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Are you okay dude?

Shinji Ikari
preach king!

Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten



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noone - Disengage
As a kid I never really understood what "bottling up your emotions" means. Now that I am older, I understand it means typing mindlessly to avoid the anxiety of wasted time. It means watching Netflix when you have just lost a loved one. It means an empty "Everything is fine" when you have lost track of days. It means holding on to your childhood dreams even when they have lost their relevance.

Fwuits - Misaligned Stars
Recently, I wrote a song. These are the lyrics to the chorus. "I won't hold you down. You know it's better off; we've been long overdue. Heads out of the clouds. It was fun loving with you through the misaligned stars."

~Unknown~ - What love really means
Love is not simply an emotion. It's not uncontrollable and it's not simply a feeling you have towards someone. Love is a choice. And if you choose to love someone, you will love them forever. If you simply "feel" love towards someone, sooner or later it's going to die away.

~Unknown~ - L0VE
Love is not an emotion you feel towards someone. It's not uncontrollable, and it is not just a swelling feeling inside of you. Love is a choice. If you choose to love someone, you will love them forever. If you only "feel" love towards someone, it's going to die away sooner or later.

Carl G. Jung - Man And His Symbols
It may appear, for instance, in the form of a dream. As a general rule, the unconscious aspect of any event is revealed to us in a dream, where it appears not as a rational thought but as a symbolic image. As a matter of history, it was the study of dreams that first enabled psychologists to investigate the unconscious aspect of conscious psychic events.

Random Person on the Internet - Easy
I'm typing out an easy quote to get the award for having one posted to this site. I wish that I could have the creativity to post something more interesting than this, but this is all I've got.

fededc - Superman didn't become Superman - Kill Bill Vol. II
What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race.

Unknown - 'Cowboy is his name
There's a hundred years of history, and a hundred before that, all gathered in the thinkin' goin on beneath his hat. The cold flame burns within him 'Till his skins as cold as ice. And the dues he's paid to get here are worth every sacrifice. All the miles spent sleepy drivin' All the money down the drain. All the 'if I's' and 'nearly's' All the bandages and pain. All the female tear's left dryin' All the fever and the fight. Are just a small down payment on the ride he makes tonight.

In the context of "This country was built on Judeo-Christian values," the term "Judeo-Christian" means "Christian, but I'm not an antisemite. Some of my best friends are Jewish."

hannahg - Out Of The Woods (Taylor Swift) - Bridge
Remember when we hit the brakes too soon? Twenty stitches in a hospital room. When you started crying, baby I did too. But when the sun came up, I was looking at you. Remember when we couldn't take the heat? I walked out, I said I'm setting you free. But the monsters turned out to be just trees. When the sun came up you were looking at me.

Garak - In the Pale Moonlight - All it cost
If your conscience is bothering you, then you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.

Benjamin Sisko - In the Pale Moonlight - The most damning thing
I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing. A guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it.

Conrad Golden - II was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning"
I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario') Obviously, there are exceptions to this and some people more in the center or right also "speedrun." However, they more than sufficient to prove the rule, rather than contrast it.

I have been dealing with social anxiety. For most of the year, I had accepted it and tried to avoid everyone, and I do mean everyone. I thought there was no reason to try to talk to someone. It would only bring embarrassment and it just made me stressed out by the end of it. But one night, I just realized how lonely I was. I couldn't even hold a proper conversation for 5 seconds. So I decided that I would try to talk more. It would be difficult to do but... I am willing to do it!

Bob Dylan - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
So long, honey babe. Where I'm bound, I can't tell. Goodbye is too good a word, babe. So I just say, "fare thee well." I ain't saying you treated me unkind. You could have done better but I don't mind. You just kinda wasted my precious time. But don't think twice, it's all right.

J. Warfield - Trouble Don't Last Always
Imagine you are at the lowest point of your life. You hate your job, your life, hell even yourself. Hold on. If even for a split second, trouble don't last always. Somehow, somewhere, a better day is coming.

Dannreuther - 600 Years (Beat the Devil)
I know what the gardener said. He said all you had to do was get some good grass and then roll it every day for six hundred years or some such howling nonsense. I heard that story before you were born. English people tell it when they feel poor.

John Green - The Anthropocene Reviewed - Auld Lang Syne
We live in hope - that life will get better, and more importantly that it will go on, that love will survive even though we will not. And between now and then, we are here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here.

Ritu Ghatourey
It doesn't matter if you've failed or if you've been beaten. All that matters is that you learn something, get back up, and try again. Because winning is a good feeling, but winning when nobody else thought you could is an awesome feeling.

Meguru Bachira - My Original Ego
Nah it's fine... Since it's because you weren't there, that I was able to learn how to fight by myself. The thing is, until now, I was afraid of playing soccer by myself. I guess I wanted you to come to save me. But, once I tried fighting on my own as I'd done as a kid, I realized... In this whole wide world, I'm the only one who can save me.