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Are you okay dude?

Shinji Ikari
preach king!

Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten



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Oliver Black - Individual Experience One
Each individual person is an embodiment of the things that they have experienced. The only caveat is their ability to choose whether to remember the things that they have experienced and what their outcomes were.

I am the author ;) - Childhood
When I was a kid, I used to go to the bowling alleys for birthday parties. I would put my fingers in those nasty bowling balls and then eat pizza with those same fingers immediately after. Those were the golden days of my childhood.

Charles Dickens - Fred Scrooge - Christmas Speech
There are many things from which I might have derived good by which I have not profited, Christmas among the rest. But I have always thought of Christmastime, when it has come round-as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem at once to open their shut-up hearts freely. So, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe it has done me good. And I say, God Bless It!

Anonymous (Myself) - Forgotten
Some days I lay on my bed in the dark around early morning; it's quiet, usually when everyone is sleeping. I play soft music in the background. Nothing with lyrics, just mesmerizing loops of sound that can essentially hypnotize me. When I'm in that state, it's like a portal to the imagination and nostalgia. Suddenly everything is clear. I'm happy in those moments, knowing that all that will fade so quickly.

Manas Pandya - Speak softly, love
The Gofather is one of the best movies ever. I mean, the other day i had been listening to some silver screen classics, and the theme song of godfather started, and that alone gave me goosebumbs.

katibolic - Telepathic - STARSET
And if I had my way, I would run to the rescue. It never works that way when you call a bluff. Oh, the fools rush in. It's a battle to surround you. And all the fools want in, but I'm not giving up.

Me, Myself, I - Tech World
I work in tech, cybersecurity specifically. There is no point in me being at my job the week before Christmas and the week after. No one is working. I don't need to be here.

Coheed and Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade
The young stale memories of, play the role to your part. Librarian, find me the pole, the one that kicks your head in. To my own time, roll your own innocence by. Grab on to my sleeve, the one that grabs at your ankle. Debate to understand that we all have a flaw. Then fail to represent your life as you know it. God grant you one wish, to turn back the time. Correct and create, making sense of...

Amy Lee - Going Under - Evanescence
Now I will tell you what I've done for you: fifty thousand tears I've cried. Screaming, deceiving, and bleeding for you, and you still won't hear me going under. Don't want your hand this time; I'll save myself. Maybe I'll wake up for once. Not tormented daily, defeated by you. Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom. I'm dying again. I'm going under, drowning in you. I'm falling forever; I've got to break through. I'm going under.

Wamuu - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
I have no regrets. I'm glad I was able to witness your growth as a warrior. Perhaps... The reason I lived all these thousands of years, was so that I could meet you at the end. Farewell to you, warrior Jojo.

John Smith - The Eleanor Dare Stones
The Eleanor Dare stones are supposedly stones that were literally carved in stone lettering that explains what happened to the colonists of Roanoke. There were 42 Dare stones. A man named Everhart "found" almost all of them. It was later discovered that he faked all of the stones that he found. He used a drill press to drill the letters. His motive was the prize money for finding the stones. He also never told anyone where he found them. He always brought the stone to them.

Atif rehman - NCOC Notifications
The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Monday allowed booster shots for people over the age of 30 years as Covid-19's latest strain, Omicron, infects 58,000 people in 95 countries. On the other hand, as a large number of people have been denied travel by several countries because of vaccine "discrimination," mix-and-match booster vaccine shots have been permitted free of cost. The term mix-and-match refers to an arrangement under which a person gets a booster shot of a vaccine which.

Swami Vivekananda - Goal of Mankind
The goal of mankind is knowledge. That is the one ideal placed before us by Eastern philosophy. Pleasure is not the goal of man, but knowledge. Pleasure and happiness come to an end. It is a mistake to suppose that pleasure is the goal. The cause of all the miseries we have in the world is that men foolishly think pleasure to be the ideal to strive for.

Swami Vivekananda - Great Man (Swami Vivekananda)
Every fool may become a hero at one time or another. Watch a man do his most common actions; those are indeed the things which will tell you the real character of a great man. Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be.

Imagine Dragons - Believer
I was broken from a young age. Taking my sulking to the masses. Writing my poems for the few. That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me. Singing from heartache from the pain. Taking my message from the veins. Speaking my lesson from the brain. Seeing the beauty through the pain!

Chaos_in_Order - Motivation
We always assume that we have to be motivated to take action. However, this couldn't be any further from the truth. The truth is, action breeds motivation, and not the other way around. So in my experience, it is because I've taken action that I am motivated to continue doing so. Start today. Take action.

Haemin Sunim - Love for Imperfect Things: How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection
Until you started thinking something was a problem, it hadn't really bothered you much, had it? Labeling something a problem is often what makes it one.

Haemin Sunim - Love for Imperfect Things: How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection
There are times when someone wants to talk and you give them the cold shoulder. But the longer this goes on, the more it exacerbates the problem. And there are times when you deliberately avoid talking to someone, but they don't even notice. Ultimately you are the only one who suffers. For your own sake, start talking. The silent treatment rarely works.

Anonymous - Loneliest feeling in the world
Every day, you grow older and stronger and smarter, and one day you will look around and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. If you think someone can complete someone else, then you're wrong; that doesn't exist. If you're lucky enough to find someone you can halfway tolerate, then you should settle.

~Unknown~ - StuB
I don't know if I'll ever meet someone quite as clumsy as me. The other day playing volleyball I tripped over my own legs in my haste to get the ball. When I walk around the counter in the kitchen, I'm thankful when I don't bang my hip on its corner. I stubbed my toes so much when I was little, tripping over nothing, that Stub became my nickname. The list goes on. So, if you struggle with clumsiness, you've got a friend in me.