हालका कमेन्टहरू

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it

Jack Johnson
The Curious George movie was so fire, and this song makes me mad nostalgic - …

Rick Riordan
Fire quote from a sigma character in the series



नयाँ उद्धारण थप्नुहोस्

हालका उद्धारणहरू - सर्वोत्तम उद्धारणहरू - ठूलो उद्धारणहरू -

Peter B. Parker - Leap of Faith
Look, I know how much you want this, kid. But you don't have it yet. I'm sorry. "When will I know I'm ready?" You won't. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is, Miles. A leap of faith.

Christina Rossetti - A Daughter of Eve
A fool I was to sleep at noon, and wake when night is chilly beneath the comfortless cold moon; a fool to pluck my rose too soon, a fool to snap my lily.

I just saw a quote about what if the quote submitted here returns back to us. So I am going to contribute in that experiment. If the person who wrote that quote sees this, Hello!

Stephen D. - Failure is just a step further away from greatness.
Life can mean a lot of things to everyone. Everyone of us has at least experienced a great and difficult challenge in our lives. That challenge will at least change your perception of life. It is important for us to know that, no matter how difficult, painful and seems impossible that path is, failure is just a step further away from greatness.

It is ME! - Day 6
A note to any police officer that has a record of not updating dispatch with your location. You may know where you are, and God may know where you are. But if I don't know where you are, you and God better have a great relationship.

Bo Burnham - Look Who's Inside Again
Well, well, look who's inside again. Went out to look for a reason to hide again. Well, well, Buddy, you found it. Now come out with your hands up, we've got you surrounded.

They sprawl on the grass together and look up at the sky. It's too bright in London, with the metropolis spilling light out into the vastness of space, but they can pretend to stargaze.

Aaron Sorkin - West Wing-20 Hours in America pt2- Streets of Heaven
Forty-four people were killed a couple of hours ago at Kennison State University; three swimmers from the men's team were killed and two others are in critical condition, when after having heard the explosion from their practice facility they ran into the fire to help get people out. Ran into the fire. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight. They're our students and our teachers and our parents and our friends. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels.

Steven Brill - America's Bitter Pill: “all of us were walking around with PTSD”
Public relations people and government administrators comparing their stress to that of soldiers stopping bullets or stepping on improvised explosive devices was more than an over-the-top expression of self-importance and self-pity. It was emblematic of their amazing ability to be indignant, to assume the role of the victims when it was their own failure to govern that had fortified and emboldened the opposition.

Wikipedia - Noctilucent Clouds
Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are tenuous cloud-like phenomena in the upper atmosphere of Earth. When viewed from space, they are called polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs), detectable as a diffuse scattering layer of water ice crystals near the summer polar mesopause. They consist of ice crystals and from the ground are only visible during astronomical twilight.

Brianna Mather - Borderline
People think they know Borderline but I don't understand and it's mine. Dancing between living and triggers leads to a decline. One minute my brain works fine. The next it's splitting time. Battling reality and my mind's own design. I just want to feel divine. Can I get a redesign? Or is it a part of me, like my spine? They say through work it will go benign. I'm so tired of walking the Borderline.

I am the Author! - Thoughts from an Enthusiast
One of the most satisfying things about this site is the feeling you get when your fingers fly across the keys as if they're moving on their own. It is as though your brain bypasses your arms and taps directly into your fingertips. When it sounds like you're fake typing, but the words forming on the page make sense!

Wes Watson - Unbreakable Mindset
The man who takes more pride in the steps to attain the result than the result itself cannot be stopped. The work truly instills the worth... the only thing that gives you confidence is the work you put in. Your self-worth is directly correlated to your self-investment.

Bao Trang N. - don't judge a book by its cover
You shouldn't judge a book like its cover. It's just like you shouldn't judge people by their looks. Most of the people knows this but they still do this. This is not good! There are reasons why you shouldn't do it. Reason 1: What if the person you're judging is someone very important? Reason 2: You'll hurt their feelings. Reason 3: You'll be very impolite and that is NOT fine! There are very many other reasons why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I can't think of anymore of those.

He had seen plenty of boys at St Edmund's trying to push their limits like that - the problem was, some limits weren't fences. Sometimes they were edges; with nothing on the other side.

He wished they would invite him, just once. He wished he wasn't always the one left out, he wished he knew how it felt to have a friend as close as James. More than ever, he wanted someone to talk to.

Sorry isn't good enough. Your guilt isn't good enough. I need you to feel it too. I trusted you. I trusted you with every last secret, I offered you every piece of me. What else have I got now? I could kill you. I could bash your teeth in so you choke on them, I could wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze, I could rip you to pieces, I could, I could, I could kiss you, you fucking bastard.

Bao Trang N. - Crying doesn't help
Well, this story happens a long time ago when I was with my mother in the nail shop. Well, this girl and her mother walked in as well. The mother said to just keep her nails simple. But the girl said that she wants it fussy. Although she knows that her mother is persistent, she still keeps trying to say that she wants it fussy. Then she cried. Well, that doesn't stop her mother from making it simple. So crying doesn't help to do anything. So you better not cry.

Bao Trang N. - Pretty in the inside
So, you might not be pretty on the outside but you have to be pretty in the inside! What I mean by pretty in the inside is that you have to be kind-hearted. I mean you don't have to be pretty in the inside but you'll make wrong decisions. And you might hurt someone's feelings. And I'm pretty sure that you don't want to get someone hurt right? You'll will at least get caught once or twice as well.

Lemony Snicket - Beatrice Letters Excerpt
I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong. I will love as a battlefield loves young men and as peppermints love your allergies, and I will love as the banana peel loves the shoe of a man who was just struck by a shingle falling off a house.