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Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten

L'expression correcte est « à l'envi » et non « à l'envie ».




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lonelyboy69 - Am I not attractive?
People around me unironically keep saying that I am a good looking guy, but how come none of the women I come across on the street recognize me or check me out? Is it possible that they are checking me out as I'm looking elsewhere? Better stop trying to reach a higher words-per-minute and try to look for a way to boost my confidence.

qwertyuiop;/ - 9717774452
The title is Natalie Lee's phone number. Call it and prank her lol. The title is Natalie Lee's phone number. Call it and prank her lol. The title is Natalie Lee's phone number. Call it and prank her lol.

General Smedley D. Butler - Three Steps
To summarize: Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. 1. We must take the profit out of war. 2. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. 3. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.

Assassination Classroom - Koro sensei
If society's swift current is tossing you around, how should you be swimming there in its midst. You should have learned how, here in the E class, in this assassination classroom. You don't always have to stand and face it head-on. You can run and you can hide.

Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
At first, she was unable to read. To begin with, she was bothered by the bustle and movement; then, when the train started moving, she could not help listening to the noises; then the snow that beat against the left-hand window and stuck to the glass, and the sight of a conductor passing by, all bundled up and covered with snow on one side, and the talk about the blizzard outside distracted her attention.

Koro sensei
Those who can't do what they have to when the time comes for action will find their presence fading in our classroom. An assassin who neglects to sharpen their blade is no assassin at all. They're just a boastful brat swinging around a rusty sword.

Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
They no longer spoke, but as they looked upon each other, they felt their heads whirl, as if waves of sound had escaped from their fixed glances. They were hand in hand now, and the past, the future, reminiscences and dreams, all were confounded in the sweetness of this ecstasy.

Yato (Noragami) - Life and death
Life and death are like light and shadow. They're both always there. But people don't like thinking about death, so subconsciously, they always look away from it.

Celia - Hello
Hello, I just if your typing this I just wanted to say hi and that everything will be okay. I know that you might be writing this without actually reading this, but just know that you are amazing and unstoppable!#smile for life.

Bertrand Russell - Boredom, from Chapter 4 of The Conquest of Happiness (1930)
Boredom as a factor in human behavior has received, in my opinion, far less attention than it deserves. It has been, I believe, one of the great motive powers throughout the historical epoch, and is so at the present day more than ever.

Saralia - Been a year, 30 to 80
It's been a year since I've joined this website, practicing to type faster. A year ago my top speed was 30 WPM, which is unimpressive, and I'm here now aiming for 90 WPM. With a stable average of 85 WPM for about 2 months now, I think I hit my plateau. I blame my keyboard for that.

New Moon quote - Bella/Jacob
I was in deeper than I'd planned to go with anyone again. Now I couldn't bear for him to be hurt, and I couldn't keep from hurting him, either. He thought time and patience would change me, and, though I knew he was dead wrong, I also knew that I would let him try.

Anonymous - Confused
I try to pretend that him ignoring me doesn't bother me, but the truth is, it really does. It shouldn't bother me. He isn't my boyfriend, we aren't even really friends. We've only talked a few times, yet I can't help but feel rejected now. I'm not even entirely sure that I want his attention. I'm so confused!

Doctor Who - A Scale Model of War - The Zygon Inversion
When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning: sit down and talk!

Bruhmoney - My Quote
I would like to say to whoever is typing this you are a loser. Don't ever try to do anything helpful because you will just fail and you know it. So just don't try loser. Be cool like me. Be bruhmoney.

Bruhmoney - My Quote
I would like to say to whoever is typing this you are a loser. Don't ever try to do anything helpful because you will just fail and you know it. So just don't try loser. Be cool like me. Be bruhmoney.

Mcakatti - Forgetfulness...
It cannot be said that forgetfulness is entirely good or bad and at one time forgetfulness is good when someone offends you and it is also good for the brain to let go some things in order to keep space for more important things. In all the most dangerous is to forget ideas when you need it the most and this is the worst thing that forgetfulness can do. Keep remembering your facts and pass your exams well.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Origins of Love
Last time I saw you, we just split in two. You were looking at me. I was looking at you. You had a way so familiar, but I could not recognize 'cause you had blood in your face and I had blood in my eyes. But I could swear by your expression that the pain down in your soul was the same as the one down in mine. That's the pain that cuts a straight line down through the heart. We call it love.

Stephen Sondheim - Move On
Stop worrying if the vision is new. Let others make that decision. They usually do. Just keep moving on. Anything you do, let it come from you. Then it will be new. Give us more to see.

Lil Baby - Lil Baby - Emotionally Scarred Opening
A love letter came through the mail, it said, "I miss you." I ripped it up and flushed with the tissue try to forget you, I ain't got nothing against you, we human, we all got issues. But I'm tired of being tired of being tired, that part of me done died, I see it then I don't act like I'm blind, I'm confident it won't be one of my mine, I know emotions come with lies, so I tell the truth all the time.