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Sung Won Cho / "ProZD"
"Okay, whatever, take this!" *laser gun zap* "You fixed my shoulder." "GOD DAMMI-"

Peter S. Beagle
bricked up ? ....

Don't worry about being special and simply make your life special to you, please. Go …

Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeaboo
The only person I'm competing with is myself

Tame Impala
Took me 10 seconds to find the < button lol



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People are allowed to lightheartedly joke about how ice cream and chocolate are synonymous with happiness, but when I suggest that I should kill myself because the doctors said I can't eat those foods, suddenly it's "insensitive to people with mental health issues" and "way too dark a subject to joke about" and "are you okay, Susan?"

anonymous - You Right - Doja Cat
I can't stop and look the other way. Cause I know what could be babe, and you never feel the same. You'd be thinkin bout it everyday, don't believe in fairytales, but we got out fantasies.

anonymous - You Right - Doja Cat
I can't stop and look the other way. Cause I know what could be babe, and you never feel the same. You'd be thinkin bout it everyday, don't believe in fairytales, but we got our fantasies.

Engineer's operating guide
First, you reattach the thingamajig into the aligned slot with a light tap. Which would allow for the whatchamacallit to be properly seated thus enabling the entire gizmo mechanism to be operational. Then, you boot the terminal up by turning the protruding doohickey counter-clockwise by quarter of a turn. Please note that any doodads must be thoroughly lubricated before installing or it could result in misalignment of the aforementioned thingamajig.

When I wake up, I have this thing where I don't want anyone to talk to me nor do I want to talk to them. I'd rather them keep quiet until I open conversation up first, else my whole day is thrown off and my mood is ruined.

3 am Thoughts
Sometimes I think about what the world would be like if the Library of Alexandria, or at least all the texts in it, were saved from burning. Would things be any different than they are now? Or would we actually have the flying cars 80's movies thought we would have by now? Instead, we're in a global panini press...

I know you're just practicing your typing, but I just wanted to share something. In my time learning how to be patient with myself, the thing that has saved me from myself more times than I can count is knowing that my best is different every day. If my best is getting everything I wanted to get done one day, great! But if the next all I can get done is stay in bed, that's okay too. In both of those moments I was still doing my best.

Alan Watts
What happens if you know that there is nothing you can do to be better? It's kind of a relief, isn't it? You say "Well, now what do I do?" When you are freed from being out to improve yourself, your own nature will begin to take over.

Alan Watts
Consciousness is a radar that is scanning the environment to look out for trouble, in the same way that a ship's radar is looking for rocks or other ships. The radar does not notice the vast amount of space where there are no rocks and other ships. By and large we scan things over but we pay attention only to what our set of values tells us we should pay attention to.

Alan Watts
We've run into a cultural situation where we've confused the symbol with the physical reality; the money with the wealth; and the menu with the dinner. And we're starving on eating menus.

~Unknown~ - Discipline Equals Freedom
Piles of homework heaped on my desk waiting for someone to attend to them. Assignments due and deadlines to meet. We all face it constantly in our lives. The longing to enjoy ourselves and yet the pulling of responsibilities. It is your choice which path you will take.

~Unknown~ - Reach Farther
I made a set of goals for myself and decided to get up early the next day and complete them. I was going to work on being more disciplined. However, when my alarm went off the next day, I didn't want to get up. I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I guess that's when I realized that discipline was not doing what you should do because you feel like it. No, the only time true discipline comes into play is when you don't feel like doing something, but you do it anyway.

Anne Sexton
I was lying on the couch in my room looking out casually and I saw with shock the roof, snow lined, shining in the moonlight. When I saw that it hurt. I felt this awful pain. Does that make sense. A winter roof in the snow? There it was, beautiful and terrible. I thought I'd tell you. It made me cry.

Omar7 - the need for a routine
I have many things I want to achieve. Time passes by without me noticing and most of my days are wasted in Youtube entertainment. The only way I see my dreams come true is that I stick to routines. To study what I want to know, to practice what I want to excel at, I must have a routine, with a starting trigger I can't skip, whether I am in the mood or not, when the routine is triggered, I have to do it. I will push myself at first, then the routine will push me to success.

Tevor Noah - Born a Crime
You are never more yourself than when you're taking a shit. You have that moment where you realize, this is me. This is who I am. You can pee without giving it a second thought, but not so with shitting. Have you ever looked in a baby's eyes when It's shitting? It's having a moment of pure self-awareness. The outhouse ruins that for you. The rain, the flies, you are robbed of your moment, and nobody should be robbed of that.

Tevor Noah - Born a Crime
Then I had an idea. Why bother with the outhouse at all? Why not put some newspaper on the floor and do my business like a puppy? That seemed like a fantastic idea. So that's what I did. I took the newspaper, laid it out on the kitchen floor, pulled down my pants, and squatted and got to it.

Prof. Jordan Bernt Peterson - Free Speech
If you're faced with unreasonable opposition, let the unreasonable opposition speak. Because they manifest themselves as unreasonable, and then everyone can see it. It is one reason that you want free speech.

J. de Vos - Typing: Automatization Process
My typing has improved dramatically during my time on Keyhero. In the beginning, I took it slow; focusing on accuracy. With increasing WPM, I swung around between WPM and accuracy like a pendulum. Then, always striving to be at least near or above my averages. But then, a peculiar moment happened: The Automatization Process. It's the moment where our conscious mind gives the typing controls over to the unconscious mind. Now... we have to trust ourselves and our capabilities.

~Unknown~ - Ice-cream
Money can't buy you happiness? I am most definitely sure that money can buy you happiness. As long as you live near a store that sells ice cream, you're good to go!

Jeremy Cohen / Peter Stone / Brian Mclaughlin / Luke Imbusch - Silhouettes
I'll write you a thunderstorm, so forlorn it echoes, and shatters everything you fear. You're too dear to let go. If all of the world were to disappear, I'd still be walking around with you here, dreaming of darkness far away. Just relay your smile.