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Hervé Bazin
« craonnais » (et non « craonnait »). Fait référence à la région du Craonnais, …

A Star in the Sky
thanks for the wishes guys.. as an update.. i touched 100 wpm at last.. i …

Tut tut. Very bird-centered quote.

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …




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Anonymous - Type for growth
Ever wonder when you start learning typing? Or someday you literally start putting effort into learning typing? It all seems like yesterday, when I am still tired of finding all the keystroke that sequenced completely random. Just like when I first going to kindergarten, and the upcoming university life far away from home. It all seems so fast for me...

Raymond Chandler - The Long Goodbye
I've been in jail more than once and I don't do divorce business. I like liquor and women and chess and a few other things. The cops don't like me too well, but I know a couple I get along with. Both parents dead, no brothers or sisters and when I get knocked off in a dark alley sometime, if it happens, as it could to anyone in my business, and to plenty of people in any business or no business at all these days, nobody will feel that the bottom has dropped out of his or her life.

P.T. Anderson - Punch-Drunk Love -- That's that
I didn't do anything. I'm a nice man, I mind my own business. So you tell me that's that before I beat the hell from you. I have so much strength in me, you have no idea. I have a love in my life that makes me stronger than anything you can imagine. I would say that's that, mattress man.

Asato Asato
She wore an immaculate, starched black uniform, and her silver hair flowed like silk, with the exception of one section, which she had dyed red. She had adopted this look six months ago, when the Spearhead squadron- a squadron of Eighty-Six- had been sent to the battlefield on a suicide mission. As they were not allowed to return, their only option was to advance into enemy territory until they were killed in action.

Anon from Hispachan
If Christians are willing to endure misery and Jews to destroy the world in the name of a God that surely doesn't exist, why shouldn't I make an effort every day to feel worthy of my waifu?

Viktor E. Frankl - Man's Search For Meaning
It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life and instead think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life - daily and hourly. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.

Hannah Williams - The Resurgence of Monstrous Feminine
Sometimes, when I'm walking home on my own at night, I think about what it would be like to stalk silently behind men, my feet soft and easy on the pavement, a quick flash of my shadow under the street lights. How I'd watch the whites of their eyes shine as they turned to look behind them - softly, quietly, can't be too obvious - see the glisten of sweat on the back of their necks.

Father Paul, Midnight Mass - Mourn With Those Who Mourn
What do you say? You can say, "I'm so sorry for your loss." Or, "God works in mysterious ways." Or, "If there's anything I can do..." It's so hollow, isn't it? Sometimes it's okay to just look at the world and say, "Why? Why? Why? I don't understand, and I will not." Yeah, sometimes that's okay.

Dr. Ian Malcolm - Well, There It Is
The kind of control you're attempting simply is... it's not possible. If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free; it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously. But, uh... well, there it is.

Erin Greene, Midnight Mass - On Miscarriage
She was never awake. When she came down into this little body, this just forming body, it was asleep. So all she ever knew was dreaming. She only ever dreamed. She didn't even have a name. And then, in her sleep, that perfect little spirit just lifted up. This special little soul just sent down here to sleep. Just a little nap. A quick dream.

Consuelo Saah Baehr - From Three Daughters
Promise me something. Don't believe that you have bad luck or that bad things happen to you. I've been around a long time, and this is how life continues. I can't account for such cruelty from God, but there it is. We must take things hard that are hard. But also go forward and not ask too many questions. Your mother is gone, but I'm still here. Why? Perhaps for you. I'm left to tell you what a strong, good girl you were to your parents and how happy you made your mother.

Blarg - 500 Liters Of Frog
Well he has a pool, and the winter liner just moved so there's a little hole, and I guess one frog hopped in and his frog buddies were like "YEAH COOL FROG HOUSE!" And then thousands of other frogs had that same idea, and now there's like 500 liters of frog dude. His pool is half full, and it's frog corpses! The thing is, after 10 frogs how do you even clean that? You don't use a net, you use a flamethrower. We having frog legs for dinner, boys.

Moby Dick - Ahab's Last Words
Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.

The You You Are, Dr. Ricken Hale - Page 197 Slaps
Your job needs you, not the other way around... Our job is to taste free air. Your so-called boss may own the clock that taunts you from the wall, but, my friends, the hour is yours.

Max von Sydow - The Seventh Seal
This is my hand. I can turn it. The blood is still running in it. The sun is still in the sky, and the wind is blowing. And I... I, Antonius Block, play chess with Death.

IcyDMoney11 - Fortnite Battle Pass
Fortnite battle pass, I just pooped out my ass Booted up my PC, 'cause I need, need To get that Fortnite battle pass I like Fortnite, did I mention Fortnite? I like Fortnite, it's night time I mean it's five o' clock, that's basically night time Y'all remember Cartoon Network, Adventure Time?

Maynard James Keenan - Tool - Sober
I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you, trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave. I will work to elevate you, just enough to bring you down. Mother Mary won't you whisper? Something but what's past and done.

Morgan Freeman - Many Men (outro)
The evil man envies the good in others. What this means is all hatred is really born from hatred of self, and can only serve to aid in one's own destruction. This is the downfall of many men.

Morgan Freeman - No Opp Left Behind (outro)
A wise man knows not to have a lot of enemies. The friction of constant conflict is a distraction in life, and left unchecked can be what subtracts him from life. If possible, all enemies should be eliminated.

Half-Drunk Wanderer - The Godsfall Chronicles (Vol. 2 Ch. 112)
If Skycloud domain is a tree, then we are the roots. We never see the sun, our lives are spent in the damp and dark. Down here you can't avoid the filth, but without us, what do you think would happen to those like you - that luxurious foliage, out in the sun? All the fragrance of the flowers and the rich, ripe fruit... but people only saw the beauty above. They did not know the cruelty that let such things grow.