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Sung Won Cho / "ProZD"
"Okay, whatever, take this!" *laser gun zap* "You fixed my shoulder." "GOD DAMMI-"

Peter S. Beagle
bricked up ? ....

Don't worry about being special and simply make your life special to you, please. Go …

Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeaboo
The only person I'm competing with is myself

Tame Impala
Took me 10 seconds to find the < button lol



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If someone tells you that lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep, and in their view, they are the lion and others are the sheep, run. That person is a cannibal.

Biomimicry Institute - What is Biomimicry?
Biomimicry is about valuing nature for what we can learn, not what we can extract, harvest, or domesticate. In the process, we learn about ourselves, our purpose, and our connection to each other and our home on earth.

Robert Jordan - The Dragon Reborn's father
Rand took the last few steps in two sudden strides and grabbed Tam in an embrace. He stood one step down, which brought them near an equal height. In fact, in that posture, Tam almost seemed a giant, and Rand but a child who was clinging to him. There, holding to his father, the Dragon Reborn began to weep.

Robert Jordan - Lan Mandragoran
"If you don't," Lan said quietly from the door, "then you might as well hand her over to the Seanchan." He was not at all abashed from the dark looks the four women who heard his deep voice toll those words like a funeral gong. "You will have to keep her closely. But keep her collared when she wants to be freed and you are no better than they are.

Robert Jordan - Pouring tea
Pouring tea was more complicated than she'd ever assumed. She had to know whose cup to take aside and fill, and whose to fill while they were holding it. She had to know precisely how high to fill a cup so that it would not spill, and how to pour the tea without rattling the porcelain or splashing. She knew when to not be seen and when to make a slight production out of filling cups in case she'd missed people, forgotten them, or misjudged their needs.

Tyler Knott Gregson - Be gentle
Be gentle, always delicate with every soul you meet, for every single morning you wake up, there is someone wishing, silently and secretly, that they had not.

William Blake - Auguries of Innocence
This is an excerpt from the poem "Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake - To see a World in a Grain of Sand. And a Heaven in a Wild Flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand. And Eternity in an hour.

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving - Lord of The Mysteries - Chapter 1
A gaudy and dazzling dreamworld filled with murmurs instantly shattered. The sound asleep Zhou Mingrui felt an abnormal throbbing pain in his head as though someone had ruthlessly lashed at him with a pole again and again. No, it was more like a sharp object pierced right through his temples followed by a twist!

~Unknown~ - Type
I really like those quotes that are just so easy to type that it almost feels like your fingers are flying out of control because they're moving so fast. Those quotes that are not too short and not too long make perfect typing records.

Greg Daniels - The Point - Pam Beesly
I thought it was weird when you picked us to make a documentary. But, all in all, I think an ordinary paper company like Dunder Mifflin was a great subject for a documentary. There is a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?

Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator
Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes! Man who despise you, enslave you... who regiment your lives. Tell you what to do, what to think, or what to feel. Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men; machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate; only the unloved hate... the unloved and the unnatural.

Friedrich Nietzsche - The Gay Science
One day we reach our goal - and now we point with pride to the long journeys we took to reach it. In truth we did not notice we were traveling. But we got so far because at each point we believed we were at home.

You want to come into my life, the door is open. You want to get out of my life, the door is open. Just one request... don't stand in the door, you're blocking traffic.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Jose Mourinho is a big star... He's cool. The first time he met my wife he whispered to her: "Helena, you have only one mission. Feed Zlatan, let him sleep, keep him happy!" The guy says what he wants. I like him.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic
At Barca, players were banned from driving their sports cars to training. I thought this was ridiculous - it was no one's business what car I drive - so in April, before a match with Almeria, I drove my Ferrari Enzo to work. It caused a scene.

Jake Peralta - Opening Line Brooklyn 99
This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. I spent all these years trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat. I'm not becoming like them. I am them.

Unknown - Don't Be Sad
Don't be sad. There's too many beautiful things in life to be sad. Don't be sad. Focus on the positivity of your life, there's always something there. Don't be sad. Someone out there loves you, don't feel alone. Don't be sad. I love you.

This Disney DVD is enhanced with Disney's FastPlay! Your movie and a selection of bonus features will begin automatically. To bypass FastPlay, select the Main Menu button at any time. FastPlay will begin in a moment.

Nathan Feuerstein - Story
Woke up in a bad place, should probably get up so I'm not late. Stared at my phone for the past eight minutes at nothing, my head aches. Bottle's empty by the lampshade, I'm out of Excedrin again, great. Too early to tell, but at this rate, I'm thinkin' this might be a bad day.

MuteMath - Achilles Heel
I'm a man on a mission, working hard for the vision. I preach love all around, but I can't get these clowns to listen. I will die as a martyr, a brimstone firestarter, and proud to burn down the town, to drown it in the baptismal water.