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Hervé Bazin
« craonnais » (et non « craonnait »). Fait référence à la région du Craonnais, …

A Star in the Sky
thanks for the wishes guys.. as an update.. i touched 100 wpm at last.. i …

Tut tut. Very bird-centered quote.

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …




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cool man - My Friend David
My friend David is very weird. I saw him eat dog poop once and I almost threw up. The next year I moved away and blocked him on Google Hangouts. I hope I find better friends in Africa.

j clear
Frequent repetition automates behaviors and turns them into habits. Most people undervalue applying little changes to their routines but, over time, a minuscule adjustment can create "atomic habits," the foundation for extraordinary outcomes. These atomic habits function as part of a methodical system which does a better job of helping you achieve progress than merely setting a goal without outlining a process for attaining it. Atomic habits interconnect like building blocks to provoke remarkabl.

Anthony Bourdain - Hong Kong
To fall in love with Asia is one thing. To fall in love in Asia is another. Both have happened to me. It's a gift. A dream. A curse. The best thing. The happiest thing. Yet, also the loneliest thing in the world.

Anthony Bourdain - Greek Islands
My rented villa is pleasant enough, but to be perfectly honest, lonely. Is it worse to be someplace awful when you're by yourself or someplace really nice that you can't share with anyone?

Sam Harris - Moment - Waking Up App
Most people seem to consider emotion, especially negative emotion, something that happens to them. Often the culprit is another person, or an event out in the world. We might think, "He said something that made me angry," or "I'm upset because my car has a flat tire." But try to view your negative emotions more like a repetitive behavior - you are practicing them. Anger, fear, sadness, envy - these are actions of a kind. And you perform them predictably, in response to specific stimuli.

There will definitely be light on the other side of darkness. That's why you should continue to walk with your eyes looking forward and your head held high.

anonymous - Slowly
It's ok not to rush things. Slowly is fine. Because, only when it's like that will you be able to see a beautiful scene. Treasure those moments in life.

Sophia Zheng - To myself
Never forget how much family means to you, how much you love them, and the things you promised to do for them. Always remember this, no matter where you're going and what you've become.

Dale Earnhardt, Jr. - How I Grew Up
I mean, I've always felt like a lot of people's misconceptions of me have to do with how I grew up. I grew up poor, and I grew up rich. I think some people who have never met me have a misconception that when I was living with my father when he was successful, that I was somehow adversely affected by his success or the money he had and was making at the time.

Me, bitch.
Don't you just hate it when celebrities push you to donate and do your part when they could donate an entire small country's worth of money? It's all about their stupid image as if it hasn't been tarnished anyway. Though I will say one thing and because I'm broke as hell and a hater you should take my word: do good in your community it'll be less miserable to live in. Good day.

'Merica - Battle of New Orleans
In eighteen-fourteen we took a little trip. Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip'. We took a little bacon and we took a little beans. And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans. We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'. There wasn't as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and they began to runnin'. On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

'Merica - Union Dixie
Way down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes, and alligators, right away. Come away. Right Away. Come away. Where cotton's king and men are chattels, Union boys will win the battles. Right away. Come away. Right away. Come away. We'll all go down to Dixie. Away, away. Each Dixie boy must understand that he must find his Uncle Sam. Away, away, we'll all go down to Dixie.

Proofs from The Book - Aigner & Ziegler - Beautiful result which should open new horizons on marriage possibilities
Suppose the sets A1, ... An all have size k and suppose further that no element is contained in more than k sets. Then there exists k systems of distinct representatives such that for any i the k representatives of Ai are distinct and thus together form the set Ai.

Ada Lovelace - valuable mistakes
I used once to regret these sorts of errors and to speak of time lost over them. But I have materially altered my mind on this subject. I often gain more from the discovery of a mistake of this sort, than from 10 acquisitions at once and without any kind of difficulty.

Anonymous - Life Quote
When a person is growing up, there will be people who don't want to see you working hard to achieve certain results. Why? Because they're not as hardworking as you. So, they cannot see anything good happen to you. They will pick on things that you're bad at to balance the things in their heart that are a bit gloomy. So towards all these things, what's the best way to face them? Don't be a stranger. If you understand, then put that time and energy into doing what you're supposed to do.

Anonymous - First Love Confession
What I asked for was a wonderful romantic relationship. However, that person didn't love me back. I read a book written by Maugham before. There was a review of the book. He said, there is a void in everyone's heart. However, the void can only be filled with a piece of the same shape. It may not be perfect, it may be distorted, but if the void is not filled by that very person, this spot will always feel empty.

Anonymous - Life Quote
There's good in bad. Before the end, don't make premature judgements. Many times, bad things emerge in order to help someone achieve their goal. Let him exercise courage and perseverance, and become a capable person.

Dayna Craig - The Narcissist's Prayer
That didn't happen. If it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. - Slaughter House Five
Billy came slightly unstuck in time, saw the late movie backwards, then forwards again. It was a movie about American bombers in WWII... The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors, exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires, gathered them into cylindrical steel containers, and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks... they would never hurt anybody ever again.

Alan Weisman - The World Without Us
In the 1930s, with no computers to precisely calculate tolerances of construction materials, cautious engineers simply heaped on excess mass and redundancy. We're living off the overcapacity of our forefathers.