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Made Up On The Spot
Riddled with errors.

Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)



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SamRio - My Marriage is Like My House 2.0
Remember when I said my house was like my marriage? Well, I put my house up for sale. No one seems to be interested and think it's listed too high. They don't like the floor plan and they wish there was another bathroom. No one seems to like it the way I thought they would. Is this how people view my marriage? I assumed people thought we had the perfect marriage and always congratulated us on anniversaries, but maybe just like my house, no one really likes it.

Myself. - Stuck
One of the worst feelings one could experience in life is the feeling of not making progress. Even worse than running out of time is that time having been wasted without any significant impact on your life. It's not that I'm doing things that are seen as unproductive, but that I'm not even having fun doing them. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted, but I seem to not be able to even achieve that. I'm just existing without enjoying my time or hating it, just apathetic. It is a hellish fate.

Marcel Proust - Proust on Chardin
Like ordinary objects, everyday faces have a charm of their own. It is pleasant to see a mother examining her daughter's woolwork, the experienced eyes of the one - knowledgeable, assessing, foreseeing - and the artless eyes of the other. The wrist and the hand are no less revealing and to the sight of a discriminating onlooker even a little finger has a great deal of interpretive ability, and performs its character part with delightful truth.

Henri Poincaré - Pathological Functions
Formerly, when a new function was invented, it was in view of some practical end. Today they are invented to show our ancestors' reasonings at fault, and we shall never get anything more than that out of them.

Julia Quinn - Lady Whistledown
All is fair in love and war, but some battles leave no victor, only a trail of broken hearts that make us wonder if the price we pay is ever worth the fight.

Ellie - We're Falling Apart
Visits bring us closer, but the pain is never far, because every kiss and every whisper show the cracks in my heart. Three months feel like forever, and the nights are cold and dark. When I see you, it's like heaven, but we're falling apart. Every goodbye is a promise of return, but each farewell leaves a deeper burn. No distance too far, no time too long, but here we are, struggling to stay strong.

GokartCid01 - Ticket support test
Hello, Thank you for opening a ticket. How may I assist you? If you don't need assistance or accidently opened this ticket, tell me now and I will close it.

Twenty One Pilots - Paladin Strait
Here's my chance, time to take it. Can't be sure that I'll make it, even though I'm past the point of no return. I'm all in, I'm surrounded. Put my money where my mouth is, even though I'm past the point of no return.

Uncle Iroh - Destiny is a Funny Thing
Destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday.

Uncle Iroh - Sage Advice
Even in the material world, you will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Anonymous - Growing Pains
I think it's funny thinking about how scared I was to leave college. At the time that was the best years of my life. Then, I graduated, got a job, and moved in with three other dudes. I could not imagine ever leaving that time of my life. However, I got engaged to the love of my life but I was scared thinking about how I would have to move in with a girl. When you are scared about maturing and growing up, just know each new stage of life is actually amazing if you have the right mindset.

celinerial - The 20th
The 20th of the month. Everything surrounding you feels different. The grass is greener, the breeze is whispering sweet words, and the sunset is more vibrant than ever. What is it? You can smell it. Love is in the air.

Nicholas - Forever Bored
Forever bored I am, forever bored we are, forever bored and tired. This boredom comes hand delivered, by being stuck at work. Being trapped in a prison cell of computer screens and ringing phones. A prison that you return to each day, willingly surrendering to this misery in an attempt to survive the world you so eagerly wish to rejoin.

ryno4117 - Keller
Never seem to get enough. Priceless expression when space is possesion like "Yeah, that's the stuff." Electronic, stereophonic, comin' from the left and the right. It's good in the day. I like it that way, but it's perfectly normal at night.

Sam Pink - FUCK OFF
It's always hard to know what's being asked of me. It never seems clear. So I asked the darkness in the backyard. I asked the trees. I asked the crows. I asked the graves in the cemetery nearby. They all said, fuck off.

J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
"And so I did," said Dumbledore placidly. "I told you everything I know. From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marches of memory into the thickets of wildest guesswork. From here on in, Harry, I may be as woefully wrong as Humphrey Belcher, who believed the time was ripe for a cheese cauldron.

Heartbroken 23 year old - I miss you so so much
Every single morning. Every single night. She's always on my mind. It's been almost 5 years and I still think about her nearly every day. She's the reason I decided to go to college. She's the reason I decided to self-improve. I had hopes that one day we would get back together. But it seems like we grow apart as time goes on. Brooke, I truly regret not seeing the love you were giving me and taking it all for granted. I hope you're happy and that you find the love you deserve.

a student - School
By far, school has to be one of the most draining things. I come home from school and one of the only things I can think of is how much I want to take a nap. This might be because I am usually out and about. Who knows, but guys please remember to take a break once in a while. You never know when over doing it might cost you.

Marcus Aurelius - Dreams
Do not dream of what you do not have, rather reflect on what you do have, and on their account remind yourself how much they would have been missed and desired if they were not there.

Ellie - First summer
Being back at "home" for a long period is weird. Of course, I came home for a few weekends during the school year, but I was always living out of a suitcase. Now all of my clothes and belongings are back to their spots from when I was in high school, and it doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel right to see old friends. It doesn't feel right to drive past my school. It doesn't feel right to drive past all the places that made me who I was. I am not that person anymore. I don't belong here.