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Hervé Bazin
« craonnais » (et non « craonnait »). Fait référence à la région du Craonnais, …

A Star in the Sky
thanks for the wishes guys.. as an update.. i touched 100 wpm at last.. i …

Tut tut. Very bird-centered quote.

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …




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Richard Powers - The Overstory
Here's the thing about an apple: it sticks in the throat. It's a package deal: lust and understanding. Immortality and death. Sweet pulp with cyanide seeds. It's a bang on the head that births up whole sciences. A golden delicious discord, the kind of gift chucked into a wedding feast that leads to endless war. It's the fruit that keeps the gods alive. The first, worst crime, but a fortunate windfall. Blessed be the time that apple taken was.

Richard Powers - The Overstory
The comic made him a superhero, with the power to make things spring up from the dirt. It said nothing about the philanthropist with a shrewd sense of property, the tramp who'd die owning twelve hundred acres of the richest land in the country. She always thought he was just myth. She must still discover that myths are basic truths twisted into mnemonics, instructions posted from the past, memories waiting to become predictions.

John John - Simple Trick for faster typing
A couple of days now I've been trying to find a simple trick that can fasten my typing speed and, finally, I think I've found it! As you know, speed is very tightly correlated with how many mistakes you do in each run. So, if you only do perfect runs, then this trick won't be for you. But if you're a normal human being, then you'll want to be able to fix your mistakes quicker, and you can do that by not pressing only backspace, but control-backspace to delete whole words. You can thank me later!

PanickingDuck - Not Friends Anymore
I recently lost a friend. He didn't die or anything, we just aren't friends anymore. His opinions and mindset just changed so suddenly that I could not adjust to it, not that I wanted to. I miss him even though I never met him or saw his face. I knew him better than the people that I see daily. That's the problem with getting to know someone that doesn't know who I am. All I am is just one of many numbers that pay for his horrible life decisions. That's the problem with being on the internet.

Henry Emily
My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I am sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up in their arms, the way you lifted others into yours. And then, what became of you. I should have known, you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my daughter. I could not save you then, so let me save you now.

Gina D. - Dream Talk
Does anyone have a recurring dream they'd like to share? Like, a dream you've had many, many times throughout your life - even if you're not sure what it even means. Let's talk about them!

Padraig Pearse - The Rebel (pt 3)
And I have reddened for it. Reddened for that they have served, they who should be free. Reddened for that they have gone in want while others have been full. Reddened for that they have walked in fear of lawyers and their jailors, with their writs of summons and their handcuffs... Men mean and cruel. I could have borne stripes on my body, rather than this shame of my people.

Padraig Pearse - The Rebel (pt 2)
I that have never submitted. I that have vision, and prophecy, and the gift of fiery speech. I that have spoken with God on the top of his holy hill. And because I am of the people, I understand the people. I am sorrowful with their sorrow, I am hungry with their desire. My heart has been heavy with the grief of mothers, my eyes have been wet with the tears of children. I have yearned with old whistful men and laughed and cursed with the young men. Their shame is my shame.

Padraig Pearse - The Rebel
I am come of the seed of the people. The people that sorrow. Who have no treasure but hope, no riches laid up, but a memory of an ancient glory. My mother bore me in bondage, in bondage my mother was born. I am of the blood of serfs. The children with whom I have played, the men and women with whom I have eaten, have had masters over them. Have been under the lash of masters, and though gentle, have served churls. I am flesh of the flesh of these lowly. I am bone of their bone.

The doctor - Wake up
Wake up, you're in a coma, I don't have time to explain, my messages are limited, but believe, this is true, we're contacting you in any way possible. Please wake up, your family and friends miss you.

Corpse Husband and Savage Ga$p - E-girls r running my life
Choke me like you hate me, but you love me, Lowkey wanna date me when you fuck me (uwu). Touch me with the lights off and my chains on Baby, I'm not the right one you should wait on She a freak, lil' bad ho Gaspare told me kill itI said, "Let me grab my Death Note" Huh, she pulled me in like a lasso Sayin' that she know me, I don't even know her at though Ain't no daddy issues, then I won't even bother She say I kill her cat like I'm Luka Magnotta Real bad bitch, pussy bald like Saitama.

Nathan Evans - Wellerman (Sea Shanty)
There once was a ship that put to sea and the name of the ship was the Billy of Tea. The winds blew up, her bow dipped down, oh blow my bully boys blow, huh. Soon may the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum, one day when the tonguing is done we'll take our leave and go.

Immanuel Kant - Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
A good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes, because of its fitness to attain some proposed end, but only because of its volition, that is, it is good in itself and, regarded for itself, is to be valued incomparably higher than all that could merely be brought about by it in favor of some inclination and indeed, if you will, of the sum of all inclinations.

Harper - ReiBoot
ReiBoot Crack Windows and Mac is a simple user interface that is easy to use for all users. If it fails due to a downgrade or jailbreak, it lets you restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from its backup file. If the iOS device is frozen, locked, or the "Home" button does not respond to your touch, you can reset it to working condition.

Voices of Ukraine yt - A message from the Ukrainian soldier (part 2)
Oh bury me, then rise ye up. And break your heavy chains. And water with the tyrants' blood. The freedom you have gained. And in the great new family, the family of the free. With softly spoken, kindly words... remember also me.

Voices of Ukraine yt - "When I am dead, bury me" Ukrainian soldier's last sentence is his secret
When I am dead, bury me. My tomb upon a grave mound high. Amid the spreading plain in my beloved Ukraine. So that the fields, the boundless steppes, the Dnieper's plunging shore; my eyes could see, my ears could hear the mighty river roar. When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears into the deep blue sea the blood of foes... then I will leave these hills and fields, I'll leave them all and fly away to God. And then I'll pray... But until that day I know nothing of God. Oh bury me, then rise ye up!

Bobby Sands - Rhythm of Time (Pt 4)
It is found in every blade of hope. It knows no bounds nor space. It has risen in red, and black, and white, it is there in every race. It lies in the hearts of heroes dead, it screams in tyrants' eyes. It has reached the peaks of mountains high and come soaring 'cross the skies. It lights the dark of this prison cell. It thunders forth its might. It is the undauntable thought my friend... that thought that says I'm right.

C A R L I T O E N E S - Alternative Hungry Hungary
For context, in the 1950's there was an anti-communist uprising in Hungary that was winning, but lost due to Soviet intervention. But what if the anti-communists won? This would have been possible if the Soviets did not intervene, but this would have been impossible for the Soviets not to intervene. Let's say that they just did not intervene. What would've happened? Well, Hungary would have been a huge threat to the communist Eastern bloc and would be a great strategic place for the west bloc.

We Lost The Sea - Challenger, Pt. 2: A Swan Song
We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. We've grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we've only just begun. We're still pioneers. Sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave.

Amir Dhirani - Those Who Remain
Tough times create strong men. Strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. Weak men create tough times. Make sure your legacy is filled with warriors. Instill the ethics and the morals for what it is to be a Human first, and then a Man.