हालका कमेन्टहरू

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh



नयाँ उद्धारण थप्नुहोस्

हालका उद्धारणहरू - सर्वोत्तम उद्धारणहरू - ठूलो उद्धारणहरू -

CBedell - Clinic visit
The patient presents to the office for follow-up of otitis media, right side. He has been taking the amoxicillin 250 mg TID. He reports feeling much better. In the clinic today, he is afebrile with no signs of infection. His right tympanic membrane is within normal limits. He states he has been exercising regularly without tachypnea.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Arthur Morgan - The Fine Art of Conversation
I had a son... He passed away. I had a girl who loved me... I threw that away. My Momma died when I was a kid, and my Daddy... Well, I watched him die. And it weren't soon enough.

coolkid500 - Interestingly enough
Interestingly enough, losing love hurts. Not in the way that you'd expect it to with a burning sensation of every moment of every day. Not even in the on and off feeling of loneliness you get on a Sunday evening. Losing love hurts knowing you've lost someone you've loved and you may never feel that certain way ever again about that certain someone. All those memories parade around you and the sting of what you once had pangs your heart at times when you least expect it.

Ali ibn Abi Talib - Meaning of Life
Life consists of two days, one for you one against you. So when it's for you don't be proud or reckless, and when it's against you be patient, for both days are test for you. The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget. A graceful refusal is better than a lengthy promise.

Grey's Anatomy - Where the Wild Things Are
There's a little animal in all of us. And maybe that's something to celebrate. Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, or a pact to run with. We may feel caged, we may feel trapped, but still, as humans, we can find ways to feel free. We are each others keepers. We are the guardians of our own humanity. And even though there's a beast inside all of us, what sets us apart from the animals is that we can feel, dream, and love. And against all odds, against all instinct, we evolve.

Mhar Kouls - Miles promotion
Miles: 07-24-2017 11:49 My work at the bank was going well, Mum, but today was not my day. I was supposed to be at the office at 12:00, but my car just broke down. I'd better forget about the promotion. Miles: 07-24-2017 12:11 I'm in an Uber and almost there. I'm about to cry! Miles: 07-24-2017 12:44 Mum, I'm the new COO!

Sometimes, the people that we choose to be our partner will hurt us. But sometimes we're the ones causing the pain. And in the end... we'll learn from it. You, yourself, have a life ahead.

Lover - Crazy Baby
White wine and sleeping pills help me get back to your arms. I think you're crazy, baby. I think you're crazy, baby. Stop sending letters. Letters always get burned. It's not like the movies they fed us on little white lies. I will see you in the next life. I think you're crazy, baby.

stranger - Love..
Hey there stranger, I just wanted to let you know that you are loveable and that I love you, I don't know you but I still love you. I hope you have a great day you wonderful human being!

K 5 characters - Title
Ain't no way I made a quote and used lyrics off a song by Kendrick Lamar, and everyone is screaming "WHAT IS THIS QUOTE?" The lyrics are kind of weird though. My bad.

Murph Cooper - Murph's Message - Interstellar
Hey Dad. You sonofabitch. Never made one of these while you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And when you went quiet, it seemed like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today's my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that by the time you came back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left... so it'd be a real good time for you to come back.

Alexander Hamilton - Natural rights
The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments of musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in a whole volume of human nature, by the hand of divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.

Ai Yazawa - Hey Nana
Hey Nana, the midsummer flowers are blooming along the Tama River again this year. We're all waiting for you in apartment 707. I had matching yukata made for us too.

Shion Miura - The Great Passage
Words and the human heart that creates them are absolutely free, with no connection to the powers that be. And that's as it should be. A ship to enable all people to travel freely across the sea of words - we must continue our efforts to make sure The Great Passage is just that.

BK!!! - MLK speech section
Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

Kobo Abe - The Woman in the Dunes
Suddenly a sorrow the color of dawn welled up in him. They might as well lick each other's wounds. But they would lick forever, and the wounds would never heal, and in the end their tongues would be worn away. "I didn't understand. But life isn't something one can understand, I suppose. There are all kinds of life, and sometimes the other side of the hill looks greener. What's hardest for me is not knowing what living like this will ever come to."

Jeff Winger - The Ben Chang Speech (pt2)
We know he smells like Band-Aids. We know he dresses like a Cuban cab driver. We know he exhibits-nay! Flaunts, proudly, obvious symptoms of over half a dozen disorders you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy's pets. We know these things about Ben Chang, and so much more than we ever wanted to know about him. Why? Because it's there. It's on the surface. What you see may be what you don't want, but it's also what you get.

Bill Gates - Rich Neighbor
Well, Steve, I think there's more than one way of looking at it. I think it's more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.

CSB Bible - Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you" - this is the Lord's declaration - "plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11.

Jeff Winger - The Ben Chang Speech (pt 1)
What do we know about Ben Chang? We know he's nuts. We know he's dangerous. Unpredictable. Selfish. We know he uses his name to make bad puns. When he talks, he over- and under-emphasizes words seemingly at random. When he eats, he holds his fork like a murderer's knife, gnawing at its skewered payload like a deranged woodland rodent.