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Tame Impala
Took me 10 seconds to find the < button lol

Are you okay dude?

Shinji Ikari
preach king!

Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten



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A Certain Penguin - Control
What if I'm going to do something that you can't control? Will you freak out? Will you be anxious? Will it be in the back of your mind? Will you try to stop me even if you know you can't? Or will you just accept the inevitable and keep on looking forward, and think of ways to deal with the consequences? Whatever it may be, I'm still gonna do it but it's nice knowing that you care about what I do.

Michael Chabon - Mysteries of Pittsburgh
My father told me that I was overwrought and that Clarie had had an unfortunate influence on my speech, but something in his face told me that he understood. That night he flew back to Washington, and the next day, for the first time in years, I looked in the newspaper for some lurid record of the effect of his visit, but of course there was none. He wasn't that kind of gangster.

Lone Shadow - I Remember
I remember I was happier then, she talked to me more, I stayed up and broke my rules to talk with her as often. I remember we went from distant friends to good friends, to close friends in an instant. I even considered her as my best friend, because then, she was the best I had. With a fuzzy memory, those times faded into the future. Now, we went from close friends to distant friends. Faster than I would like.

Anonymous - Gratitude?
We were discussing generosity and gratitude one day in my high school Civics class, and the teacher told a story that stuck with me. I've retold it many, many times over the years. As he was about to walk in to a McDonald's, a homeless man stopped him and asked for money for food. He answered that he would buy him some. He came out a short time later with a hamburger for the man, and handed him the bag. The man looked in the bag, looked up at my teacher, and said "What, no fries?"

Another Lone Typer - Repeating Quotes Response - Response
I have seen the quote regarding seeing the quote about repeating quotes several times now. However, I have never once seen the original quote that they're responding to. It makes me wonder how this site's algorithm determines which quote to spit out at you. I have submitted half a dozen quotes now... I wonder if I will ever come across one of them.

a local aspiring author - on the subject of writing
There's no such thing as an original thought in today's day and age. Everything has been said, and everything has been done. In order to be an author, you only have to combine them in ways that have never been done before. Whatever you are left with will make you a writer.

Julia Ioffe - Consequences of failing to hold the NKVD to account for their crimes
Look, I'm from the former Soviet Union. One of the reasons Putin, an alumnus of the KGB, the agency that committed some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century, came to power in 2000 and stayed is that people wanted unity rather than accountability. Chew on that.

literally just me - Typewriters
Have you ever stopped to think about computers? I think that we are very lucky nowadays to have computers. Writing has existed for ages, but a hundred years ago, stories were written with typewriters. Could you imagine using a typewriter? I can't. I rely too much on the backspace button.

Arthur Chu - Improvements
Before you can replace something bad in your life with something good, you almost always have to *start* by replacing it with nothing. And that's a situation people will often go through hell to avoid. It's why most divorces are long overdue by the time they happen.

Todd Kashdan
Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd Kashdan Todd.

Margaret Thatcher
Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas.

Frank Wilhoit - Characterizing conservatism
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

gingersnap - The Future and Now
At the ripe age of 20, I'm technically an adult, but does that mean I feel like one? Not even close. Sometimes I think about the fact that one day I'll find myself having finished my studies, started working, maybe with a family, children to whom I'll eventually get to say, "When I was your age..." as I regale them with stories about my youth; the good, the bad, and the in between.

Jonathan Ames - Life a coincidence?
I live for coincidences. They briefly give to me the illusion or the hope that there's a pattern to my life, and if there's a pattern, then maybe I'm moving toward some kind of destiny where it's all explained.

​​​​​​ - Pennies
Some people think pennies should be discontinued in the United States. The government can't just do that. The Canadian government doesn't mint pennies anymore. It doesn't make cents.

A pitiful silly thing - Dear sweet death
Oh damp sweet and dark a smell welcoming and sweet, I know I do not belong yet but I've been invited and been quite honored to be within the reach of your grasp. The only desire is to fall deeply in your arms in a blanket of darkness.

Moana - Know Who You Are
I have crossed the horizon to find you. I know your name. They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are.

Maddox Alexander - The Easiest quote
E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e.

Maddox Alexander - Lucan
Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short. Lucan is short.

short luke - chicken strips
Chicken strips are good because they taste like bricks. If you ever eat a chicken strip you brain will fly and then you'll eat a computer. Also chicken strips are better than bricks because bricks taste like chair.