हालका कमेन्टहरू

Animals are not capable of anything systematic or mechanized, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't …

Stephanie Meyer
Use the ENG INTL keyboard if you encounter é

Keanu Reeves
i got my new high score on this thank u

Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what



नयाँ उद्धारण थप्नुहोस्

हालका उद्धारणहरू - सर्वोत्तम उद्धारणहरू - ठूलो उद्धारणहरू -

Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for Life - Rule One
So, attend carefully to your posture. Quit drooping and hunching around. Speak your mind. Put your desires forward, as if you had a right to them - at least the same right as others. Walk tall and gaze forthrightly ahead. Dare to be dangerous. Encourage the serotonin to flow plentifully through the neural pathways desperate for its calming influence.

Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy: Bertrand de Born
Living soul in this abyss, see what a sentence has been passed upon me, and search all Hell for one to equal this! When you return to the world, remember me: it was I who set the young king on to mutiny, son against father, father against son. And since I parted those who should be one, in duty and in love, I bear my brain divided from its source within this trunk; and walk here where my evil turns to pain, an eye for an eye to all eternity: thus is the law of Hell observed in me.

John Ciardi - The Divine Comedy: Friar Alberigo in translator notes
In 1284 Alberigo's brother Manfred struck him in the course of an argument. He pretended to let it pass, but in 1285 he invited Manfred and his son to a banquet and had them murdered. The signal to the assassins was the words: "Bring in the fruit." "Friar Alberigo's bad fruit," became a proverbial saying.

Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy: Dante witnesses Bertrand
I saw it there; I seem to see it still, a body without a head, that moved along like all the others in that spew and spill. It held the severed head by its own hair, swinging it like a lantern in its hand; and the head looked at us and wept in its despair.

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family - Anya on mission 22
No!! I want this doggy! I want to keep him forever! I don't care if the bad men trained the doggy to assassinate the Westalis minister! He saved my life! I know I was the one who said I wanted a "small" dog. Well, now I want a "big" dog! THIS big dog! Let me keep this dog, or I will never go to school again!

Alastair Reynolds - Bone Silence
Adrana vowed to herself that she would think only of making it back to the intersection, and not permit herself to dwell on the likelihood of the other route being similarly obstructed. Survive the present moment, then the next, then the next and sooner or later all those next moments added up to a life. That was how people like Prozor dealt with the many hazards of their profession. To worry about anything other than the immediate problem was to divert some vital energy from the task at hand.

Isaac Turmenne - To qwerty321
Thanks qwerty321 for the games references I tired it, it's great, I logged in, I have also made a few typing test of great typing games. If you want we can share different websites. I'm having a problem with making a message on my user. I just can get the box to let me type a message. I need help! Check it Out. Thanks. Isaac.

Me on Me - Admitting it
It's remarkable how often I feel I am not good enough. It is remarkable how often I feel I am too much. The mean girl in my guts keeps reminding me of these things. It never matters how much weight I lose, how well my character is portrayed, or how virtuous my soul. I have blamed the world for these things, but in truth, it is only me causing the sabotage to my psyche. I allow the hurtful, ugly, controlling words of the broken power over what I know is fact.

MOLBIOL 2C03 - What is a chimeric gene?
A chimeric gene is one in which the regulatory and coding sequences are derived from two or more genes, and combined in a novel manner. Combining the regulatory code from sequences from one gene and the regulatory sequences from another often results in a gain of function allele due to ectopic expression.

nc123 - periods
I think this website is pretty fun. I prefer writing quotes instead of a meaningless combination of words because then my procrastination can actually help me learn something new. Although for some reason when I type periods by mistake, the computer doesn't notice so it messes up my flow when I go back to delete it.

Isaac Turmenne
Hi guys just want to say hi to my 2 sister's. estherthypintest and nitroruthie. Yup their my sister's, but I'm probable the most known of all of them. Hi Esther. Hi Ruth. Just to say to all of you guys on Typing Test keep an eye out on us 3 we have been making typing test. So keep an eye out. Thanks guys. Isaac.

Isaac Turmenne - I have a question
How do you message people on their user account? I try and try but I can get the message sport to open up so that I can type. If anyone has answers to my questions please reply! I'm sure others will benefit from this. Thanks.

Annie Dillard - An Expedition to the Pole
Polar explorers were chosen, as astronauts are today, from the clamoring, competitive ranks of the sturdy, skilled, and sane. Reading their accounts of life in the extremes, one is struck by their unending formality toward each other. When Scott's Captain Oates sacrificed himself on the Antarctic peninsula because his ruined feet were slowing the march, he stepped outside the tent one night to freeze himself in a blizzard, saying to the others, "I am just going outside and may be some time."

Brandon Sanderson - Hope
I killed you, once," the Lord Ruler said, turning back to Kelsier. "You tried," Kelsier replied, his voice loud and firm, carrying across the square. "But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.

Sherman Alexie - The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian
I used to think the world was broken down by tribes, by black and white. By Indian and white. But I know that isn't true. The world is only broken into two tribes: The people who are assholes and the people who are not.

King Aurvandil War-Raven - The Northman (Robert Eggers) - Your kingdom will not last
Strike, brother, strike. But know that bearing a stolen ring makes no half-breed a king. Soaked in my blood, it will soon be sliding off your arm like a serpent. Your kingdom will not last. Let this misdeed haunt your living nights, until flaming vengeance gorges on your death.

Isaac Turmenne - To melcia - love
To answer your question, look in the Bible. Adam who was a man had a wife named Eve, a woman. That right there is the biblical marriage. It's OK to love your friend, it's OK to have a friend that is your gender. But it's not OK to marry the same gender that's a SIN. If you have more questions, write a quote to me. I will be looking for an address to my name. I hope I answered your questions, give me a response. Thanks! Isaac.

melcia - love
I'm in love with a girl, but she is of the same gender as me. Is that wrong? Is that a sin? Is that viewed as disgusting? But someone explain to me: the way my heart beats around her, the way I get nervous around her, the way I'm unable to stop smiling when she's around, the way I can't stop thinking about her, the way I look for her in crowds and the way I get excited when I see her friends.

McFodi - The two most evil words
I remember hearing from someone "The two most evil words are 'good job.'" While I don't recall who said this, I do remember my drum tech explaining why. He said that if one is given a compliment, his ego is heightened, and the next time is worse. That is why he never gave my drumline any compliments; Only the occasional "Yeah, it's getting there."

Berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa adalah sesuatu yang dituntut dalam setiap agama terutama agama islam. Perkara ini wajar kerana ibu bapa telah bersusah payah mengandung, melahirkan, membesarkan, mendoakan, memberi kasih sayang dan pendidikan kepada anak-anak sejak lahir sehingga ke hari ini. Segala kebaikan mereka tidak mungkin dapat kita lunaskan semuanya. Hari ini media sosial banyak memaparkan video-video dan artikel berkenaan dengan kes yang melibatkan masalah dalam sesebuah keluarga. Video vira.