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Tame Impala
Took me 10 seconds to find the < button lol

Are you okay dude?

Shinji Ikari
preach king!

Remove this crap

***assuming it is indeed human flesh that is being eaten



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Jorden Skaggs - pants
Pants are good you are sweet so sit down eat some popcorn but if you dirty those pants then you will pay the price of having to wash them and you will pay a bigger water bill so please don't dirty your pants and take a shower if you get wet then make sure you don't have pants on but some swim shorts.

noah thrailkill - How and Why I found gooder
Gooder is a word to me and will always be in my life. Because of how the people around me looked at it and then at a point, it was the most popular word in my life and after that, it was never forgotten.

Maddox Alexander - The Fire
This just in, 16 Broncos died in a fire last night due to a fire that killed 16 Broncos, last night. Experts are saying that the fire killed them because it was too hot for their skin.

Phoenix - Bankrupt!
Caledonian, rich and young. Self-entitled portrait. Court in session, justice done. I'll rush into it anyway, forever is for everyone else. We're off a couple secrets. Another lonely Tuesday home. Stolen kisses anyone near.

Kahlil Gibran - On Pain. Pt.2
Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility... For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen; and the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with his own sacred tears.

me lol - Percentage
Did you know that only an average of 14% of the population uses the percentage symbol on a daily basis? No, I made up that statistic. Fun fact: 90% of statistics are from faulty studies. Are you enjoying getting to use the percentage symbol for once? Only 5% of people can pass this test!

Timothy O'Reilly
Their strong, unconscious projection makes him even more special than he is. This projection stems somewhat from the legends generated by the Bene Gesserit and the way they crystallize around Paul, but even more from Paul's followers' "wishful thinking" their unconscious belief that someone "out there" has the answers they lack. Unable to find adequate strength of purpose in themselves, they look for a truth, a cause, and a leader to supply it.

Snarkster - Merry Christmas
Isn't it crazy to think how much Christmas has changed from the original Christmas? Christmas was originally intended to be a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Now we have commercialized this holiday to the point where Jesus has not only been removed from the overall picture, but He has been replaced with a new figure entirely: Santa Claus!

A Certain Penguin - Death
There are many things in life that can cause us to die. There is death from human objects or even humans themselves. Sometimes Mother Nature will come into our lives and kill us. But the best way to die in life is from old age. When we are old, we have time to reflect; time to reflect on all the wrong or good we have done. It allows us to look at the good in things. It allows us to even be happy with the small things in life.

A Certain Penguin - Past
The past is interesting, it holds interesting subjects to talk about. These may be history that are passed down by being written down, history that have be sold through the ages but no matter what there is only really one interesting past and helpful past. It is our past, the history of ourselves, it holds lessons to ourselves, plays a role in our personality, plays a role in everything we do, the past makes us, without it we are a husk of a shell.

Anonymous - Humans Don't Deserve This World
We bring this celestial body closer to its knees each and every day, but that's not even close to the bad part about it. The worst part is that those who actually care about our future will always be silenced by the screams of the selfish; those who crave more and more out of this dangerously limited supply of resources. It's simply unbelievable how we can push ourselves to advance in technological capability yet we'll never have a method of recouping those resources with how inefficient we are.

A Certain Penguin - New Normal
Every day I see it, I see it happen to every person, they experience the New Normal. To see and experience something new, to be enchanted by it only to reminiscence about it the next day. It's sad to see people lose interest so easily in something that they cared about so much just the day before and to hear them talking, wishing that they could experience it again like it was new just once more is even more heartbreaking. Even with this, it still doesn't mean we can't experience new things.

A Significant Person - Oppression
Do not be a people without a will of your own saying: If others treat well you will also treat well and if they do wrong we will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and do not do wrong if they do evil.

A Significant Person - Discarding and Severing of the Bonds of Friendship
It is not allowable for a man to keep apart from his brother for more than three days, the one turning away and the one turning away when they meet. The better of the two is the one who is first to give a greeting.

A Significant Person - Knowledge
When a man dies, no further reward is recorded for his actions with three exceptions: voluntary charity which continues to be supplied, or knowledge from which benefit continues to be reaped, or the prayers of a good son to his dead father.

I have nothing against French food or Gerperson food, but there are no good restaurants in the area. You want to get tagenderneutrales? Apeople to that! Let's go!

Wes Piard
Every once in a while, I like to just sit down and do a typing test. It really helps to see that I am slowly progressing. I have to slow myself down often to work on accuracy, which in the long run increases WPM.

Lovejoy - Perfume
It's 3:45 And I just bite my tongue Update me on your life And now you've found the one But I don't like his eyes And I distrust their name And I hate their haircut They look like a prick (A prick) But it's all the same Would be daft of me to cry Your tongue is razor-sharp I miss when it would fight mine Left your heart on standby By the way, he holds you Bet he serenades you I can't really blame you.

Nujabes - Battlecry - Part 5
Some days, Some nights, Some live Some die, in the way of the Samurai. Some fight,
Some bleed, sun up to sundown, the suns of a battlecry. Some days, Some nights, Some live - Some die in the name of the Samurai, Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sundown, the suns of a battlecry, battlecry.

Nujabes - Battlecry - Part 4
The quote-unquote code stands the test of - time for the chosen ones to find the best of - noble minds that ever graced the face of; hemisphere with no fear; fly over. The blue yonder where the sky meets the sea, and eye meets no eye and boy meets world and became a man to serve the world to, save the day the night and the girl too.