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Dude as I was typing this quote I was changing my posture and carpal tunnel …

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Riddled with errors.

Ricardo Aguilera

Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you



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Robert Caro - The Hill Country Trap - Fate
The first settlers did not realize they were crossing a significant line. They came into the new land blithely. After all those years in which they had feared poverty, they saw at last the glimmers of a new hope. But in reality, from the moment they first decided to settle in this new land, their fate was sealed.

Unknown - Typing Skills
Beyond just casual communication, strong typing skills are a cornerstone of efficiency in today's digital world. The ability to fly through emails, breeze through online forms, and swiftly draft documents translates to saved time and increased productivity across various tasks.

Max Payne - The Bad Joke Everybody Got But Me
It was the question I kept on asking myself. How could I have been so blind? I'd been convinced the Brancos had got the wrong man for the job, but maybe Da Silva was right. I was the stooge. The bad joke everybody got but me.

Neil Gaiman - Yvaine's Monologue- Stardust (2)
So, yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable, and strangely easy to mistake for loathing. And, well, what I'm trying to say, Tristan, is... I think I love you.

J. Robbins - Underestimating Intelligence
I think there's been this long cycle of the big companies making a lot of money by underestimating people's intelligence and people are used to it now. So, they're so used to having their intelligence underestimated that, for most of them, it really isn't worth the bother of paying a little more attention to something that might hit them on a deeper level. But you can't really read people's minds.

SamRio - Universal Separation
Do you ever wonder how the aliens view us? Do they call us aliens? I wonder if other "beings" are doing all the research we are, sending signals out into the universe, hoping to find life out there so they don't feel so alone. Just imagine if our universe was so close to where all planets were able to communicate with their "beings" or life forms. We wouldn't feel so alone. Sadly, things would turn into wars and disasters. Maybe that's why we have been placed so far apart from one another.

Thomas Wolfe - Look Homeward, Angel
The pictures of battle delighted him most of all. Exulting in the howl of the beaten wind about the house, the thunder of great trees, he committed himself to the dark storm, releasing the mad devil's hunger all men have in them, which lusts for darkness, the wind and incalculable speed.

Jon snow - Game of Thrones
They fought together, against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions-together. And we need to do the same if we're going to survive, because the enemy is real. It's always been real.

Mitski - Me and my Husband - Mitski on Be The Cowboy
I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute, and then I'll be nothing forever, and all of my memories and all the things I have seen, will be gone. With my eyes and my body. But me and my husband, we're doing better. It's always been just him and me together, so I bet all that I have on that furrowed brow. And at least in this life time, we're sticking together. Me and my husband, we're sticking together.

Thom Yorke - Nude - In Raindows - Radiohead
Don't get any big ideas. They're not gonna happen. You paint yourself white. And feel up with noise. But there'll be something missing. Now that you've found it, it's gone. Now that you feel it, you don't. You've gone off the rails.

Amy Woolard - If by you you mean we
The apples are early this year, and the grass is late. The taxi is early and the past is late. The fist is late. The tooth - like the news of the tooth - broke both early and late. I'm telling you: this all really happened. I had a love and I ripped through like it was bread.

Author - Buffalo
His hands were quick, and his aim was true. Jim "Buffalo" Granger's tongue flicked like a snake's, and yet his ego was one of a rowdy Cajun delinquent. Only a single bent hair of your eyebrow could trigger him immensely. And in case you didn't reciprocate his feelings, his snake's tongue could get you to. And if you found yourself at the end of his dead eye, he could slam a round right between your eyes before your brain could even produce the thought of touching your pistol.

The Pangram Man - Pangram
Farmer Jack realized that big yellow quilts were expensive. The job requires extra pluck and zeal from every young wage earner. A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent. How quickly daft jumping zebras vex! Five or six bit jet planes zoomed quickly over the tower. Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz. When zombies arrive, quickly fax Judge Pat. And finally, the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

SuperM - Infinity
Nothing to phase us, shoot for the sky! Double amazing, triple the fly! Whatever we're on, thinking I'm out of my zone. Still in my element, can't quit. Energy constant, ready to run this!

Truman - The Parting of the Ways
Tim put the pan with the bacon over the small fire that was rapidly catching. The bacon remained still for a minute or so and then a tiny crackling sound started, and the bacon was frying. A very rancid odor came from the meat. Tim's sick face turned sicker from the fumes.

A Kiwi - Fear
Fear is known to all of man, whether they accept it or not. It's the only truly universal feeling. The buzzing feeling of anxiety crawling through your veins, the sweat forming at the hairline that is slowly dripping its way down your face. The shakiness felt throughout your entire body. The overwhelming feeling that you're being watched, that every one knows exactly what you're scared of and judging you. Fear, it's a well known intruder in life.

Thomas Lopez, AKA Meatball Fulton - From "The Fourth Tower of Inverness" radio play.
The moon slips sideways through the branches. The branches wring their hands. Little drops of sap slide down and drop free - totally free, except for the gravity and the inevitable <plunk>. "Ah yes, Life's like that," says the moon, picking its teeth with a twig. Ah yes.

David Foster Wallace - Consider the Lobster and Other Essays
No wonder we cannot appreciate the really central Kafka joke: that the horrific struggle to establish a human self results in a self whose humanity is inseparable from the horrific struggle. That our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our home.

Dante - The Divine Comedy
But my own wings were not for such a flight; except that, smiting through the mind of me, there came fulfillment in a flash of light. That my volition now and my desires were moved like a wheel revolving evenly, by love which moves the sun and the starry fires.

Mihael Radjail - Try to achieve something greater
You don't need to be famous. You don't need to be rich. You just need to help at least one person in your life, even if it is you, yourself. No one says it's going to be easy because it's definitely hard. But you can try until you can't.