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J.K. Rowling
Congrats, you found a comment made by an actual person! In all seriousness though, please …

hope things turned out okay for you
Playing the English Gentleman M.K. Gandhi

Dr. Seuss
This was a challenging quote. I love it.

Neil Gaiman
A similar idea to another quote - good stories happen to people who can tell …



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William Shakespeare - King Lear - Act 2 Scene 2
O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars are in the poorest thing superfluous. Allow not nature more than nature needs, man's life is cheap as beast's. Thou art a lady. If only to go warm were gorgeous, why, nature needs not what thou, gorgeous, wear'st, which scarcely keeps thee warm.

Ai Yazawa - Paradise Kiss - George's Gift
My monochrome world suddenly flooded with rich colors. That's what George's presence meant to me. Even if our paths don't cross again, that alone will never change.

Stephen King - Pet Sematary - Louis and Rachel's Fight
"Because maybe you ought to be the one," he said. "You can tell her we don't talk about it, nice people don't talk about it, they just bury it - oops! but don't say 'buried,' you'll give her a complex." "I hate you!" Rachel sobbed and tore away from him. Then he was of course sorry, and it was of course too late.

Alyssa Sheinmel - Faceless
I also understand that who I am is fluid, ever-changing, impossible to pin down - no matter how much I'd like to make a list and stick to it. And who I am would be ever-changing even if I hadn't been out running that morning, even if I'd never heard the words electrical fire or face transplant.

Sophie Kinsella - Finding Audrey
The park is a riot of sunshine and ducks quacking and children shrieking, but right now it's as though the whole world has shrunk to his face. His brown hair, his honest eyes, that crescent smile.

unknown - Listen Linda, listen!
I have gone up; I have gone down. I will meet you at the mall, maybe. No! Better yet, I will meet you where you thought you saw me, but it wasn't me and then you tried to kiss me. Funny huh? If not, at my place where it began and ended. You copy that Linda?

Malthus - An Essay
The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the Earth to produce subsistence for man. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison of the second... It is no longer a prediction.

Billie Eilish
I had a period in my life where I decided that I would never be bored again and that, if I had any free time at all, I would make plans, and I would always be doing things. It actually was great for a year or so, but then I lost all of my friends.

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness
Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light. Two are one, life and death, lying together like lovers in kemmer, like hands joined together, like the end and the way. - Fly off the Handle
"Fly off the handle" is an American phrase that comes from the way an axe-head which has come loose will fly off of its handle in an unpredictable manner and strike any innocent person or object in its way.

Ted Dekker - Circle Series
Some would say the Creator is a lamb. Some would say he's a lion. Some would say both. The fact is, he is neither a lamb nor a lion. These are fiction. Metaphors. Yet the Creator is both a lamb and a lion. These are both truths.

Ted Dekker - Circle Series
How can there be love without a true choice? Would you suggest that man be stripped of the capacity to love? This was the Great Romance. To love at any cost.

Ted Dekker - Circle Series
He did change history. He did, he did!" Gabil hopped again, twice, lost his footing, and toppled to the floor. He bounded to his feet and did a little jig of sorts. "Ha! It's fascinating! It's magnicalicious!" "Please, settle down. That's not even a word." "Why not?" Gabil said. "If Thomas can change history, I think I have the right to change a few words.

Coldplay - Viva la Vida
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing. Roman Calvary choirs are singing. Be my mirror, my sword and shield. Missionaries in a foreign field. For some reason I can't explain. Once you go there was never. Never an honest word. That was when I ruled the world.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - The Little Prince
To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

MTG - The Tale of Odum and Broadbark
Odum and Broadbark were the only beings mighty enough to challenge the giant Moran the Destroyer. Their battle lasted a hundred dawns, until Moran became so exhausted that he fell into namesleep. He awoke as Moran the Gardener.

Karl Pilkington - Happiness
I think happiness is a bit like cake. If you have cake every single day of your life you'll get sick of it. If you're happy every day, you'll get sick of being happy... That's a good saying actually. Happiness is like a cake. Have too much of it and you'll get sick of it.

Notice - Law
The brief fact of the case is that the Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh issued a notice which was published in newspaper in the first week of August 2001 notifying that the selections to be conducted in all the district of the State for filling up Group 'C' posts in a different department. The aforesaid notice was followed by an advertisement dated 29.8.2001 issued by the District Magistrate, Moradabad specifying the vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of such selection in the.

Jatin Yadav - Quote of the Day.
One of the best quotes that I've ever read is that if something makes you happy then it does not have to make sense to anybody. Just do it and live your life to the fullest.

Robert Jordan - The Great Hunt
He was a soldier. He was a shepherd. He was a beggar, and a king. He was a farmer, gleeman, sailor, carpenter. He was born, lived, and died Aiel. He died mad, he died rotting, he died of sickness, accident, age. He was executed, and multitudes cheered his death. He proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn and flung his banner across the sky; he ran from the Power and hid; he lived and died never knowing.