हालका कमेन्टहरू

Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't …

Stephanie Meyer
Use the ENG INTL keyboard if you encounter é

Keanu Reeves
i got my new high score on this thank u

Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what



नयाँ उद्धारण थप्नुहोस्

हालका उद्धारणहरू - सर्वोत्तम उद्धारणहरू - ठूलो उद्धारणहरू -

maemae - help
I hate the feeling of being an option. They always taking me for granted. I hate myself for allowing them. Please help me to become stronger. I'm too kind and I hate it. I always approve them without thinking myself. How to love myself, I can't do that. Please help.

ATEEZ - Thank U
These days I get such thoughts sometimes, that maybe I've been doing pretty well, and the proof of that is you. We've fought neck-and-neck and targeted each other, but I've taken it for granted without saying thank you. It's embarrassing to say this, writing something so detailed. But you know what I mean. The words I wanted to say, I've been thinking about it all night. I want to say those difficult words now. Thank you.

Marie Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) - Sufficient Storage - Marie Kondo
It is the same with people. Not every person you meet in life will become a close friend or lover. Some you will find hard to get along with or impossible to like. But these people, too, teach you the precious lesson of who you do like, so that you will appreciate those.

Laura Les - Haunted
I've been up for three days. Everything is haunted. Everybody's evil and there's bugs inside the carpet. Do you think I'm frightening? Organ chords and lightning. If I show my fangs, will you tell me that they're cool? Mirrors shatter when I'm passing, broken glass and crashing. Little blurry stars scattered all across my room.

MrBloopy - Boss
For the first time in a long time I feel like a boss and no one can stop me. For the first time in a long time I feel like a boss and no one can stop me. For the first time in a long time I feel like a boss and no one can stop me.

Steven E. de Souza - M. Bison - Street Fighter: The Movie
But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad?! All I want to do, is to create the perfect genetic soldier! Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Carlos Blanka will be the first of many, they shall march out of my laboratory! And sweep away every adversary! Every creed! Every nation! Until the very planet is in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica. And then peace will reign in the world and all humanity shall bow to me, in humble gratitude.

Gummy the Alligator - What is life?
What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark? And what is a cutie mark but a constant reminder that we're all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor gator? Flank forever blank, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to... an unknowable destiny?

Noah Kahan - Catastrophize
So, when my thoughts take off may I breathe deep. Lord, hold me strong when old loss comes to meet me. Keep my fingers crossed, keep my knees weak. Are we all such fragile things? And may we remember the past, but not hang on to our old ways. This pity laugh at the jokes we tell in bad taste. All my friends think I'm funny in a sad way, but they know not how they speak.

Noah Kahan - Stick Season
And I love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks, and I saw your mom; she forgot that I existed. And it's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim. I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas. And I'll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have, but I did not lose. Now you're tire tracks and one pair of shoes, and I'm split in half, but that'll have to do.

Carl Jung - Life
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. You are not what happened to you, you are what you choose to become. Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.

Carl Jung - Gifted
If you are a gifted person, it doesn't mean you got something. It means you can give something away. If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely. Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.

Waymond - Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I learned to survive through everything. I don't know. The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please. Be kind... especially when we don't know what's going on.

Evelyn - Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
You are not unlovable. There is always something to love. Even in a stupid, stupid universe, where we have hot dogs for fingers, we get very good with our feet.

maemae - Me 1
PART 1 - Hey! Good day to you my dear friend. My name is Mae, How about you? Can I tell a story here? I want to become a writer but I don't know how to start. I'm 25 years old now living in this complicated world. I don't know my passion yet because I'm so complicated too. HAHAHA I hope you will still read my PART 2. because It's too long to discuss in this part 1 . Take care !

maemae - complicated
Why life is so complicated? You love someone but in return they don't love you. They love you but you don't love them. Why every thing is like that. They care but the others don't.

maemae - so kind!!!!
I hate myself for being so kind to others but not to myself. Every time they ask me for a favor, I always do it without any comment or complaint. I am always there for them although they are not every time I need them.

McFodi - It's Terrible
Midterms season in school. Jazz band was rebranded to Study Hall. I took advantage and spent the period reviewing for the next day's tests. One of the other saxophone players walks out of the band room to where I am with a drum pad and sticks in his hand. He sat next to me, his chair groaning in protest, and drummed away, oblivious of the toothpick studying next to him. Endless questions rolled toward me, pulling me away from my studies. I answered everything with "It's terrible."

One Direction - Perfect
I might never be the hands you put your heart in. Or the arms that hold you anytime you want them. But that don't mean that we can't live here in moment. Cause I can be the one you love from time to time.

justnicole - Dear ADHD kid in their twenties
Make sure that you are getting enough of the vitamins B12 AND B6, along with vitamin K and D. This will help your brain do the focus more. It will take some time for it to work, but after a week or two you should notice improvements.

Peter Singer - Hypocrisy
To protest about bullfighting in Spain, the eating of dogs in South Korea, or the slaughter of baby seals in Canada while continuing to eat eggs from hens who have spent their lives crammed into cages, or veal from calves who have been deprived of their mothers, their proper diet, and the freedom to lie down with their legs extended, is like denouncing apartheid in South Africa while asking your neighbors not to sell their houses to blacks.