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J.K. Rowling
Congrats, you found a comment made by an actual person! In all seriousness though, please …

hope things turned out okay for you
Playing the English Gentleman M.K. Gandhi

Dr. Seuss
This was a challenging quote. I love it.

Neil Gaiman
A similar idea to another quote - good stories happen to people who can tell …



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Laura Gilpin - Two-Headed Calf
Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum. But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.

ARIZONA - Let Me Touch Your Fire
I've got a cold heart, cold hands. Make you want to be where I am. If you only knew my plans. Oh, if you only knew who I am. Normally, I'd break your heart. I'd love every minute, tear you apart. Late at night I lie awake Just thinking about your pretty face. I'll never leave you on the wire. So baby, let me touch your fire. I'm cold, sick and I'm tired. So let me touch your fire.

Hunkyduckys - Matching Tattoo
I have a matching tattoo with my ex. Before you say anything, at least it wasn't his name. We both have teddy bears on our arms so that when we hold hands the bears would be hugging; how cute. I made sure that it was something that I would like even if our relationship went sideways. It went sideways and I still have a bear that I love.

I support bombing Agrabah. Sure, it's fictional, but that only means that we can bomb 100% of it without using a single bomb. That's very efficient. Then we take the lamp.

Captain Quint - Jaws
You all know me. Know how I earn a livin. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin, little tenderizin, and down you go... I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten.

Ruth Etting - Ten Cents A Dance
Ten cents a dance, that's what they pay me. Gosh, how they weigh me down. Ten cents a dance, pansies and rough guys; Tough guys who tear my gown. Seven to midnight I hear drums. Loudly the saxophone blows. Trumpets are tearing my eardrums. Customers crush my toes. Sometimes I think I've found my hero, But it's a queer romance. All that you need is a ticket. Come on, big boy, ten cents a dance!

Ella Fitzgerald - Into Each Life Some Rain Must fall
Into each life, some rain must fall; but too much, too much is falling in mine. Into each heart, some tears must fall; but someday, the sun will shine. Some folks could lose the blues in their heart, but when I think of you another shower starts.

Code Geass - Shirley's last words to Lelouch
Even though you made me forget everything, I still fell in love with you. Even though my memories were tampered with, I kept falling in love... with you all over again. No matter how many times I'm reborn. I'll keep falling in love with you Lulu. I suppose that it's simply fate. So is that okay then Lulu? And as I'm reborn, I'll fall in love with you over and over I'll keep falling in love with...

John John - Good Habits
Fixing your life sometimes seems like chaos as there are so many things that need your attention. So let me present you some of the most useful habits you can build: brushing your teeth and floss, exercise 10 to 12 minutes per day, drink a full glass of water in the morning and last but not least eat a good breakfast. And always remember: don't try to master a habit that you haven't even started. Let time be responsible for that... and you can patiently see the differences in your life.

The girl who loves you - A Love Letter
I want him to know that I love him with a deep, burning passion. I could start fires with what I feel for you. I want to scream at the top of my lungs that I love him. I've loved him in secret for so many years. And the saddest and most depressing part about this is that you will never know because "us" is not possible. Maybe in an alternate world or another life it would, but not this. I love you to the moon and back.

Sasha Sloan - dancing with your ghost
Never got the chance, to say a last goodbye. I gotta move on, but it hurts to try. How do I love, how do I love again? How do I trust, how do I trust again? I stay up all night, tell myself I'm alright, baby you're just harder to see than most. I put the record on, wait 'till I hear our song. Every night I'm dancing with your ghost. Every night I'm dancing with your ghost. How do I love, how do I love again? How do I trust, how do I trust again?

Sasha Sloan - dancing with your ghost
Yelling at the sky, screaming at the world. Baby, why'd you go away, I'm still your girl. Holding on to tight, head up in the clouds. Heaven only knows where you are now. How do I love, how do I love again? How do I trust, how do I trust again? I stay up all night, tell myself I'm alright. Baby, you're just harder to see than most. I put the record on, wait 'till I hear our song. Every night I'm dancing with your ghost. Every night I'm dancing with your ghost.

unknown - WHEN
When your own mother steals important documents so you would be homeless. When your own sister diseased by jealousy and will do anything to ruin your life, but pretends to be there when you are down. When you do not have anyone to turn too. When you just do not understand, "why?" and it hurts, but don't want to change your transition of being a better person. When all you have is this to vent out!

Aunt May - Spider-Man 2
He knows a hero when he sees one. Too few characters out there, flying around like that saving old girls like me. And Lord knows, kids like Henry need a hero - courageous, self-sacrificing people setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them... cheer them... scream their names. And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them to hold on a second longer.

RuneScape - Deliciousness is power
Deliciousness is the source of my power. For deliciousness infuses every micro-cabbage that forms the world around us. It flows through the cosmos, infusing every living thing - thus binding them together. From the tiniest, humblest cabbage on this world to the giant space-cabbages that will soon arrive to enslave humanity, all are connected by the deliciousness.

Xur - The Last Starfighter
Hear me, Rylans! When the green moon of Galan is eclipsed, Ko-Dan Armada will invade! Very soon, we shall destroy you all. And not even your mighty Starfighters will be able to save you!

Carol Hudson-Hummel - Glee, "The Quarterback" ep. 05x03
When I would see that stuff on the news, I'd shut it off, 'cause it was just too horrible to think. But I would always think, how do they wake up every day? I mean, how do they breathe, honey? But you do wake up. And for just a second, you forget. And then... oh. You remember. And it's like getting that call again and again, every time. You don't get to stop waking up. You have to keep on being a parent, even though you don't get to have a child anymore.

Burt Hummel - Glee, "Love, Love, Love" ep. 05x01
I wish I'd met her ten years earlier. I didn't know then that I was only going to get so much time with her, you know? That she was gonna leave us so soon. I'd take 50 more years of late-night fights about, you know, me working late, or the gas bill, or her letting the milk go bad, for just ten more minutes with her next to me. We only get a few days when you come down to it, Kurt. You know that better than anyone.

Burt Hummel - Glee, "Theatricality" ep. 01x20
We meant it exactly the way you meant it. That being gay is wrong. That it's some kind of punishable offense. I really thought you were different, Finn. You know, I thought that being in Glee Club and being raised by your mom meant that you were some, you know, new generation of dude who saw things differently. Who just kinda, you know, came into the world knowing what it's taken me years of struggling to figure out. I guess I was wrong.

Damyan Damyanov - When you are at the bottom
When you are crushed and have nowhere to go, and you're enclosed between four walls, from all your cut-off roads you make a new road and walk on it like it was old.