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J.K. Rowling
Congrats, you found a comment made by an actual person! In all seriousness though, please …

hope things turned out okay for you
Playing the English Gentleman M.K. Gandhi

Dr. Seuss
This was a challenging quote. I love it.

Neil Gaiman
A similar idea to another quote - good stories happen to people who can tell …



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They Might Be Giants - Ana Ng
Make a hole with a gun perpendicular to the name of this town in a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation - showing the home of the one this was written for. My apartment looks upside down from there. Water spirals the wrong way out the sink - and her voice is a backwards record. It's like a whirlpool, and it never ends. Ana Ng and I are getting old and we still haven't walked in the glow of each other's majestic presence.

They Might Be Giants - Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
Memo to myself: do the dumb things I gotta do, touch the puppet head. Quit my job down at the carwash, didn't have to write no one a goodbye note. That said, "The check's in the mail, and I'll see you in church, and don't you ever change." If the pu-pu-puppet head was only bu-bu-busted in - I'll see you after school. Put your hand inside the puppet head. Put your hand inside the puppet head. Put your hand inside, put your hand inside, put your hand inside the puppet head.

Oscar Wilde - A Portrait of Dorian Gray
You must have a cigarette. A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?

John Kennedy Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces
Employers sense in me a denial of their values. They fear me. I suspect that they can see that I am forced to function in a century I loathe. This was true even when I worked for the New Orleans Public Library.

keyhero user - Marx
The tl;dr for Karl Marx's theory of surplus value is that the rich exploit the poor by paying them less in wages than what their labor is really worth. If a worker at Taco Bell gets paid nine dollars an hour, the amount of money the worker makes for the corporation in an hour is actually higher. Other than the amount of time that a worker earns the nine dollars, the worker is enslaved.

keyhero user - Laws
Laws are inherently conservative. It takes the same effort to abolish them as it takes to enact them, which weighs in favor of preserving the status quo. The workaround is to insert a "sunset provision" that says the law will expire on a given date.

keyhero user - Past and future visions of the future
Since the advent of cinema, science fiction filmmakers have consistently concretized their visions of what life in the future might look like. As CGI constantly improves and VR becomes more mainstream, the visions become more tangible. Kubrick was already remarkably prescient in "2001," and now we have shows like the Expanse. We have Unreal Engine 5. As we improve our visions of the future, our predictions are altered. They become more accurate.

Madara Uchiha (Masashi Kishimoto) - Wake Up to Reality
Listen! Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars, and hatred is born in order to protect love.

Itachi Uchiha - Reality
Each of us lives dependent and bound by our individual knowledge, and our awareness; all that is what we call "reality." However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies. Don't you think that's true?

John Legend - All Of Me
My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind. 'Cause all of me loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning. Even when I lose, I'm winning.

Dennis Reynolds - You Haven't Thought of the Smell!
Dee... I swear to God, you would be of more use to me if I skinned you and turned that skin into a lampshade. Or fashioned it into a piece of high-end luggage. I could even add you to my collection!

George Carlin - A modern man
I'm a modern man, a man for the millennium, digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I've been uplinked and downloaded. I've been input and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing. I know the downside of upgrading.

Donald Rumsfeld - Know Unknowns
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.
One issue with immigration not talked about is that for example, Mexico has about twice as many horses per capita compared to the USA. This means it is crucial to allow Mexican immigrants to escape from being surrounded by those vicious equine murder beasts while ensuring that those responsible for the high horse population don't bring their horses to the US.

Anonymous - Baby don't hurt me
I've seen a couple quotes starting with "What is love?" now, and each time I start instinctively typing "baby don't hurt me." But the quotes are never about the song, they're just philosophical ramblings about love and hatred and whatever. It always messes up my WPM and accuracy. I feel like a fool every time.

Gilbert Alexander - Outlived Usefulness
Well, that's the end of the Alpha Series. The Pair Bond simply worked too well. That madwoman Tenenbaum bit the company hand, turning some of the bonded Sisters human again. Others were... lost to Splicers. Either way, the trauma proved too much for the bonded Protectors, resulting in unreasoning rage, or coma. We can harness their suicidal aggression as foot soldiers... but no more, I'm afraid. Today I saw one kneeling near a Gatherer's Garden and... crying.

Anonymous - Positivity
I've been called a positive person by friends, coworkers, bosses, and family. I disagree with their categorization of my personality. In truth, I feel I feign positivity in order to avoid any unwanted attention. It seems a cultural pressure for those who are positive to help those who are not, but what of those who rejoice in negativity? What of those who feel that viewing life negatively has given them a closer relationship with reality? I've come to appreciate both sides of the coin.

Xavier Renegade Angel - Pet Siouxicide
Every luxury has a deep price. Every indulgence, a cosmic cost. Each fiber of pleasure you experience causes equivalent pain somewhere else. This is the first law of hemodynamic. Joy can be neither created nor destroyed. The balance of happiness is constant. Fact: Every time you eat a bite of cake, someone gets horsewhipped. Every time two people kiss, an orphanage collapses. Every time a baby is born, an innocent animal is severely mocked for its physical appearance. Don't be a pleasure hog!

Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities
The mechanical work was a mechanical substitute for eating and drinking; the hands moved for jaws and the digestive apparatus. If the bony fingers had been still, the stomachs would have been more famine pinched.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.