हालका कमेन्टहरू

Lenang Manggala
sakit dher????

Eric Wang
Got a pb on this quote :3

Lol what

Absolutely fair. I feel the same!

i got my own quote an absolutely flunked it



नयाँ उद्धारण थप्नुहोस्

हालका उद्धारणहरू - सर्वोत्तम उद्धारणहरू - ठूलो उद्धारणहरू -

Albus Dumbledore - Peace of Mind
I cared more for your happiness than your knowing the truth, more for your peace of mind than my plan, more for your life than the lives that might be lost if the plan failed.

Isabelle - Canada Goose
The infamous Canada Goose was once on the brink of extinction. In the 1800's the nuisance bird was hunted to near extinction because of the bird's ability to clear crop lands in hours. After a rehabilitation project, the bird has rebounded in numbers, plaguing local water ways and farmlands in the thousands with their nitrate-rich droppings.

Isabelle - Scarlet Tanager
The Scarlet Tanager is a vibrantly colored bird found throughout the East coast of North America. Despite its bright red coloring and black wings, this is a tricky bird to spot. To get a better view, try placing orange scraps, or even grape jelly at your feeder after it rains.

Isabelle - Brown-headed Cowbird
The Brown-headed Cowbird is a native parasitic bird to North America. This nuisance of a bird will lay its eggs in the nests of other birds, to have the host species raise their young. If the host mother notices the odd egg, it will kick the egg out. Most of the time, the host mother will not notice the Cowbird's egg and unknowingly raise the bastard young.

david moales on tiktok - GOLD DR. PEPPER CAN!!
I think i just found the golden Dr Pepper can! The mythical, the legendary Dr Pepper can, which is golden! It is so beautiful, so splendid. "found gold"

Touga Kiryuu- revolutionary girl utena~
If it cannot hatch from its shell, the chick will die without ever truly being born. We are the chick; the world is our egg. If we don't break the world's shell, we will die without truly being born. Smash the world's shell, for the Revolution of the World.

Supernatural - Do You Believe In Miricles?
Your brother, bless his soul, is summoning me as I speak. Make a deal, bring you back. It's exactly what I was talking about, isn't it? It's all become so... expected. You have to believe me, when I suggested you take on the Mark of Cain, I didn't know this was going to happen. Not really. I mean, I might not have told you the entire truth, but I never lied. I never lied, Dean. That's important. It's fundamental. But... there is one story about Cain that I might have... forgotten to tell you.

anonymous - Commas
I hate when the quotes on here have too many commas. It breaks the flow of my typing, slows me down, and just overall lowers my typing enjoyment. So next time you add a quote, even if it sounds better, just remove the commas. Thanks.

Wikipedia - Crisp sandwich
A crisp sandwich, piece and crisps, chippy sandwich, chip sandwich, crispwich, crisp sarnie, crisp butty, or crip sambo is a sandwich that included crisps as the filling. In addition to the crisps, any other common sandwich ingredient may be added. Crisp sandwiches are popular in the United Kingdom and Ireland, which are both believed to be the countries of their origin.

Conan Gray - Astronomy
Stop trying to keep us alive. You're pointing out stars in the sky that already died. Stop trying to keep us alive. You can't force the stars to align when they've already died.

Zhongli - Genshin Impact - a quote from a 6000 year old
For those that live too long, the friends of days gone by and scenes from their adventures live on in their memories. As such I have no regrets in meeting you, friend. Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories.

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
Radiologic technologists make up the third-largest group of health care professionals - surpassed in number only by physicians and nurses. A primary responsibility of many technologists is to create images of patients' bodies using medical equipment. This helps doctors diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. Depending on your specialty, you might use X-ray, MRI, computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, or sonography equipment.

Whatever my username is - "Pandemic"
When I think pandemic, I think of something that wipes out entire generations of people within the matter of days or months. When I think pandemic, I think of movies like Contagion or Outbreak. Not a virus that takes three years to kill as many people as say, the Swine Flu did in just a short few months. We're not in the middle of a pandemic; we're at the tailend of a fairytale.

Jay ESC - Ramblings of a twisted mind
What are we doing in life? Each day appears to be the old adage of, rinse and repeat. We wake up in the morning, shower, have breakfast, and off to work we go like little ants. Off to our little jobs, in our little cars driving through our little highways. If we could only realize that our lives are much more meaningful than our menial day to day life would make it seem. Look further than the edge of our keyboards to and open our minds to the far horizons. That, is a day worth repeating.

Ocean Vuong - On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
You once told me that the human eye is god's loneliest creation. How so much of the world passes through the pupil and still it holds nothing. The eye, alone in its socket, doesn't even know there's another one, just like it, an inch away, just as hungry, as empty.

Emma Goldman - On "Patriotism"
Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.

Aiden - Time Management
When you pay attention to something you don't necessarily care about, it's not an exaggeration to say that you're paying with your life. Guess that means I'll have to finish Breaking Bad tomorrow; my homework looks a little more urgent right now.

Anonymous - Here
Beautiful as always I see. You are the most beautiful here on the planet. I love you. This is an easy quote. I hope that this helps. Good luck with your typing speed.

Harper Lee - Go Set A Watchman
Since Atlanta, she had looked out the dining-car window with a delight almost physical. Over her breakfast coffee, she watched the last of Georgia's hills recede and the red earth appear, and with it tin-roofed houses set in the middle of swept yards, and in the yards the inevitable verbena grew, surrounded by whitewashed tires.

Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before that. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out.