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Are you okay dude?

Shinji Ikari
preach king!

Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten



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Clear Quartz
This white crystal is considered a "master healer." It's said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It's also said to aid concentration and memory. Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body. This stone is often paired with others like rose quartz to enhance their abilities.

Vladimir and Stefan - Vladimir and Stefan Breaking Dawn
When we ruled, everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favor seekers. Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints. We were honest about what we were.

Stephenie Meyer - Jessica Stanley Breaking Dawn
Well, Bella was just like everybody else: totally mesmerized by Edward, or the hair, as I call him. And then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council.

Stephenie Meyer - Jacob Black - New Moon
It's because of him, isn't it? Look, I know what he did to you. But Bella, I would never, ever do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. I won't let you down. You can count on me... I promised I was never going to hurt you, and this is me keeping that promise. Go home, and don't come back, or else you're going to get hurt.

Oliver Queen - The Arrow - Keeping Secrets
I didn't know how painful it would be to keep my secrets. You asked me to save the city, to right the wrong. I will, I swear, but to do that, I can't be the Oliver that everyone wants me to be, which means that sometimes... to honor your wishes... I need to dishonor your memory.

A rando who never sold an album but isn't lying
I don't mean to brag, but between me and Taylor Swift, we've sold over a hundred thousand albums. She and I can both sing and play guitar. But some people like my music better than hers.

Lelouch vi Britannia - Code Geass
What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?

Johan Liebert - Monster
How weak the mind is when it wants to forget. Maybe you didn't forget. Maybe you're just lying. Is it a lie you tell to everyone around you, or perhaps a lie you tell to yourself?

Carl Vernon - You Care Too Much: Free Yourself From Social Anxiety
If you're socially inadequate in your thirties, that's as much your fault as it is anyone else's. You can do something about it. There is little point in you playing the victim. Victims never get anywhere. Victims don't change. They're too busy blaming everything and everyone else for their shortcomings.

Asking a random stranger to watch your stuff is safer than leaving your stuff unattended. Firstly, there are risks other than theft. Someone might throw your stuff out in an effort to keep the place safe and clean. Secondly, though thieves do not wear signs around their necks reading "thief," your intuition might help you find someone trustworthy. Thirdly, if you do have terrible luck and intuition and you trust a thief, if you find your stuff missing, you know who took it.

Lexa Brenton
I don't like the use of the word "survivor" instead of "victim". I understand that many find it empowering, but still, not everyone survives, and that's not their fault.

Shut up, Leonard. You are old. And you deserve less because of your age. I don't actually believe that. I'm just trying to... and everybody here is a fart! A living fart from the butt of a lesser god! I'm better than this.

Stokley Carmichael - Nonviolence
Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: in order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.

Vladimir Lenin - What Is To Be Done?
This fear of criticism displayed by the advocates of freedom of criticism cannot be attributed solely to craftiness. No, the majority of the Economists look with sincere resentment upon all theoretical controversies, factional disagreements, broad political questions, plans for organizing revolutionaries, etc.

Vladimir Lenin - What Is To Be Done?
History has now confronted us with an immediate task which is the most revolutionary of all the immediate tasks confronting the proletariat of any country. The fulfillment of this task, the destruction of the most powerful bulwark, not only of European, but (it may now be said) of Asiatic reaction, would make the Russian proletariat the vanguard of the international revolutionary proletariat.

Carl Bernstein
An omniscient being cannot roll dice, for it will always know what the result will be. But creating beings with free will is like rolling dice. And I am nothing but a random number.

Matt smith - Madman with a box
Amy Pond. There's something you'd better understand about me. 'Cause it's important. And one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box.

Fwuits - Typing is......addicting?
Does anyone else have a strange addiction to typing? After finishing a quote, I think to myself "maybe just one more," and end up typing for another half hour. I'm not even trying to get better. The experience itself is just satisfying.

C.S Lewis
Just as physical objects are governed by the law of gravity, so man's behavior is governed by the law of morality. The key difference is that man has a choice to either obey or disobey the moral law.

Benjamin Franklin
Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you will have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.