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J.K. Rowling
Congrats, you found a comment made by an actual person! In all seriousness though, please …

hope things turned out okay for you
Playing the English Gentleman M.K. Gandhi

Dr. Seuss
This was a challenging quote. I love it.

Neil Gaiman
A similar idea to another quote - good stories happen to people who can tell …



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Death came after it's Angel, attempting to kill the monster that it had become. Their blades clashed, and they say that the sound still rings across the eons of the universe. The battle only lasted one night, but it left scars upon the earth that will never heal. Flashes of heavenly fire lit the darkened sky. But when the light of the sun touched the land, Death rose victorious. But while the Angel was gravely wounded, Death was unable to kill it.

In the forest walked a king. The moon formed a crown for the boy and a cape of blood viscously dripped down his back. His hand held a blade glinting with red.

Ocean Vuong
"You're not a monster," I said. But I lied. What I really wanted to say was that a monster is not such a terrible thing to be. From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the Old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: centaur, griffin, satyr. To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once.

Tommy Hamrus - The 4 Types of Person
There are four types of people: one is a person who cares a lot; two, a person who doesn't give a shit at all; three, a person who does both; and fourth, a person who just wants to fuck around.

Anonymous - Heartbreak
You could say I fell in love with the idea of staying, but I couldn't say I fell in love with you. I fell in love looking over the dying lands, the excitement turned into heartbreak. You could say I fell in love with the idea of us, but I couldn't say I fell in love with you.

T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, you cannot say, or guess, for you know only a heap of broken images.

zzeekkee - The word world
How many of these quotes have the word world in them? The answer is very many and somehow I stumble over that word again and again. I have practiced that sucker a lot but more is obviously needed. The world has bigger problems though, as do I.

(insert a name here) - YOUTUBE
YouTube is a magical place with over a million people users watching and uploading videos! If you don't have YouTube then get the crap out of here and go download it. Now. Anyway-! YouTube is a place where you can watch tons of videos! Comedy, Horror, Video Game Walk-Throughs, you name it! You can even make your own videos and post them there if you please. Once you get 1k (1,000) you start making money! Thanks for listening to my ted talk.

Dryer Company - Dryers
Dryers help protect the environment. They save trees from being used as paper towels and eliminate paper towel waste. They are more sanitary to use than napkins and help maintain cleaner facilities.

Hilary Duff - Why Not
You think you're going nowhere when you're walking down the street. Acting like you just don't care when life can be so sweet. Why do you want to be like that? 'Cause if there's nothing new, you're not fooling no one, you're not even fooling you. So walk a little slower and open up your eyes. Sometimes it's so hard to see the good things passing by. There may never be a sign, no flashing neon light telling you to make your move or when the time is right, so why not take a crazy chance?

Lemony Snicket - Horseradish
Unless you have been very, very lucky, you have undoubtedly experienced events in your life that have made you cry. So unless you have been very, very lucky, you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit.

The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Starkid - Professor Hidgens - Robot Assistant
Think of all that we take for granted now that was once foretold in the pages of Bradbury and Asimov. Look no further than my robot assistant... Alexa. Once confined to the realm of science fiction, she is now science fact. Alexa! Dim the lights.

The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Starkid - General McNamara - Higher Law
There's one thing you better hurry up and know about me, Paul. I love my country, I do. But the experiences I've accrued throughout my tenure with this organization have given me a deeper understanding of the cosmos and our place in it. I follow a higher law than any institution could decree, and that is the universal truth of love and the strength of the human heart. Would you like to do some light reading on the subject?

The Dismemberment Plan - A life of Possibilities
You dig down underground now. Through the soil, through the cooling clay. As the din fades above you. You're moving, you're secret, you're nowhere it's all good. And no lights lead you onward, and no signs point you on your way. Just earth in all directions, it's endless, it's map-less no compass, no north star.

Henry David Thoreau - Walden
In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line.

college student - Dicipline
I opened my grades on Canvas only to find I received a C on my last assignment. I blinked away tears, but they pushed their way through anyway. I felt like I put just as much time into my assignments as everyone one else but just wasn't as smart. I knew the real answer though. Deep inside I knew I deserved every bit of that grade. Because in the end, it doesn't come down to how smart you are. No, it comes down to how disciplined and willing you are to put in the work needed. So, are you willing?

Heather Hach - Legally Blonde - the Musical
William Shakespeare wrote, "To thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man." I believe this wise statement best applies to a woman, a blonde woman. Over the past three years she's taught me, and shown us all, that being true to yourself never goes out of style. Ladies and gentleman, our valedictorian, Elle Woods.

Mikes György - How to be an Alien - "The trouble with tea"
The trouble with tea is that, originally, it was quite a good drink. So a group of the most eminent British scientists put their heads together, and made complicated biological experiments to find a way of spoiling it. To the eternal glory of British science, their labour bore fruit. They suggested that if you do not drink it clear, or with lemon or rum and sugar, but pour a few drops of cold milk into it, and no sugar at all, the desired object is achieved.

Anonymous - Own's own dark decent
To look into one's own mind, a decision to face the darkest and most damned place known to man. Plunging oneself into the abyss of agony and despair. The brave cower at what lies in the chasm; The unfortunate are cast out, forced to soak in the dark. Marinating in the hellish landscape of one's own psyche.

J.R.R. Tolkien - Never Laugh at Live Dragons
Bilbo had been feeling rather pleased with the cleverness of his conversation with Smaug, but his mistake at the end shook him into better sense. "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!" he said to himself, and it became a favourite saying of his later, and passed into a proverb.