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Dr. K - Talent
Talent is a scam. Talent is the external way of viewing a very good intuition. So now the question becomes, what is the difference between these people? So if you wanna develop your intuition, there's a couple of things you need to do. The first is take in a lot of information, the more you take in, the more your intuition will grow. Second thing, we need a low level of chronic stress and a high level of acute stress. Third, when inputting information, be active with it.

SNS unknown - Never give up
If you give up before you have accomplished what you are wanting to achieve what do you have? You have waisted time, effort, emotion. Nothing can change that apart from you. You are your biggest supporter. Things aren't going to go the way that you would like. That is the beauty in failure. So never give up on the things that you would like to succeed in.

Into the Woods
If you know what you want, then you go, and you find it, and you get it. And you give and you take, and you bid and you bargain, or you live to regret it. There are rights and wrongs and in-betweens. No one waits when fortune intervenes! Only two more tries, then we'll have our prize. When the end is in sight you'll realize if the end is right, it justifies the means.

Stephen King - Don't answer that phone! -- Pet Sematary
He was working his way back to the stove when the telephone rang. Don't answer that, you don't want to answer that because that's the bad news, that's the end of the leash that leads around the corner and into the darkness, and I don't think you want to see what's on the other end of that leash, Louis, I really don't think you do, so don't answer that phone, run, run now, the car's in the garage, get in and take off, but don't answer that phone. He crossed the room and picked it up.

MariChristine - Quick.
Quick. Quick. Quick. It's a fast-moving quote that won't leave you flustered and bothered. We can all go fast, right? Quick. Quickly get that right pinky finger down to the question mark key! Up over the one now! Yes! How's that working for you?

Sarah LeGare - Yes!
I saw another quote that asked if you ever come across your own quotes and the answer is yes! every time I get on here I find a quote that I have written which is funny because there are thousands of quotes on here!

A Very Sympathic Artist
Sometimes, I think about all the sketches I've killed when drawing. They are so important to my art and it feels wrong to erase them like they never existed in the first place. It's why I draw digitally, so I can keep them forever and they never have to die.

anonymous - Pointless positivity
Life is hard, it beats most people down and leaves us wanting for something that we really don't know how to obtain: A life that's beyond distant, an existence that seems out of reach. There have been few people in this world that know where that is, and many of them receive no accolades in this world, in fact they often receive the worst of it during their time here; despite that they still care for other's, and have learned to look past the issues plaguing this world and it's people.

Wilbur Smith - The Sound of Thunder
Sean Courtney returns from the African wilds to find war has been declared between the British Empire and the Transvaal Republic. Not only that, but a rivalry is growing between the cruel, obsessive son who bears his name, and his elder, secret son, whom he cherishes deeply. The Boer War will take from Sean, in both blood and gold, but the conflict and its consequences will also offer him everything a man could want. Sean must now decide: with both sons in his life, does he keep them both?

MariChristine - Medical (partial)
The patient reports that his blood pressure has been stable. He denies any hemoptysis, fever, chills, night sweats, chest pain, palpitations, lower extremity edema, or abdominal pain, as well as, change in bowel habits, hematochezia or melena, dysuria, polydipsia, polyuria, or prostate issues.

Dr. Fleischman - HPI sample
The patient is a 55-year-old male presenting in the office today. He is here for a 2-year follow-up for atrial arrhythmia. He denies a history of surgical intervention for this condition. He continues on an anticoagulant daily. He denies any palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, syncope or near syncope, and lower extremity edema. He uses a CPAP at night and denies any paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Ruthlessnes - Posidon
In all my years of living it isn't very often that I get pissed off. I try to chill with the waves, but damn, you crossed the line. I've been so gracious and yet, you hurt this son of mine. That's right, the cyclops you made blind, is mine... Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.

George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
Prose today consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house. I list below, with notes and examples, various of the tricks by means of which the work of prose-construction is habitually dodged.

Alan Watts - Alan Watts - Dream Quote excerpt
Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.

United Stated Air Force - Airman's Creed
I have answered my Nation's call. I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight, and win. I am faithful to a proud heritage, a tradition of honor, and a legacy of valor.

anonymous - Self-esteem
We're always encouraged to have "healthy self-esteem" and to keep working on "loving ourselves." But when does self-esteem become egotism? Isn't it selfish to spend time "loving ourselves" when we could actually be working on selflessness and humility?

Timothy - Reply to @loresjoberg
I don't know man. Neuroscientific research has shown that new neuronal pathways are easier to form when someone is starving. That means that if you teach a man how to fish while they're starving, they may just learn it faster. I think it has something to do with triggering our survival instinct, which helps us retain and integrate new information more efficiently.

Anonymous - Don't judge a book by its cover
The viscous yapping canines drew the farmer out of his home, his shotgun in hand. The farmer immediately went into action, cocking his gun, and aiming at the wolf. He didn't even need to think, assuming that the wolf was attacking his sheep. And like that, the wolf dropped to the ground, blood spewing from its skull.

Anonymous - Kindness
We're told to practice kindness at all times, but no-one really does. Are you kind when you eat ham? Are you kind when you eat beef? Are you kind when you treat animals more horribly than we used to treat slaves? Think about it next time you settle down to a burger.

Raven Storms - Hex Appeal
I'd been searching for years for unconditional love, not realizing that the only one that mattered was me. Nothing else mattered except my love for myself.