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J.K. Rowling
Congrats, you found a comment made by an actual person! In all seriousness though, please …

hope things turned out okay for you
Playing the English Gentleman M.K. Gandhi

Dr. Seuss
This was a challenging quote. I love it.

Neil Gaiman
A similar idea to another quote - good stories happen to people who can tell …



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Yoke Lore - Beige
Let me go under your skin, and let me find the demon that drives those heavenly limbs. You know you're beautiful, but that isn't half the gold treasure in your soul. What you got? 'Cause I want it all.

Kevin Mitnick - Trophy Hunter
I think I had a smile on my face the whole time. Once again I couldn't believe how easy it was, with no roadblocks being thrown up in front of me. I felt a great sense of accomplishment and the kind of satisfaction I had known as a kid in Little League when I hit a home run.

Wizard 101 + Me :) - Ozzy Dialogue
Plenty of quotes are better to read rather than type. For example: "So this is neat, meeting like this, face to skull, isn't it? Heh. I wonder, maybe you could give me a hand - seeing as I don't have one, right? Maybe we can trade? Surely you need something. You're looking for... Overlord Xerxes? He's been resurrected, has he? That's great... yeah. I mean, how's that fair? Xerxes destroys the world and now he gets what, a second chance? While an unlucky guys like me gets left down here?"

Mumford & Sons - "After The Storm"
And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears. Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

Bojack Horseman - Existential thoughts in rehab
And everyone was like way to go, you made Beverly cry on her last day in rehab. So the thing I keep thinking about is, was it worth it for Beverly to be happy for a little bit, even though it ended up sad? Or would it be better if the whole thing would have never happened? Every time someone leaves rehab, it makes you think about your own progress, some days it feels like you're not progressing at all, other days you think, "Well, maybe a little."

Charles Brettinger
The worst thing about people who say "I could care less" when they mean "I couldn't care less" is that they stole the phrase from those of us who could care less. I could care less. That means my caring level is above zero, but it does not convey any more information.

Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag - Pt.3
There was Robert E. Lee, Beauregard, and Bragg and the south wind blew hard on that ragged old flag. On Flanders Field in World War One. She got a big hole from a Bertha gun. She turned blood red in World War Two, she hung limp and low a time or two. She was in Korea and Vietnam. She went where she was sent by Uncle Sam. She waved from our ships upon the Briny foam and now they've about quit waving her here back at home.

Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag - Pt.2
You see, we got a little hole in that flag there when Washington took it across the Delaware. And it got powder burned the night Francis Scott-Key sat watching it writing say can you see. And it got a bad rip in New Orleans With Packingham and Jackson tuggin' at its seams. And it almost fell at the Alamo beside the Texas flag, but she waved on though. She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill.

Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag - Pt.1
I walked through a county courthouse square, on a park bench an old man was sitting there. I said, your old courthouse is kinda run down. He said, naw, it'll do for our little town. I said, your old flagpole has leaned a little bit and that's a ragged old flag you got hanging on it. He said have a seat and I sat down, Is this the first time you've been to our little town? I said I think it is. He said, I don't like to brag but we're kind of proud of that ragged old flag.

Prakash - Try vimium if you haven't already
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Similar one exists on Firefox as well. One of the most useful shortcut is "f" which gives a 2 letter mnemonic code for all links on the page which one can type to click the link. As a fan of this extension, I really hope some of you will google it as soon as you finish typing this.

Jesse - Bloom Later
Leaving you is so hard to do. Keeps me blue 'til every time you glow, then I start to grow. Can't do it alone anymore in the dirt. Even when it rains, I need your little rays. Some things never change even when they hurt. Where you going? I'm too fast. You say " what you doing?" Don't do that. I've never been a liar, I'm a lilac. And you are my sun, and every season I need you to come back.

Kim Sowol - Invocation.
Oh, name broken in pieces! Oh, name dispersed into the emptiness! Oh, name I call that no one owns! Oh, name that I will die calling! Even at the last I could not. The one word left in my heart. Oh, you that I loved! Oh, you that I loved!

Kim Sowol - The Stream
What is your reason for doing that? Sitting alone by stream. The green grass was sprouting and the water was splashing from the spring breeze. You promised that even if you go, you won't be gone forever. That is what you promised. I sit by the stream each and think about it endlessly: When you promised that even if you go, you won't be gone forever, were you asking me not to forget you?

There are two types of people who say hatred comes easily: people who are hateful, and people who do not know of true hatred. The truth is that hatred must be cultivated carefully, or else it will be impure.

Kentaro Miura - Berserk - Guts
Look, look around carefully. Strain your eyes. At the darkness around us... At the darkness... around me. You said, "anywhere but here." This is where. Here at the border. Gathered by the winds. Those who've met their final destiny hanging between jealousy and regret. Those who failed, swept together here. You say "It doesn't matter where." If you follow me, this is where you'll go! This is your Eden! You run from it. It is no Eden. If you follow me... to this place... the entire world... is a battlefield.

Kentaro Miura - Berserk - Godo
You went alone. You were right beside those irreplaceable things... yet you couldn't bear to immerse yourself together in sorrow with them. So instead... you ran away so that your own malice could burn within you.

Kentaro Miura - Berserk - Guts
The place I belong... Maybe it did exist. I was too stupid and stubborn to notice it, but what I really wished for back then was here. Why do I always see these things after they're done and gone?

Polaris - Crooked Path
There are ghosts in every window, and they'll follow you back home. But if you stay a moment, I can tell you all I know, of how these times have changed us, how they bring us to our knees, how they send us down the crooked path, divide us temporarily.

Voltaire - Memnon the Philosopher
Memnon having thus, in his closet, resolved to renounce women, the excess of the table, play, and quarreling, but especially having determined never to go to court, had been in the short space of four-and-twenty hours duped and robbed by a gentle dame, had got drunk, had gamed, had been engaged in a quarrel, had got his eye knocked out, and had been at court, where he was sneered at and insulted.

Clementine von Radics - The Lion
There is a lion in my living room. I feed it raw meat so it does not hurt me. It is a strange thing to nourish what could kill you in the hopes that it does not kill you. We have lived like this, it and I, for so many years. Sometimes it feels like we have always lived like this. Sometimes I think I have always been like this.