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The Most Interesting Man In The World
jerma <3

Hervé Bazin
« craonnais » (et non « craonnait »). Fait référence à la région du Craonnais, …

A Star in the Sky
thanks for the wishes guys.. as an update.. i touched 100 wpm at last.. i …

Tut tut. Very bird-centered quote.

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …



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Gina D. - Constant TSwift quotes?
Why are there so many Taylor Swift quotes? Lyrics from her songs and such. I don't understand why I'm seeing so dang many of them, it's really funny. Some REALLY loves Taylor Swift, huh?

Andrew Schulz - Who built the pyramids in Mexico? Mexicans!
The pyramids in Egypt, who really built them? It wasn't the Egyptians, it wasn't the Jews, it was aliens! Aliens came down and they built these pyramids. This is how you know Mexicans are the best workers in history. There are also pyramids in Mexico. Nobody questions who built those. There is no hour long History Channel special, "Who built the pyramids in Mexico?" Mexicans!

Kaveh Akbar - Calling a Wolf a Wolf
All I want is to finally take off my cowboy hat and show you my jeweled horns. If we slow dance I will ask you not to tug on them, but secretly, I will want that very much.

Franny Choi - Catastrophe is Next to Godliness
Lord, I confess I want the clarity of catastrophe but not the catastrophe. Like everyone else, I want a storm I can dance in. I want an excuse to change my life.

William Strunk Jr. - The Elements of Style, Rule #1
Form the possessive of singular nouns by adding 's. Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write: Charles's friend, Burns's poems, the witch's malice.

Anon - KSS - To Love or Not to Love
I'm sure you've heard the saying, the one that goes: "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." According to who? Everyone's love looks different, feels different. I've loved, and lost myself. I loved so hard and tried to better myself at every turn. It's possible he did love me, but only to the extent that he, himself, knew how. In this case it was love, but I wish I never had fallen. If only to turn back time and never had known his love; it would've been easier.

I can no longer light myself on fire to warm up others from the cold. Everyone else is not my responsibility and it is time I learn to treat myself better and take care of me.

Delta Sleep - "Dotwork"
Wait - I'll follow, but first, I need the time to go find a place we see the sunset and more than just three stars. I know you're down with that. There must be more to life than concrete walls, with endless corridors. So push aside your biggest regrets to learn your mother tongue. We've still got time for that. There must be more to life than concrete walls.

Delta Sleep - "Dotwork"
At times, you realise this wasn't how you wrote your life in classroom exposes. And looking at the sky should alleviate the worst in us, not keep it trapped inside. Pack your things and leave. Head for the border; whatever is outside The City. Please tell me these buildings don't go on forever. It's for sure, whatever existence is out there can't be any worse than this one already is.

Delta Sleep - "Dotwork"
Wide awake in bed at 4:16am, trying to grab a hold of thoughts around her head. Constant existential questions have been keeping her from living free. Living through a screen for most part of the day. The City holds her dreams in all too many ways. Wondering what's beyond The City's endless limits. No one knows. Rumour has it no one's ever been.

Margaret Atwood - Crow Song
I know you would like a god to come down and feed you and punish you. That overcoat on sticks is not alive. There are no angels but the angels of hunger, prehensile and soft as gullets. Watching you.

J.R.R. Tolkien - There is Light and Beauty Forever Beyond the Shadow's Reach
Far above the Ephel Duath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.

-anon - Pangram
I was just about to very lazily paste multiple pangram quotes rather than create one but unknowingly, it unfortunately exists already in the database.

Gina D. - Learning Again
So I gave my husband my Macbook, since he's starting college classes soon; now I am using my iPad. I bought one of those keyboard cases that basically turns the iPad into a laptop. With a keyboard and cursor and all, and I've basically had to re-learn typing; I've had to get comfortable with another keyboard and it's really made an impact on my speed and accuracy. Hopefully I can get back to what I was at prior to switching! Happy typing, everyone!

Bobby Sands - Peace in Ireland
There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign oppressive British presence is removed, leaving all the Irish people as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally, and economically.

Emir Kusturica / Goran Bregovic - This is a film
This is a film about a man and a fish. This is a film about dramatic relationship between man and fish. The man stands between life and death. The man thinks. The horse thinks. The sheep thinks. The cow thinks. The dog thinks. The fish doesn't think. The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything. The fish knows everything.

Sanity - Leave me alone, Harry
I don't understand why so many quotes on here are from Harry Potter. It's a shame really. They're littered with quotation marks and made up words. To me, it's not a good reflection of typing skill to type one of those. Out of everything in pop culture, why that? I tried to read it once, got 3 chapters in and promptly dropped it. Terribly boring and uninspired.

Nonya - My crush
Having a crush is a lot. You have to decide if you want to keep it a secret or not. My first crush was older than me by a lot so I didn't want to tell him. Somehow it leaked and got all over the school so my crush knows now.

TAZ Amnesty - Ned's Letter to Aubrey
I want you to always keep in mind that no matter how small a wrong action may seem, wrong is always wrong, and it can easily cause events to quickly spiral out of control. No, I don't want you to forgive me, Aubrey. I want you to hate me.

Ish Me - Slow down
I've become exasperated by some of these quotes! Often constituted of long words and phrases or special, albeit necessary, special-characters. These annoyances may be beneficial though. Hear me out! Quotes like these force oneself to reduce their speed to prepare their next keypress. The result is a typist with a greater proficiency in accuracy. Eventually that effort will be compensated with even faster WPM! So, if you unfortunately come across one of these, don't hit "esc."! Instead practice!