article 230.51(A)
Service-entrance cables shall be supported by straps or other approved means within twelve inches of every service head, gooseneck, or connection to a raceway or enclosure and at intervals not exceeding thirty inches.
Pyotr Kropotkin
- The Conquest of Bread
It is not difficult, indeed, to see the absurdity of naming a few men and saying to them, "Make laws regulating all our spheres of activity, although not one of you knows anything about them!"
Washington Irving
- Rip Van Winkle
He had now entered the skirts of the village. A troop of strange children ran at his heels, hooting after him, and pointing at his grey beard. The dogs, too, not one of whom he recognised for an old acquaintance, barked at him as he passed. The very village was altered; it was larger and more populous. There were rows of houses which he had never seen before, and those which had been his familiar haunts had disappeared.